
  • 网络Computer world;PC World;China Computerworld;ccw
  1. 随着3G网络的发展和智能手机以及平板电脑的迅速普及,移动互联网成为了当前计算机世界的最大热点。

    With the development of 3G networks and the rapid popularization of smartphone and tablet PC , mobile Internet has been the current largest hot spot in the computer world .

  2. 经过30多年的使用,UNIX仍然被认为是计算机世界里功能最强、最通用和最灵活的操作系统之一。

    After more than 30 years of use , the UNIX operating system is still regarded as one of the most powerful , versatile , and flexible operating systems in the computer world .

  3. [苹果崇拜组织(CultofMac)援引《计算机世界》(ComputerWorld)]

    ( Computerworld via cult of MAC )

  4. 运行其ChromeOS新操作系统的设备,将会充当基于web的新计算机世界的瘦客户端,有可能比装满桌面软件的微软系统个人电脑更快,更便宜。

    Devices running its new Chrome OS operating system , planned for late next year , would act as the thin clients for this new web-based computing world , potentially making them far faster and cheaper than the software-laden PCs of Microsoft .

  5. KSG于2002年底被《计算机世界》评为年度最佳安全产品。最后,本文对组件化的Web应用系统的研究与开发工作进行总结,并阐述了将来进一步的工作。

    Writer has taken part in the development procedure of KSG . Finally , the paper summarize the work during the design and development procedure , and discussed the further work on modularization to realize Web application system .

  6. 至今,计算机世界都是平面的。

    Untii now , the worid of computing 's been flat .

  7. 在计算机世界里跟不上急速变化的步伐就要付出可悲的代价。

    Failure to keep pace in the fast-changing computer world can exact a woeful price .

  8. 目前计算机世界正处于一个不断改革与调整适应的全新阶段。

    Recently , computer world is in a new stage of continuous innovation and adjustments .

  9. 格罗夫是一个典型的外来者,在上世纪60年代计算机世界诞生时,便投身其中。

    Grove was the classic outsider who found himself in the computing world that came to life in the 1960s .

  10. 软件工程面对的不仅仅是非计算机世界而是既存计算机系统的比例越来越大。

    Software Engineering faces not only the non-computer world , but also the ratio of legacy systems getting more and more big .

  11. 在计算机世界中常常会出现这样的情况:在过去一年中运行良好的系统忽然有一天硬件系统无法满足它的需求,因此需要更多的资源。

    Many times in the computing world , systems that worked well a year ago outgrow their hardware and suddenly require more resources .

  12. 有时急骤的变化有点恼人,可是GNU/Linux还只是计算机世界的小小孩子,我们总是喜欢着它。

    Sometimes the rapid changes are annoying , but GNU / Linux is a child of the world and we will always love it .

  13. 伴随所有关于软件和系统安全的议论,计算机世界似乎处于一片混乱中,这会让许多人不禁问道:“我有多脆弱?”

    With all the buzz about software and system security , the computer world may seem to be in total chaos , leading many to ask ," How vulnerable am I ?"

  14. 《计算机世界》执行社长包冉透露,目前多个具备试点条件的城市成立地方级的试点协调小组,力争入围。

    Baoran , executive director of Computer World revealed that xo many cities who met the trial conditions had built up regional level coordinating groups for trial , and strove to be chose .

  15. 在计算机世界中,隐写术已经成为一种非常高级的技术,它能以各种数据文件类型隐藏信息,比如图片、文档和硬盘空间。

    In the computer age , steganography has become quite advanced and allows for information to be hidden in all types of data files , such as images , documents , and space on a hard disk .

  16. 无线传感器网络提供了一个有效的连接自然界和计算机世界的桥梁,它可广泛应用于国防军事、环境监测、目标跟踪、管道监测等领域,具有广泛的应用价值及市场前景。

    As the effective bridge of nature world and the computer world , WSN with widely application value and market prospect , can be used in national defense and military , environmental monitoring , target tracking , pipeline monitoring , and other fields .

  17. 他对塑造成长于过去半个世纪的计算机世界所做的贡献不亚于任何人,并且在这个过程中定义了深谙现代管理思想的企业文化。

    He did as much as almost anyone to shape the computing world that has emerged over the past half century - and , in the process , to define the business culture that has taken such a powerful grip on modern management thinking .

  18. 受自然界的灵感启发,人工免疫系统对计算机世界特别重要,因为它用来检测、识别、学习、记忆和消除计算机病毒、故障等特定目标,这些特定目标也可能是未知的、非常复杂的。

    Inspired from nature , artificial immune system is very important for computer world , because it is used to detect , recognize , learn , memorize and eliminate special objects , which are possibly unknown and even quite complex , such as computer viruses , faults and so on .

  19. 确实是这样,IBM(美国国际商用机器公司)的总裁,托马斯J华特森在五十年代说过他认为计算机的世界市场大约只有五台。

    Indeed Thomas J Watson , Chairman of the Board of IBM said in the 1950s that he thought there was a world market for about only five computers .

  20. 确实是这样,IBM(美国国际商用机器公司)的总裁,托马斯·J·华特森在五十年代说过他认为“计算机的世界市场大约只有五台”。今天地球上拥有7亿台计算机,很显然,华特森先生错了。

    Indeed Thomas J Watson , Chairman of the Board of IBM said in the 1950s that he thought " there was a world market for about only five computers . " With more than 700 million computers on earth today , Mr Watson was clearly wrong .

  21. 便携式计算机在世界上是最小的办公室。

    The laptop computer is the smallest office in the world .

  22. 他们研究科技犯罪以及对我们这个依靠计算机的世界所带来的影响。

    His group studies technology crimes and their effects on our computer-dependent world .

  23. 最重要的是,计算机在世界范围内建立了广泛的交流。

    Computers , most important of all , create wide communication around the world .

  24. 计算机在世界上被广泛地应用。

    Computers are widely used in the world .

  25. 在计算机虚拟世界中,虚拟人脸是虚拟人表情达意的载体。

    Virtual facial is expressing carrier of virtual people in the virtual world of computers .

  26. 事实上,如果没有计算机,世界将不可能如此迅速地发展。

    In fact , such a rapid development of the world seems impossible without computer .

  27. 因为计算机的世界不仅仅是更新数据,更多是关于抽象的描述。

    Because the world of computing isn 't just about updating data , it 's about abstractions .

  28. 将年轻人吸引到令人激动和兴奋的计算机科学世界之中,已经变成了一件困难的事情。

    It has become difficult to interest young people in the exciting world of computers and computer science .

  29. 在计算机网络世界,因特网在许多方面像是一个松散的“联邦”。

    On the computer net world , Internet is like as a loose " union " in many aspects .

  30. 所谓无缝交互,就是彻底实现计算机数字世界与实体世界紧密结合的一种方式。

    The so-called seamless interaction , that is , the full realization of the computer design of the digital world and physical world is tightly integrated way .