- 网络planned consumption

There are blind consumption , follower consumption , human-relationship consumption , unrealistic consumption , etc.
The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .
We must turn the economy round and address the long-standing challenges associated with our entitlement programmes , spending policies , regulatory approaches and tax systems .
The main manifestations are : frugal consumption , consumption and wait-and-see consumption lag . Third , the consumer behavior out of plan , namely the impulsive consumption behavior .
Tame the impulse . Use a self-enforced waiting period whenever youre tempted to make an unplanned purchase . Wait for a week and see if you still want the item .
Companies know that if you 're focused while you shop , you 'll be less likely to make impulse buys or make purchases you didn 't intend to make while wandering the aisles of the store .
Amazon is reportedly planning to produce its own brand of consumer goods products , such as snacks and washing powder .
The plan is to switch to consumption , and the stock markets anticipate success .
But Republicans note the president also plans a new tax regime on energy consumption that will affect Americans of every income level .
Your neighbors could also have more money than you do because they prioritize differently , and pay from their savings for projects that they want done .
They have turned cautiously optimistic in recent months , however , as rush orders came in from China , where Beijing 's $ 585bn stimulus package is boosting consumer demand .
They have gone about this with a combination of near-zero interest rates , massive fed financing of mortgages and various consumption incentives , such as rebates for new homebuyers and cash for clunkers .
But only 9 % of Chinese urbanites actually plan to use the cards this year , according to a Boston Consulting Group survey in 2011 .
It has tried to target the price and distribution of credit more precisely . This has been done through schemes such as the commercial paper programme designed to boost corporate liquidity , or the TALF initiative designed to boost consumer lending .
The program certifies hundreds of consumer products for energy efficiency .
China plans to encourage more domestic consumption .
There is evidence that stimulus moves such as car scrappage programmes and Japan 's eco-points scheme for consumer durables have helped sales .
For weeks , traders have been anticipating that the Federal Reserve will expand a program to buy bonds in hopes of encouraging spending .
Philips Electronics NV said Friday it plans to sell several factories in its consumer-electronics division as part of a restructuring aimed at shedding costs .
Barring a supply-side miracle , the president 's future tax cuts will shift the composition of spending in favour of consumption and against national investment .
The United States is encouraged by China ' s12th five-year plan and the reordering of the Chinese economy toward a more consumer-based economy , Biden said .
A White House plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power stations has exposed a growing rift between consumer businesses that support the proposal and industrial groups that are vehemently opposed to it .
Its position is also in line with the central government 's own economic plan , which favours lifting domestic consumption to reduce reliance on exports for economic growth .
Auto production has also probably bottomed out , with cash-for-clunkers eliminating excess inventories , though the scheme pulled forward demand , making this harder to read .