
  • 网络helicase;Helicases;DNA helicase;DnaB
  1. 抗HCV解旋酶人源性单链噬菌体抗体的筛选

    Screening of Human ScFv Antibody of HCV Helicase

  2. 人RNA解旋酶基因家族新成员DVH的克隆与初步功能研究

    Molecular Cloning of a New Member of Human RNA Helicase Family

  3. 杆状病毒DNA解旋酶是病毒复制所必需的。

    DNA helicases are essential for replication of baculoviruses .

  4. 多胺在真核生物DNA复制过程中对聚合酶和解旋酶的作用

    The Role of Polyamine on Polymerase and Unwinding Enzyme in the Process of DNA Replication of Eucaryote

  5. DNA复制、基因表达和调控过程中,DNA解旋酶承担了重要任务,负责打开DNA双链,参与新生链的合成,并在DNA修复和重组过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Acting during DNA replication and gene expression regulation , DNA helicases convert the duplex DNA to single strands and thereby activate the DNA for nascent strand synthesis .

  6. 而其他四种核酸解旋酶突变菌株对γ辐射、UV辐射和过氧化氢等DNA损伤因子较为敏感。

    But the other four nucleic acid helicase mutant strains were sensitive to DNA-damaging agents , such as y radiation , UV radiation , and hydrogen peroxide .

  7. 目标基因属于解旋酶(Helicase)基因家族。通过与香蕉基因组进行Southern杂交分析表明:证实此解旋酶基因来自香蕉,在香蕉基因组中只有一个拷贝,为低拷贝基因。

    The result of Southern blotting indicated that it came from banana and only low copy .

  8. DEAD-boxRNA解旋酶在RNA的新陈代谢过程中起着重要作用,从RNA的合成到RNA的降解都需要它的存在,同时它对植物的生长发育和抗逆反应中起调控作用。

    DEAD-box RNA helicase plays an important role in RNA metabolism , it is required for RNA synthesize to RNA degrade .

  9. 在41个推定基因中,预测出编码DNA末端酶大亚单位、DNA解旋酶B亚单位、肽聚糖结合蛋白及3个尾丝蛋白等6个基因的功能。

    Among 41 predicted genes , 6 genes which encode terminase large subunit , including DNA Gyrase B subunit , peptidoglycan binding protein and 3 tail fiber proteins , were functionally known by analysis of bioinformatics .

  10. 在生命系统中,DNA、RNA和蛋白质起着决定性的作用,成为生命系统中的三驾马车,核酸解旋酶的重要作用自然不言而喻,而在耐辐射球菌中系统性研究核酸解旋酶的文章却罕见报道。

    In life system , Protein , DNA , RNA play a major role and are the troika in living systems . It goes without saying that nucleic acid helicase plays an important role .

  11. vasa基因是DEAD-box家族的重要成员,其蛋白具有依赖ATP的RNA解旋酶活性。

    The vasa gene is an important member in DEAD-box protein family , the Vasa protein is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase .

  12. DEAD盒蛋白家族的ATP依赖性的RNA解旋酶类参与细胞内几乎所有的RNA代谢过程,在几乎所有生物的细胞生长发育过程中扮演着众多不可或缺的角色。

    The ATP dependent RNA helicases of the DEAD box family , involved in almost every cellular process of RNA metabolism , play many essential roles during cell development and growth in almost all organisms .

  13. 结果显示不含解旋酶模序的人类PIF1蛋白质的N-末端,具有使单链DNA复性的特性。

    Our results showed N-terminal region of human PIF1 helicase , which excluded helicase motifs , had single strand DNA annealing activity .

  14. 类RecD解旋酶在生物进化过程中已获得新功能。

    RecD homologues in eukaryotes may have evolved gaining additional functions .

  15. vasa基因编码DEAD-box家族成员中一种ATP依赖的RNA解旋酶,在果蝇中作为生殖质的组成成份被首次报道。

    VASA protein is a member of the DEAD ( Asp-Glu-Alu-Asp ) box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases and initially found as a component of germ plasm in Drosophila .

  16. 解旋酶(helicase)在HCV基因组复制中负责RNA的解链,在复制中起着关键的作用。

    HCV helicase is responsible for unwinding of RNA genome and play a key role in the replication of HCV genome . The HCV helicase gene was amplified by RT-PCR from the HCV positive serum .

  17. 登革2型病毒NS3蛋白NTPase/RNA解旋酶结构域的原核表达及活性研究

    Expression , purification and characterization of NTPase / RNA helicase domain of dengue virus type 2 nonstructural protein 3

  18. RNA解旋酶维甲酸诱导基因-Ⅰ(RIG-Ⅰ)是新发现的细胞内重要的模式识别受体,能识别胞内的dsRNA进而诱导IFN的产生,激活特异性免疫而发挥抗病毒作用。

    RNA helicases Retinoic acid induced gene-I ( RIG - ⅰ) is a newly discovered pattern recognition receptor ( PRR ), acting as a cytoplasmic dsRNA receptor and inducer of IFN production , to activate antiviral immune responses .

  19. DEAD-boxRNA解旋酶是一个依赖ATP的RNA解旋酶大家族,广泛地存在于从原核生物的细菌到真核生物的酵母、植物和动物中。

    The DEAD-box RNA helicases is a big ATP-dependent RNA helicases family , which originates from a wide range of organisms ranging from prokaryotes , including viruses , to eukaryotes such as yeast , plants and animals .

  20. 近几年研究还发现,解旋酶在植物抗逆性方面也起着至关重要的作用。

    Recent studies have shown that helicase also has key effects on stress tolerance .

  21. 方法以解旋酶蛋白为抗原,经过五轮的吸附洗脱扩增,从噬菌体抗体库中筛选出特异性的单克隆抗体。

    Methods The scFv antibody of helicase was screened by five times ' combining eluting amplifying .

  22. 按照此思路,我们进行了有关疟原虫DNA/RNA解旋酶的研究。

    In order to follow this approach we have initiated a systematic study of helicase from malaria parasite .

  23. 通过对这些转基因植株表型的遗传分析,对鉴定解旋酶基因功能奠定了基础。

    Analysis of genetic phenotype of the transgenic plants shed light on understanding the function of the helicase gene .

  24. 这一章简要强调了解旋酶的结构及活性,并提供了在核苷酸代谢中涉及到的解旋酶例子。

    This chapter briefly highlights helicase structure and activities and provides examples of the helicases involved in nucleic acid metabolism .

  25. 在溶液中两种蛋白的解旋酶部分都是呈现圆形的结构,但是与晶体结构中不同的是在其中间有空洞出现。

    In solution both proteins demonstrated circular organization of the Helicases with hole in the middle of the structure unlike crystals .

  26. 控制疟疾的一个可行的办法就是研制出通过阻断疟原虫生长有关的关键酶来抑制其生长的药物,比如通过阻断DNA/RNA解旋酶等。

    One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA / RNA helicases .

  27. 为了更好的理解突变菌株出现的抗逆性表型,我们进一步研究了这6种核酸解旋酶突变菌株的抗氧化活性。

    To better understand the stress resistance phenotype of the mutant strain , we further studied the antioxidant activity of mutant strains of the six nucleic acid helicases .

  28. 疟疾目前仍然是世界上许多地方的一个主要的健康问题;控制疟疾的一个可行的办法就是研制出通过阻断疟原虫生长有关的关键酶来抑制其生长的药物,比如通过阻断DNA/RNA解旋酶等。

    Malaria still remains a major health problem in many parts of the world . One of the possible ways to control malaria could be to discover inhibitors specific for the essential enzymes of malaria parasite like DNA / RNA helicases .