
shè jì shǒu cè
  • design manual;design handbook
  1. 本软件以相关的专业理论,设计手册,调试规范作为开发依据。

    The software is based on the major theory of air conditioning , and design manual and TAB criterion .

  2. 本文对现行给排水设计手册推荐的管网平差的电算程序作了若干改进。

    In this paper some improvement is provided for Hardy Cross program towards recent edition of Water and Wastewater Design Manual .

  3. 该系统是一个交互性的Web应用程序,相当于一个网络版的机械设计手册。

    This system is a interaction Web application , and is something like a mechanical design handbook of Internet version .

  4. 基于AutoCAD的机械设计手册的开发与应用研究

    Based on the Design Graphics Manual of AutoCAD

  5. 介绍了开发产品设计手册电子查询系统的程序设计技术及在Delphi应用程序中运用OLE自动化技术控制AutoCAD绘图的方法。

    The paper discusses the development of inquiry system for product design handbook . The method of controlling AutoCAD drawings in Delphi application by OLE Automation is also presented .

  6. 采用VISUALFOXPRO作为开发工具,建立表面粗糙度标注查询数据库系统,并将其嵌入AutoCAD,开发在AutoCAD中调用电子化设计手册的实时查询系统。

    And establishing the query database system for marking roughness by Visual FoxPro . By integrating the query database system into AutoCAD , the real-time query system which can invoke an electronic designing handbook in AutoCAD is developed .

  7. 本课题以抚顺液压件厂的液压缸产品样本为基础,同时也参考了许多机械设计手册,通过对AutoCAD进行二次开发实现了液压缸的计算机辅助设计。

    With the second-development of AutoCAD , based on the hydraulic cylinder product stylebook of FuShun hydraulic element factory , and at the same time consulting many mechanical design handbooks thus hydraulic cylinder computer aided design come into reality .

  8. 以AutoCAD2005最新版本为开发平台,采用activexautomation技术,利用VBA和Access2003为工具,介绍了尺寸配合、公差的查询及自动标注的参数化开发过程,使设计者真正地可以完全离开设计手册。

    Based on AutoCAD 2005 , using the technology of activex automation , VBA and Access 2003 , this article introduces the developing process of automatic marking about dimensional fits and tolerance , and makes the designers really leave the handbooks fully .

  9. 数值是从约克设计手册上搞来的,那

    Value is out of York to design manuals , that

  10. 面向机械设计手册的基于Pro/Toolkit的联轴器标准件库开发

    Mechanical Design Handbook Oriented Coupling Standard Part Library Development Based on Pro / Toolkit

  11. 参考设计手册,对不同蒸汽出口压力下的闪蒸罐参数进行了计算,设计了整套系统的控制方案。

    The parameters of flash can are calculated in different outlet pressure of steam , and operation method is designed for the system .

  12. 《拱桥》,公路桥涵设计手册编写组,人民交通出版社,1978年。

    " Arch Bridge ", Compile Group of Design Manual for Highway and Bridge and Culvert , The People 's Communication Publishing Company , 1978 .

  13. 强调了发掘老专家的智慧是提高《航空发动机设计手册》撰写质量的关键。

    Finally , it has been stressed that the wisdom of experienced experts is a key factor to improve the quality of Aeroengine Design Manual .

  14. 综合评价表明:该公式简单、准确、适用范围广,最大误差不超过1.6%,对生产实践及水工设计手册编制均有参考价值。

    Error is less than 1.6 % , so it will be useful in engineering practice and in course of compiling handbook of hydraulic structure design .

  15. 崩塌分类和崩塌稳定性检算方法已被《岩土工程勘察设计手册》和《地质灾害勘查指南》等采用。

    The classification methods and the calculating methods for the stability of collapses are used by Geotechnical Investigation and Design Manual and Geological Hazards Investigation Guide .

  16. 因此,研究机床夹具数字化设计手册软件和三维标准件图库系统对满足数字化时代工程技术人员的需要具有重要的作用。

    Thereby , studying on digitization design handbook for machine fixture and three-dimensional standard library is important to meet the demand of engineering technician in digitization times .

  17. 同时发现《飞机设计手册》中薄板受某线性载荷作用时的临界载荷因子不够精确。

    It is found that some buckling loads listed in the " Aircraft Design Manual " are inaccurate for one case of plates subjected to linearly distributed loadings .

