
shì jué yì shù
  • visual arts
  1. 她从马萨诸塞州搬到纽约市上视觉艺术学校(SchoolofVisualArts)后偶然进入了时尚界。

    She fell into fashion by happenstance after moving to New York City from Massachusetts to attend the School of Visual Arts .

  2. 目前,世界上许多国家美术学科的名称有了改变,其中,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国已把美术(ART)改称为视觉艺术(VISUALARTS)。

    At present , the name of the art subject has changed . In the US , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , etc , The term ARThas changed into VISUAL ARTS .

  3. 绝大多数设计师都默认这样一种观点,即时装是视觉艺术的一种有效形式。

    Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art .

  4. 结语,网络PS图片恶搞的发展前景如何?综合前文研究,作者认为:商业的收编和发展成为一种独具特色的搞笑性视觉艺术是比较切实可行的道路。

    Earlier comprehensive study , the authors suggest that : business incorporation , developed into a unique " comedy " in the Visual Arts is a more practical path .

  5. ESL学生和美国本土学生一同充分参与视觉艺术和表演艺术、体育运动和户外教育及旅行。

    ESL student also fully participate in visual and performing arts , sports , and outdoor education and travel alongside native speakers .

  6. 现代视觉艺术与现代听觉艺术的完美结合,构筑了一个极具魅力和吸引力的视听世界,MTV就是这样一种视听兼容的现代艺术。

    The perfect combination of modern visual and audition art constructs a charming and appealing world of vision and audition , MTV being an example .

  7. 罗伯特·克鲁斯(RobertKloos)是荷兰驻纽约总领事馆负责视觉艺术、建筑和设计的官员。他说,经济衰退反而给一些荷兰设计师带来了好处,因为它使荷兰文化界从政府那里得到的优厚补助减少了20%。

    Robert Kloos , director for visual arts , architecture and design at the Netherlands Consulate General in New York , said that the recession did some Dutch designers a backhanded favor by causing the generous government subsidies awarded to the Dutch cultural sector to be cut by 20 percent .

  8. 他同时也是挪威各地公共或私人艺术机构的董事会成员,这些机构包括BergenKunsthall以及BildendeKunstneresHjelpefond;后者是一项成立于40年代的艺术家救助基金,国内所有公开销售的视觉艺术作品的百分之五收入会用于该基金。

    He also sits on the board of many public and private art institutions across the country , including the Bergen Kunsthall and the Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond , an artists ' relief fund dating back to the ' 40s supported by a 5-percent fee levied on all visual artwork publicly sold in the country .

  9. 结构主义和解构主义符号哲学导向下的地图视觉艺术

    Map Visual Art Oriented by Structuralism and Deconstruction of Symbol Philosophy

  10. 论民间美术对现代视觉艺术的影响

    On the Influence of Folk Fine Arts to Modern Visual Art

  11. 我们可以把视觉艺术的表现看成是对人类存在本质的陈述。

    Form of visual thought which reflects the nature of human-existence .

  12. 建筑艺术从某种意义上来说其本质就是视觉艺术。

    The essence of architecture is visual art from some aspect .

  13. 网页设计中视觉艺术表现方法初探

    An Analysis of the Methods of Visual Arts in Web-page Designing

  14. 动画是我国现代儿童喜爱的视觉艺术形式。

    Cartoon art is a visual art form which children love .

  15. 现代视觉艺术与现代文学理论

    The Study about Modern Visual Art and Modern Literature Theory

  16. 艺术学校包括音乐,舞蹈,视觉艺术以及设计。

    Art schools include music , dance , visual art and design .

  17. 《圣经》和基督教教义成为中世纪视觉艺术的底本。

    Bible and Christianity doctrine is the base of the visual arts .

  18. 论勃朗特文学创作的视觉艺术渊源

    Study of the artistic sources of visual artistry of bronte

  19. 解读盖里的设计&托莱多大学视觉艺术中心

    Formative Analysis of the New Art Building in the University of Toledo

  20. 基于网页界面视觉艺术元素的分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research on Web Interface Visual Arts Elements

  21. 艺术教育:视觉艺术评核趋势与社会发展

    Art education & the evaluation tendency and social development of visual art

  22. 法国建筑,视觉艺术新浪潮

    French Archiecture : A New Tide of Visual Art

  23. 作为一门视觉艺术,美术有其自身的语言表达方式。

    As a visual art , art has its own language of expression .

  24. 欲望与视觉艺术研究

    A Study on " Desire " and Visual Art

  25. 室内环境装饰要重视视觉艺术心理

    The Visual Art Psychology in Interior Decoration and Aesthetic

  26. 奥运视觉艺术的设计探析

    The Designing Analysis on Visual Art of Olympic Games

  27. 动画是典型的视觉艺术。

    The animation is typical of the visual arts .

  28. 视觉艺术与景观设计中的力动感

    Sense of Movement in Visual Arts and Landscape Design

  29. 诗有画意&论现代视觉艺术对威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯诗歌的影响

    Influence of Modern Visual Arts on W.C.Williams 's Poems

  30. 论视觉艺术中的怪诞

    A Cultural & Psychological Study on the Style of Grotesque in Visual Arts