
jiǎnɡ zuò jiào shòu
  • chair professor
  1. 医学讲座教授赖李金龙处引用了2008年海外研究发现泰诺福韦,一抗逆转录病毒药物,有效地抑制了乙肝病毒DNA水平。

    Department of medicine chair professor Lai Ching-lung cited a2008 overseas study that found Tenofovir , an antiretroviral drug , effectively suppresses the DNA level of the hepatitis B virus .

  2. 讲座教授:热心为聘任学校服务,科学道德高尚,学风严谨,为人正派,富于合作精神;

    For Chair Professor : being responsible , respectable and honest and having strong sense of team spirit ;

  3. 本科生的这几门课程几乎完全是通过讲座教授的。

    Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture .

  4. 斯特恩勋爵是伦敦经济学院ig帕特尔讲座教授,格兰瑟姆研究所气候变化和环境方向的主任。

    Lord Stern is the Ig Patel professor and chair of the Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment at the London School of economics .

  5. 在课程质量方面,认可率达到86%,另外有90%的学生对课程讲师的水平给出了四分或五分的评价。在线课程的所有讲座教授同时也在教授哈佛商学院的全日制MBA课程。

    On course quality , the approval figure hit 86 % , while the quality of the course instructors - all endowed professors who teach in Harvard 's full-time MBA program - won a four or five grade from 90 % of the participants .

  6. 同年,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学法学院设立了菲尔普斯讲座教授。

    The same year the UBA Law School established the Catedra Phelps .

  7. 目的:设立永久性的财务学讲座教授教席,以培育财经人才,回馈社会。

    Objectives : To nurture talents for the field of Finance and support quality academic development .

  8. 浙江大学、武汉大学、山东大学、西南交大等讲座教授;

    Zhejiang University , Wuhan University , Shandong University , Southwest Jiaotong University professor lectures , etc. ;

  9. 对长江学者讲座教授,学校提供临时住房一套;

    For part-time professors of the Yangtze River , a flat for temporary residence will be provided .

  10. 第七,通过专题讲座教授文化。第八,邀请外籍教师就国外的风俗进行讲座。

    Seventhly , foreign teachers can be invited to give lectures on foreign customs to the Chinese college students .

  11. 特聘教授12人和讲座教授4人。学校有全日制普通本科生35523人,硕博士生16117人,外国留学生565人。

    SCU has 35 523 full-time undergraduates , 16 117 master and doctor degree candidates and 565 overseas students .

  12. 美国耶鲁大学历史学迪尔沃思讲座教授、国际安全研究项目主任保罗·肯尼迪可称为近二三十年来最享盛名的国际关系史和战略史学家。

    Paul Kennedy is one of the most renowned historians in the recent 20-30 years for international relations and strategy .

  13. 剑桥商务英语课程教学体会及与相关学科关联度分析(英国牛津、剑桥的)钦定讲座教授

    The Linkage Between the Cambridge Business English Certificate ( BEC ) Course and the Major Management Disciplines a R - professor

  14. 我们亦深感荣幸,邀得歇拿奴教授出任中大医学荣誉讲座教授。

    We are also most honoured and privileged to have professor Ignarro agree to serve as our Honorary Professor of medicine .

  15. 事项:《信报财经新闻》捐助二百万予岭南大学,成立「信报财经新闻财务学讲座教授」教席。

    Subject : HK $ 2 million was donated to Lingnan University to establish " HKEJ Chair Professorship of Finance " .

  16. 本周二,西南财经大学在官网上发布公告,证实卢勇是该校的一名讲座教授。

    On Tuesday , SUFE posted a statement on its official website , confirming Lu was a guest professor at the university .

  17. 长江学者讲座教授:雷新根教授1999年我所被批准为长江计划特聘教授设岗单位;

    Institute of Animal Nutrition , Sichuan Agricultural University , was authorized the position of professor fellowship of Changjiang Scholar Program in1999.Dr .

  18. 教育所杨深坑教授为全国唯一获得二次国家讲座教授。

    Professor Yang shen-keng of Graduate Institute of education is the only professor who has been awarded the national chair professorship twice .

  19. 以大学授课资格制、编外讲师制及讲座教授制为核心的德国高校教师制度随着时代的变迁发生了一定程度的变革。

    The faculty system in Germany based on habilitation , private lecturer and chair system has undergone some changes along the vicissitude of this country .

  20. 我们深深引以为荣首位圣严汉传讲座教授能够有这样优秀的学者,来体现本讲座的价值与期许。

    We are proud that the Sheng Yen Professorship is being filled by a scholar whose work exemplifies the values that the Foundation wishes to encourage .

  21. 程介明,香港大学教育学院讲座教授、校长资深顾问;

    Professor Kai-ming Cheng ( SBS , JP ) is Chair Professor of Education and Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Hong Kong .

  22. 统计学「长江学者讲座教授」。汤涛教授今夏将前往北京航空航天大学进行为期两个月的交流,负责领导该校的航空学术研究工作,及协助制订未来的研究方向。

    Professor Tang will spend two months at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this summer , leading the University 's research efforts and assisting in its planning .

  23. 其中之一就是G.H.哈代,那个时代最卓越的数学家之一,1931年从牛津大学回到剑桥,担任萨得莱恩讲座教授。

    One of these was G.H. Hardy , the most distinguished British mathematician of his time , who returned in 1931 from Oxford to take up the Sadleirian Chair at Cambridge .

  24. 例如,中国教育部建立了一种“讲座教授”的资助模式,让被选中的学者每年在中国度过两三个月,同时还保留着他们在西方国家的终身教职。

    China 's education ministry has , for example , created a category of grants that allows chosen academics to spend two to three months in China while keeping their tenured professorships in the West .

  25. 卢勇,是西南财经大学的一名短期讲座教授,在上海飞纽约的美联航某航班起飞前,他要求升舱。

    Lu Yong , a guest professor with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics ( SUFE ) , demanded a seat upgrade prior to his United Airlines flight from Shanghai to New York Sunday afternoon .

  26. 西南财经大学近日在学校官方网站发布通报,大闹赴美航班的西南财经大学短期讲座教授已经被校方解聘。

    A guest professor of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has been sacked for causing a disturbance on a plane bound for the US , according to a statement posted on the university 's official website .

  27. 编外讲师是19世纪德国学术职业生涯整体设计的一个创新,它与讲座教授分别作为起点和顶点,共同构成完整但陡峭、充满风险但富有吸引力的德国学术职业道路。

    Private docent was a great innovation of German academic career in the 19th century . Private docent as jumping-off point and chair professor as zenith respectively , they constitute an integrated but steep and risky academic career of Germany , which is also a magnetic choice for scholars .

  28. 两院院士19人,国家批准有突出贡献的中青年专家17人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授11人、讲座教授3人,国家杰出青年基金获得者14人。

    It has 19 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering , 17 middle-age experts with outstanding contributions at the national level , 11 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 3 resident professors and 14 recipients of State Outstanding Youth Foundation .

  29. 欧文-白壁德比较文学讲座退休教授

    Irving Babbitt Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus

  30. 给我们做关于后现代主义讲座的教授以前在海军工作过。

    The professor who gave us a lecture about postmodernism had formerly been in the Navy .