
  • 网络Die;bare chip;bare die;KGD
  1. 由于功率裸芯片具有大电流、耐高压、发热大等特点,一般裸芯片的KGD技术不能直接运用于功率裸芯片。

    The power bare die has the characteristics of large current and high temperature , so the KGD technology of general bare die cannot be used in the power bare die .

  2. 目前在半导体封装制程中,裸芯片通过芯片互连方法将其焊区与封装外引脚连接起来完成一级封装,经切筋成型后通过焊接工艺与基板(PCB板)连接。

    Currently in the semiconductor packaging process , the die chip connect with Lead frame pin by the chip interconnect to achieve the one step package , and after Trim / Form chip connect with the substrate ( PCB board ) by the soldering process .

  3. 这种A/D转换器在36.5mm×10.5mm的双层薄膜布线陶瓷基板上组装了18个IC裸芯片和其他片式器件及电阻网络,并封装于32引出端双列直插式陶瓷管壳中。

    The MCM of A / D converter consists of 18 IC chips , some surface mount devices and resistor networks on 36.5 mm × 10.5 mm ceramic substrate with double layer routing .

  4. 在市场上逐步推广的液晶模块(LCM)生产中,其LCD系列驱动电路的封装工艺主要采用裸芯片的COB(chiponBoard)封装方式。

    In mass production of LCD module under widely developed market , the assembly process of LCD drive circuits is based on COB ( Chip on Board ) technique .

  5. 裸芯片在HIC和MCM应用领域有着广泛的市场,其质量和可靠性保证一直受关注。

    Bare chips find wide application in the fields of HIC and MCM , whose quality and reliability assurance have been concerned about .

  6. 倒装焊(FC)是多芯片组件(MCM)裸芯片焊接的主要方法,也是MCM的一项关键技术,其焊接质量直接影响MCM的性能和可靠性。

    Flip chip is not only one of the main bonding method of bare MCM but also a critical technology of MCM . Its solder quality directly affects the performance and reliability of MCM .

  7. 本文中也设计了一种平衡放大器作为发射通道的末级功率放大器,它运用了两只功率放大器裸芯片和一个Wilkinson耦合器设计了一个平衡放大器作为发射通道的高功率末级功率放大器。

    This article also designed a balanced amplifier as the end of transition channel , which used the two power amplifier chips and a bare Wilkinson coupler .

  8. 裸芯片组装微电路失效机理的研究

    Research on failure mechanism of assembly microcircuit with bare chips

  9. 试验结果表明,该流程是一种可行的对功率裸芯片进行有效老炼筛选方法。

    The experiment result shows that the testing and burn-in screening procedure is feasible without damage of the bare die and carrier .

  10. 功率裸芯片广泛应用于汽车电子、家电等电子系统的功率模块,确保所使用的裸芯片具有高度的可靠性是提高产品成品率的关键。

    The power bare die has applied widely in power modules of electronic system such as automobile and domestic electronic appliances and so on .

  11. 裸芯片由于其本身具有的特点而被广泛应用于HIC/MCM等新型的封装形式中。

    As a result , bare dies are widely used in the new encapsulation technology currently , such as HIC and MCM , because of their advantages .

  12. 简要介绍为满足日益增长的低功耗、轻重量、小体积系统的应用需求而涌现出的多种裸芯片封装与多芯片叠层封装技术。

    This paper introduces a number of bare and multichip module stacking technologies that are emerging to meet the ever increasing demands for low power consumption , low weight and compact systems .

  13. 本文以北京微电子技术研究所自行研发设计的803陀螺为研究对象,分析其结构及特性,探讨了其接口电路的设计,设计驱动及检测电路并对陀螺裸芯片进行了测试。

    In this paper , I research on 803 gyroscope designed independently by Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute , by analyzing its structure and characteristics , exploring its interfacing circuit and design driving and test circuits .