
  • 网络Awakened;The awakening
  1. 觉醒者与当下所是在一起。

    The Awakened one is one with what is .

  2. 这些人物兼具理想主义和现实主义的思想底色,他们是觉醒者、批判者、反抗者、坚守者。

    These figures both idealism and realism ideological background , they are the awakened , the critics , the rebels , the Defenders .

  3. 对于觉醒者来说,梦幻是明显的。

    To one who is awake , the dream is obvious .

  4. 觉醒者只是在体验意识,因为宇宙万有一切只是意识。

    The Awakened One Experiences nothing but consciousness , for there is only consciousness .

  5. 但是对于觉醒者这一切都没有什么差别。

    But to the one who is awake , it no longer makes any difference .

  6. 现在有越来越多的觉醒者,一步步的走进光。

    There are more and more awakening and taking steps along their journey into the Light .

  7. 但我只是一个觉醒者。

    But I am simply Awake .

  8. 这里有一位完全觉醒者出现在普通人醒着的生活之梦中。

    Here is One Who is Wide Awake while He Appears in the dream of ordinary waking life .

  9. 这个蓝图被设计来容许那些觉醒者去忆起所有基于无条件的爱之上的团体的详图。

    This blueprint is designed to allow those who awaken to remember all the details of community based upon unconditional love .

  10. 其人性展现则围绕人性异化者、人性觉醒者和沉于旧梦者的人性内蕴,唱出了复杂的咏叹调;

    His revelation of humanity is a complex combination which centers around the implication of humanity alienation , humanity awakening and the older dreamer .

  11. 觉醒者不需要梦中的任何改变来证明他或她是觉醒者。

    The dream does not have to be changed in any manner for the waking person to feel that he or she is awake .

  12. 觉者不刻意作为,但又不会让事情无法完成。因为所有事情都一刻不停的在觉醒者周围发生着、通过觉醒者发生着。

    The Awakened One does nothing : but leaves nothing undone ; for all thing are happening all the time around and through the Awakened One .

  13. 这些觉醒者无一例外都是孤独者,他们在生活的漩涡中独自挣扎,却往往给人带来意向不到的结局。

    Awakening , without exception , those who are lonely , who lives alone in struggling in the whirlpool , they often bring less than the outcome of interest .

  14. 他在觉醒者之中拥有政治力量,还是最低等的?你对他依然忠诚吗?还是你已经选择抛弃他?

    Does he hold political power among the awakened , or is he a pariah ? Are you still loyal to him or do you prefer to forget him ?

  15. 他不仅具体地描写了觉醒者在生计方面的苦闷,更是深刻地刻画了生活在中西文化第一次全面碰撞时期的觉醒者在灵魂上的痛苦。

    Luxun not only describe the pain of living , but also portray the pain of the aroused man soul in the period of colliding between the Chinese and western culture .

  16. 遍及无数时代漩涡的四千八百①觉醒者似乎在努力拯救一粒沙,那仅仅是金色永恒。

    Eight hundred and four thousand myriads of Awakened Ones throughout numberless swirls of epochs appeared to work hard to save a grain of sand , and it was only the golden eternity .

  17. 值得关注的是,鲁迅在他的小说中塑造了一系列的觉醒者,他们对历史和现实进行各种各样的抗争,在黑暗中摸索着找寻自己的方向。

    It is noteworthy that , Lu Xun in his novel of the awakening of a series of shape , and their history and reality to all sorts of protests , groping in the dark to find their own direction .