
  • 网络computer grid
  1. 关于计算机网格(GRID)的研究,已成为下一代计算机网络的研究目标,也有一些人把网格看成是未来互联网技术。

    The computer grid has emerged as a new computer network technology under worldwide research and will replace current Internet technology in the future .

  2. 一种基于计算机网格的仿人形机器人控制系统的设计

    Design of a System for Humanoid Robot Control Based on Computer Grid

  3. 因此,借助当前计算机网格技术,建立计算化学网格平台,推进e-Science系统的建设,将在很大程度上促进计算化学乃至化学学科的发展。

    Therefore , using the grid technology to establish grid computing platform can promote the development of e-Science system , computational chemistry even the chemical disciplines .

  4. 一种面向电冰箱测试的计算机网格系统

    A Computer Grid System Based on Refrigerator Testing

  5. 基于计算机网格技术的射击训练、比赛系统的研究与探讨

    Study and Research on Shooting Training and Competition System Based on Computer Grid Technology

  6. 为此,提出了一种基于计算机网格(以下简称网格)的仿人形机器人控制系统,并给出了该系统的具体实现方法。

    Therefore , this paper proposes a grid-based control system for a humanoid robot , and gives a method to realize it in detail .

  7. 介绍基于计算机网格技术的射击训练比赛系统的设计,探讨网格技术在射击训练比赛中的应用。

    The paper introduces the design of the shooting training and competition system based on the Grid technology and discusses the applications of the Grid technology in shooting training and competition .

  8. 针对这种需要,本文提出了面向电冰箱测试的计算机网格应用系统模型,相关协议和实现方法,为企业提供了一个网格应用示范系统。

    To satisfy this need , this article will focus on the computer network application system for refrigerator tests , related agreements and implementation methods and will demonstrate the trial application system of grid .

  9. 探讨了城市网格的意义,以及城市方格网的优点,最后结合新的计算机网格概念和生态发展趋势,分析了城市方格网可能的发展模式。

    Taking the grid city as a clue , the paper has discussed the city grid significance and city square grid merit . Finally according to the new computer grid concept and the ecology trend of development , the author has analyzed the city square grid possible development pattern .

  10. 编制了计算机辅助网格局部调整程序,数值例子证明本算法是可靠实用的。

    Algorithms of computer aided meshes local adjustment are given , numerical examples are given to test the reliability and validity of the program .

  11. 网格使能部件具有网格实体、功能服务、智能互连3大特征,计算机部件网格使能中的关键问题包括设备描述、互连互通、资源共享与复用、安全等诸多方面。

    The main characteristics of the grid-enabled component are grid entity , functional service and intelligent interconnection , and the key issues in the grid-enabling technology of the computer components include device description , interconnection , resource sharing and multiplexing , security etc.

  12. 随着计算机技术、网格(Grid)技术的发展,制造业信息化的深入,制造网格(ManufacturingGrid,MG)作为信息技术和制造技术结合的产物应运而生,为网络化制造提供了一个通用的协作平台。

    With the development of the technology of computer and grid , and the constant advance of manufacturing informationization , Manufacturing Grid ( MG ) emerges as the results of combining the information technology and manufacturing , to provide a general platform for Networked-Manufacturing .

  13. 计算机外设部件网格使能协议&gDevice

    GDevice : A Protocol for the Grid-Enabling of the Computer Peripherals

  14. 计算机科学与网格

    Computational Science and Grid

  15. 计算机网络是网格系统的载体,但网格系统面对的安全问题远比网络系统的安全问题复杂。

    Computer network is the carrier of Grid system , but security issues Grid system faced is much more serious than network system faced .

  16. 近年来,由于三角网格模型在几何建模、计算机图形学、网格模型分片等领域的广泛应用,使得人们开始关注于三角网格模型上最短路径问题的研究。

    In recent years , as triangular mesh model is widely used in geometric modeling , computer graphics and partition mesh model etc , people start to focus on research of shortest path problem on triangular mesh model .

  17. 该方法改变了传统做法,对计算机系统定级网格大小确定作出了合理鉴定,本方法对土地定级系统建设和应用具有一定参考和借鉴作用。

    This method has changed the traditional procedure and made appraisal about determination of grading lattice sizes through computer system . The method has a certain reference and model function about the construction and application of urban land classification system .

  18. 给出了由多计算机机群组成的网格(DataParallelComputingGrid-DG)等一系列形式化定义。

    A series of formal definitions , such as the Data parallel computing Grid ( DG ), were given .

  19. 近年来Internet作为一种全球通讯媒介得到了普遍使用,强有力、低价位的计算机和网络使得网格计算的概念广泛流行。

    The concept of grid computing is gaining polarity with the emergence of the Internet as a medium for global communication and the wide spread availability of powerful computers and networks as low-cost commodity components .

  20. 高性能计算机曙光4000A的网格使能特征

    Grid-Enabling Features of the Dawning 4000A High-Performance Computer

  21. 计算机生成三维复杂网格体造型设计

    Design of three dimensional complex grid body form by computer

  22. 计算机之间连接分析网格计算机上的映射方法研究

    Analysis of Linkage Between Computers Methodology of Mapping on Mesh Connected Computers

  23. 网络就是计算机,这是网格的核心观念。

    Network is computer , which is the essential concept of Grid .

  24. 计算机外围设备的网格化研究和实现

    Research and Implementation Based on Grid-enabling of Computer Peripheral

  25. 计算机辅助工程中网格模型的数据处理技术研究

    Research on Data Process of CAE Mesh Model

  26. 当许多所谓的个人认知维度被输入之后,计算机软件以三维网格的形式产生出答案。

    When many so-called personal cognitive dimensions are entered , computer software generates three-dimensional grids that represent the answers .

  27. 在多个计算机机群构成的网格环境下,为了提高异构资源的利用率,提出了一个数据负载均衡模型。

    To improve the utilization efficiency of heterogeneous resources in Multi-Cluster Grid ( MCG ) composed of many computer clusters , a data load balance model was proposed .

  28. 计算机网络技术、网格计算、并行工程技术以及CAD/CAM相关技术的发展,改变了产品开发模式,促进了网络化产品设计的需求与应用。

    The development of computer network , grid computing , concurrent engineering and CAD / CAM technologies not only changes dramatically the model of production process , but also accelerates the demand and application of internet product design .

  29. 针对基于多计算机机群构成的网格的大规模并行计算的需要,对多级分组通信模型的单一机群分组通信进行了研究。

    For the need of large scale parallel computing based on Data Grid that is composed of the multi - clusters , the single clus - ter grouping communication model for multi - level grouping communication has been researched .

  30. 针对铸造凝固过程数值模拟技术存在的缺陷,研究了如何将计算机模拟技术与网格技术相结合,提供强大的网格计算服务,为企业节约生产成本。

    In view of the deficiencies of simulation system of casting solidification process , it is studied how to combine the simulation technology with the grid , and provides the powerful service through grid computing in this paper to decrease the manufacturing cost .