
  1. 针对大城市停车泊位严重不足,停车结构单一、停车设施利用率低等问题,在总结国外成功经验基础上。

    The citys parking problems show that the construction of parking lots falls back seriously , the design of parking is singleness , the using efficiency is low .

  2. 面对重组完成和新一轮网络建设即将展开的实际情况,如何减少电信重复建设,提高基础设施利用率成为必须解决的问题。

    Faced new round of Restructuring of telecom operators , and the situation of network large-scale construction start , it is must be addressed that how to reduce telecom duplication and improve infrastructure utilization .

  3. 这种发展模式存在许多弊病,例如运行复杂、系统安全性低、输电设施利用率低等。

    However , the operation mode of the interconnection has many disadvantages , such as complicated structure and low security , and the utilization ratio of power and transmission equipments are also not high .

  4. 目前,城市的纵向交通与横向交通的冲突愈来愈突出,二者处于极不和谐的状态,导致现有的道路交通设施利用率进一步降低。

    The clash of the lengthways traffic and transverse traffic is becoming more and more markedly and the lengthways traffic and transverse traffic is not harmonious , leading up to the using-efficiency of traffic facility becomes more lower .

  5. 本文首次提出了物流设施设备利用率理论。

    Logistics installation and equipment utilization is the basic factor of establishing logistics companies .

  6. 竖井井筒装备一次成型从物流设施设备利用率看第三方物流企业的规模问题

    Installation of Shaft A Research on the Scale of TPL Company With Installation and Equipments Utilization

  7. 体育场馆设施的利用率、质量和性能不高,处于一般水平。

    The efficiency , quality and performance of these sports facilities are not high , reaching a so-so level .

  8. 使现有交通基础设施提高利用率的有效方法便是采取科学的控制与管理手段。

    The effective way to improve the utilization of the existing transport infrastructure is to take scientific means of control and management .

  9. 严重的交通堵塞降低了交通基础设施的利用率,增加了人们出行的时间成本和燃油消耗,同时带来了严重的空气污染。

    Serious traffic congestions lower traffic infrastructure utilization ratio , increase people travelling time costs and fuel consumption , and at the same time bring serious air pollutions .

  10. 集装箱航运企业通过建立联盟实现了船舶舱位和码头共享,提高了设备设施的利用率。

    Container shipping enterprises realized the sharing of the shipping accommodation and port facilities through the establishment of alliance , and improved the utilization rate of the equipment and facilities .

  11. 一个设计良好的物流园区布局不仅能提高设施的利用率,提高货物的周转速率,还能强化其对园区周边物流活动的辐射能力。

    A well-designed logistics park will not only improve the utilization of facilities , the goods turnover rate , but also to strengthen its ability to radiate around the park to the logistics activities .

  12. 第五、我国农民工对体育公共场地设施的利用率不高,收费性场体育场所几乎见不到农民工的身影,而开放性的体育公园和体育广场比较受欢迎。

    Fifthly , domestic migrant workers have low utilization rate of public sports facilities . It is difficult to find them in the charged sports facilities while the open sports park and square are favored by them .

  13. 基于ITS系统的发展,运用智能停车诱导系统将能有效的提高停车设施的利用率,并能减少车辆停车时的无谓绕行,缓解交通拥堵。

    Based the development of ITS , using intelligent parking guidance system will rise the utilize rate of the parking establishment effectively , and can reduce the vehicles useless running in the road to better the traffic condition .

  14. 通过对车辆信息的采集和分析获取准确的交通参数,为交通状况监控和交通诱导管理等提供可靠的数据支持,提高现有基础设施的利用率。

    Some accurate traffic parameters can be obtained through the collection and analysis of vehicle information . It provides reliable data for traffic management , traffic surveillance and traffic guidance , and greatly enhances the utilization of existing infrastructure .

  15. 一是加大经费投入是前提;二是增强物质设施的利用率是根本;三是提高高校体育的文化底蕴是内涵。

    On one hand is to increase the input of funds is the premise ; on the other hand is to enhance the sports material usage and utilization of facilities is essential ; last point is to increase the physical facilities cultural connotation .

  16. 云计算应用的快速推广,促进了虚拟化技术的发展应用,虚拟化技术的实现减少了软件虚拟机相关开销,支持更广泛的操作系统,充分提高基础设施的利用率。

    The rapid adoption of cloud computing applications promotes the development and application of virtualization technology . The implement of virtualization technology reduce the overhead of software virtual machine , support a wider range of operate system and fully enhance the utilization of infrastructure .

  17. 如何提高电动汽车的保有量,提高能源供给设施的利用率,同时降低可能对电网产生的不利影响,发挥电动汽车接入的优势,使电网与电动汽车用户效益最大化是目前急需解决的问题。

    There are some urgent issues to be settled , such as increasing the quantity of electric vehicles , improving the utilization rate of energy supply facility , reducing the possible adverse effects on power system , exploiting advantages of electric vehicles plugging and maximizing the benefit of investors .

  18. 水肥一体化滴灌技术是提高设施蔬菜水分利用率的有效途径之一。

    Technology of drip irrigation of integral control of water and fertilization is one of the most important measures to improve water use efficiency under protected cultivation .

  19. 船公司通过船舶、码头共享,提高设施设备的利用率,减少对集装箱运输设施设备的投资,从而降低投资和经营的风险,获得规模经济效益;

    Through sharing ships and docks , lines ' have succeeded in raising utilization ration of equipments , reducing investment in equipment of container transportation , so that the risks of investment and management have been reduced , and large-scaled economic returns have been acquired .

  20. 制约学生余暇体育最主要有两大因素:(1).场地设施的缺乏、利用率不高。

    There are two factors that restrict their leisure sports activities . Firstly , the students are in lack of playgrounds and the utilization rate is low .

  21. 当城市常住人口对流动人口的承载能力低下时,盲目的增加常住人口对基础设施的消耗,将使基础设施的利用率下降;

    When a city has a lower capacity of permant population , the irrational addition of floating population may cause unnecessary infrastructure depletion .

  22. 积极落实每天一小时体育锻炼的工作,将其制度化,并列入教学计划;加强场馆建设,优化体育场馆、设施的管理,提高体育场馆设施的利用率,延长体育场馆设施的使用时间。

    The college should actively implement the program of an hour exercise every day , and put it into teaching plan , strengthen construction , optimize the sports venues and facilities management , improve sports facilities , extend the using time of the sports facilities .

  23. 进一步加大对篮球场、馆设施的投入,提高场、馆设施的利用率。

    To further increase the basketball court , museum facilities , improve the market , the Museum facilities . 4 .

  24. 加大学校体育设施建设力度、改善体育场地、设施条件提高场馆利用率。

    Increase school sports facilities construction dynamics , improve the stadium field , facilities condition improving mansion utilization ratio . 3 .

  25. 加快基础设施的网络化,不仅能提高现有的资源与设施的利用率和产出效益,也会极大地促进地区间生产要素的自由流动,减少区域内的交易成本。

    Accelerating infrastructure network , it will not only enhance the existing resources and facilities utilization and output efficiency , but will also greatly promote inter-regional free movement of factors of production , reduce transaction costs within the region .

  26. 搞好矿区设备、设施循环利用,对于降低成本、提高经济效益、提高设备设施资源的综合利用率具有重要意义。

    It is very important to make good use of the recycle mechanism of equipment and establishment for the mining area to reduce costs , enhance economic efficiency and improve the use rate of equipment .