
jì yì sànɡ shī
  • Memory loss;loss of memory;lethe
  1. 失忆症中的记忆丧失足以使我们失去自我。

    The loss of memory in amnesia can cause us to lose ourselves .

  2. 这种精神衰退性疾病影响了全世界成千上万的人。其症状包括记忆丧失,思维混乱,出现语言和理解方面的障碍。

    Symptoms of the degenerative illness-which is thought to affect hundreds of thousands of people around the world-include loss of memory , confusion and problems with speech and understanding .

  3. 病人的高烧使他的记忆丧失殆尽。

    The patient 's high fever deleted most of his memories .

  4. AD是一种进行性脑紊乱,它能导致记忆丧失、模糊思维、以及诸如拨电话号码的简单行为的困难。

    Alzheimer 's is a progressive brain disorder that can cause memory lapses , fuzzy thinking and difficulty in performing simple activities , such as dialing a phone number .

  5. 在那项研究中,日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)的研究人员喂食一组小鼠,使之易于患上啮齿动物的阿尔茨海默症和严重的记忆丧失。

    In it , researchers at Kyoto University in Japan gathered a group of mice bred to have a predisposition to developing a rodent version of Alzheimer 's disease and its profound memory loss .

  6. 大脑中DHA的低水平与记忆丧失、情绪波动有关,如阅读障碍、注意力缺陷、多动障碍和孤独症。

    Low levels of DHA in the brain have been linked with memory loss , mood swings and conditions such as dyslexia , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism .

  7. 我们知道MCI或阿尔茨海默症患者有较少的脑容积,但在这之前,我们不明白这些脑部结构变化是否存在,在记忆丧失开始之前达到什么程度?

    We knew that people with MCI or Alzheimer 's disease had less brain volume , but before now we didn 't know if these brain structure changes existed , and to what degree , before memory loss begins .

  8. 大概常见的早期症状是短期记忆丧失。

    Probably the most common early sign is short-term memory loss .

  9. 患者主要表现为进行性记忆丧失和认知功能障碍,严重危及人类的健康和生活。

    Memory loss and cognitive impairment were shown in patients .

  10. 这种药物使人浑身无力并且导致记忆丧失。

    The drug incapacitates the person and causes memory lo .

  11. 长时记忆丧失和痴呆症都与这种乙酰胆碱传递被削弱有关。

    In chronic memory loss and dementia , the acetylcholine transmission is impaired .

  12. 记忆丧失,你不觉得那是神经学症状?

    Memory loss . you 're saying that 's not a neurological symptom ?

  13. 可以解释攻击行为、猝倒和记忆丧失。

    It would explain the aggressive behavior , the cataplexy , the memory loss .

  14. 短暂性完全遗忘是一种以一过性记忆丧失为主要特征的临床综合征。

    Transient global amnesia is a clinical syndrome characterized by the transient memory loss .

  15. 许多公司正搜寻这种抵挡记忆丧失的药物。

    Many companies are hunting for drugs to fend off this sort of memory loss .

  16. 维拉:好的,像是皱纹和老年斑,耳聋及记忆丧失问题等。

    Vera : Okay , like wrinkles and age spots , deafness and memory loss .

  17. 主诉记忆丧失老年受试者动脉硬化与认知功能的关系

    Relationship between arterial stiffness and cognitive function in elderly subjects with complaints of memory loss

  18. 这归因于数年后发展成为记忆丧失的脑的变化。

    This points to changes in the brain that develop years before the actual memory loss .

  19. 然后要求他们计算每一次记忆丧失造成的时间或金钱浪费。

    Then they are asked to estimate how much time or money each lapse of memory cost .

  20. 能够提高智力的蓝莓:研究表明蓝莓有助于防止和扭转年龄相关的记忆丧失。

    Boost brainpower with blueberries . Studies have shown blueberries help prevent and reverse age-related memory loss .

  21. 有些人能够免受伴随着年老的记忆丧失:是的,音乐家。

    Some people may be protected from the hearing loss that often accompanies aging : yes , musicians .

  22. 结果,感激本身就必然包含了善意的自欺欺人,包含了让部分记忆丧失掉的麻木。

    As a result , gratitude itself contains self-deception for goodwill and numbness causing the loss of some memories .

  23. 汞中毒的症状包括颤抖、记忆丧失、易怒、视力听力下降。

    Symptoms of mercury poisoning include tremors , memory problems , irritability , and changes in vision or hearing .

  24. 老年痴呆症的患者遭受着记忆丧失,决策能力受损和言语和行动技能减退的痛苦。

    Those afflicted with Alzheimer 's suffer from memory loss , impaired decision-making , and diminished language and movement skills .

  25. 《神经科学》近期发表的斯坦福大学的一项研究展示出了记忆丧失和遗忘的好处。

    The benefits of memory loss and forgetting were demonstrated recently in a Stanford University study published in Nature Neuroscience .

  26. 米德尔顿称,研究表明即使低强度身体运动也能降低思维障碍和记忆丧失的风险。

    Laura Middleton says the research showed that even low-intensity activity reduced the risk of thinking problems and memory loss .

  27. 遵循非物质文化遗产的内在规律是消除记忆丧失的首要条件

    To Follow the Inherent Law of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is the First Condition on How to Eliminate " Memory Amnesia "

  28. 根据诺桑比亚大学的一个研究小组的调查,和那些不吸烟的相比,烟民的记忆丧失的更多。

    According to a study by a team at Northumbria University , smokers lose more of their memory when compared to non-smokers .

  29. 而对于初始位置未知或者因系统故障导致位置记忆丧失的情况,模糊问题是不可避免的。

    But for the situations without initial position or the position record losing due to system fault , the ambiguity must be handled .

  30. 虽然这种作用机制药物不能治愈疾病本身,但它能缓解记忆丧失症状。

    While a drug that worked in this way wouldn 't cure the disease itself , it might rescue the symptoms of memory loss .