
shì xīng děng
  • apparent magnitude
视星等[shì xīng děng]
  1. 发展了一种简单的双温模型用于研究黑子对活动星的视星等、颜色和视Li丰度的影响。

    A simple double temperature model has been developed to study the effects of stellar spots on the apparent magnitude , colour and the apparent lithium abundance of active stars .

  2. 在测试中,粒子燃烧时可以达到-1的视星等,足以在夜晚的天空中清晰看到,即使在东京这样污染严重的城市里。

    In its testing , the particles burn with an apparent magnitude of - 1 , which should ensure they 're clearly visible in the night sky , even in the polluted skyline of a metropolis like Tokyo .

  3. 第二类、第三类则直接利用河外星体的视角径红移关系以及视星等红移关系(θ-z,m-z方法)得到q0的。

    Groups 2 and 3 do so directly from the angular diameter-redshift and apparent magnitude-redshift relations of extragalactic objects ( the θ - z and the m-z methods ) .

  4. 弱光变类星体视星等&红移关系的进一步研讨

    Further discussion on relation of visual MAGNITUDE-REDSHIFT for weak variation QSOs

  5. 恒星的视星等的测量是非常复杂的,即便是对于象孔径测光这样简单的技术也是如此。

    Photometry is surprisingly complex even with a technique as simple as aperture photometry .

  6. 红移与视星等近似关系讨论岩石非均匀性对震级一频度关系的影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Influence of Rock Heterogeneity on the Relation between Magnitude and Frequency

  7. 恒星黑子对恒星视星等颜色和视锂丰度的影响

    The Effect of Stellar Spots on the Apparent Magnitude , Colour and Apparent Lithium Abundance of Stars

  8. Be星的绝对视星等与恒星的转动速度和红外超无关。

    There is no direct correlation between absolute visual magnitudes and the stellar rotational velocity and infrared excesses .

  9. 光变幅度不大于0~m.5类星体的视星等&红移关系

    The relation between redshift and apparent magnitude of qso_s with light variation no greater than 0 ~ m.5

  10. 本文对有射电子源结构类星体的红移、视星等关系进行了统计研究。

    In this paper a statistical investigation has been made on the redshift-magnitude relation of quasars with radio components structure .

  11. 仿真计算表明,天基观测由于不受地球曲率影响,且观测几何拉开,太阳相位角、观测距离变化范围较大,因此目标卫星视星等变化范围较大。

    Theoretical calculation shows that the sun phase angle , observation distance and the brightness magnitude of the targeted satellite change significantly because of no earth curvature effect and large separation distance in position .

  12. 为了研究磁光阱冷原子团所在区域的磁场大小,从而得出磁场零点附近磁场的微弱变化及其分布。弱光变类星体视星等&红移关系的进一步研讨

    In order to make sure the magnetic field distribution around the magneto optical trap cold atoms , the weak variation and distribution around the zero point magnet field can be analyzed . FURTHER DISCUSSION ON RELATION OF VISUAL MAGNITUDE-REDSHIFT FOR WEAK VARIATION QSOS

  13. 由近红外观测结果估算了其在K波段的热改正BCK和视热星等m(bol)以及有效温度Te。

    Prom the results of the near infrared photometry , the bolometric corrections in the K band , the apparent bolometric magnitudes and the effective temperatures can be estimated .