
  • 网络ICSID;International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes;International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes;International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  1. 终止诉讼[解决投资争端国际中心]

    Closure of the proceeding [ ICSID ]

  2. 调解请求费[解决投资争端国际中心]

    Fee for lodging requests [ ICSID ]

  3. 文章的第二部分则是详尽地分析了解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)中举证责任分配方面的问题。

    The second part of the article analyzes the assignment of onus probandi in the " International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes " ( ICSID ) in detail .

  4. 根据《华盛顿公约》成立的解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)仲裁是投资者-国家条约仲裁的典型形式,其性质为国际商事仲裁。

    Arbitration by International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ( center ), which is established in accordance with Washington Convention , is a typical mechanism of state-investor treaty arbitration , whose character is international business arbitration .

  5. 在国际投资争端仲裁领域中,依据《华盛顿公约》成立的ICSID(解决投资争端国际中心)为解决东道国和外国投资者之间的重大投资争端提供了一种独特的仲裁机制。

    In the area of international investment Dispute arbitration , The ICSID ( International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes ), which is established according to the Washington convention , provides a unique arbitration mechanism to settle the dispute between host countries and foreign investors for the investment .

  6. 已决赔款(万美元)仲裁赔款[解决投资争端国际中心]

    Settled Claim ( USD 10 000 ) | award [ ICSID ]

  7. 执行的仲裁制度[解决投资争端国际中心]

    Administered arbitration system [ ICSID ]