  18. 但目前现有的采暖空调设计手册中涉及间歇采暖热负荷计算的内容很少,没有系统的阐述热负荷的特点和计算方法。

    But there are a few of contents and no provision about the calculation of the intermittent heating load in handbooks of the heating and air conditioning design .

  19. 文章还探讨了利用现有设计手册中的现成电阻、电抗标么值进行计算还是改用另一种电阻、电抗标么值进行计算等有关问题。

    This paper also discusses the justification of this proposed methed compared with the method using the per unit value of resistance and reactance in the design manuals .

  20. 计算发现,一般设计手册和设计软件中考虑的荷载组合工况偏少,不足以得出最不利内力。

    It can be concluded from the calculation that there are not enough load combinations to find out the most dangerous internal force in usual design manual and design procedure .

  21. 内锥孔、外锥台同时存在的轴在航空机械中得到广泛地应用,但机械设计手册上未对这一情况给出具体地解决方法。

    The shafts with inner and outer cones is applied widely to aviation machine , but the definite calculating approach of their rigidity isn 't given in current machine design manuals .

  22. 在《采矿设计手册》第3卷载的圆弧拱巷道断面积公式是近似计算的,其值比本文推导公式的值稍小。

    The formula presented in Tom3 of 《 Mining Design Manual 》 is for approximate calculation , the area value determined from which is some less than that obtained from the formula given here .

  23. 本文通过参考文献、设计手册、实际生产等调查手段,收集相关基础资料,并进行分析总结,为城市供水厂综合模型的构建奠定基础。

    By reference , handbook , the actual production , and other investigative techniques , collecting basic data and anglicizing , the integrated model of urban water treatment works lay the foundation for the building .

  24. 建立了先张高强钢绞线预应力混凝土空心板最小板长计算公式,为进行这类板材的性能研究和设计手册的编制提供了依据。

    In this paper the least length calculating formula of prestressed concrete hollow slabs with pre-tensioning high strength steel strand was established , that provides a basis of researching on such slabs and compilation of design hand books .

  25. 基于Pro/Engineer平台建立面向机械设计手册的通用三维标准件库系统,标准件库系统由参数化模型库、尺寸数据库和用户接口三部分组成。

    Mechanical design handbook oriented standard part library system of couplings is developed based on Pro / Engineer platform . The system consists of three elements : a parametric model database , a dimension database and a user interface .

  26. 分析了采场顶板锚杆锚固机理,依据锚杆设计手册和经验公式,结合后观音山具体工程条件和围岩力学性质,进行锚杆支护设计。

    Analysis on the roof bolt support anchoring mechanism , according to the anchor design manual and empirical formula and combined with its specific engineering condition and properties of surrounding rocks , have a stope roof bolt support design .

  27. 环槽式双万向联轴器是螺杆泵的重要动力传输部件,目前我国基本依赖进口,国内的设计手册中尚无相应的设计和计算方法。

    Circle-trough double universal joint is an important power transmission part of the screw pump , at present in our country this part basically depend on overseas importation , and there is no corresponding designing method in domestic design manual .

  28. 综合有关规范、设计手册和施工手册中对复合地基中土桩和灰土粘的讨论,就作用原理、设计计算等方面进行了全面论述。

    This paper gave a complete description about the working principle , design and calculation of the soil piles and lime soil piles of the compound foundation on the basis of synthesizing the relevant regulations , design guide and construction manual .

  29. 硫酸装置转化工段管壳式换热器的工艺计算方法,在《硫酸工艺设计手册·工艺计算篇》中已作了详细阐述,其壳体部分的计算较烦琐。

    The process calculation method for the tube shell type heat exchanger of the conversion section of the sulfuric acid plant has been detailed in the Process Calculation Chapter of the Handbook for Sulfuric Acid Process Design . The calculation for the shell portion is quite complicated .

  30. 本论文经过分析以前各种成型机械的优点及不足之处,先通过实验找到生物质成型的合适条件,依据研究所得的成型理论并参考机械设计手册设计出了新型的成型机械。

    The paper analyzes each kind of the existed biomass briquetting machine 's the merits and the deficiencies , first find the appropriate condition through the experiment , then design a kind of new biomass briquetting machine by one kind of new theory using the machine design handbook .