
shì tīnɡ zī liào
  • audiovisuals;audiovisual reference material
  1. 视听资料在司法实践中的采信规则该如何把握?

    How to carry out rules of admissibility for audiovisual reference material in judicial practice ?

  2. 视听资料在我国是一种独立的证据种类,它对民事案件过程的再现具有其他证据种类无法比拟的特性。

    Before being used as the evidence , the audiovisual reference material must be reviewed strictly by the legal procedure .

  3. 出示书证、物证和视听资料;

    Presentation of documentary evidence , material evidence and audio-visual material ;

  4. 视听资料证据应用的法律依据

    The Law Base of the Application of Audio and Video Evidence

  5. 视听资料证据效力探讨

    A Probe into the Effectiveness of Video and Audio Material Evidence

  6. 因此,有必要对我国私录视听资料证据效力的认定标准进行重新构建。

    Therefore , it is necessary that the standards be reestablished .

  7. 送鉴视听资料鉴定常遇问题及解决方法

    Problems Commonly Occurred in Presented Audio-Visual Materials Identification and their Solutions

  8. 网络时代视听资料在医学教育中的应用探索

    Application Exploration of Audio-visual Material in Medical Education of Network Times

  9. 第一,视听资料应当作何理解?是视听(资料)与资料还是视听的资料?

    Firstly , how to comprehend the term " Audio-Video Material "?

  10. 第&部分主要是介绍视听资料的一般陛问题。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the general audio - visual material .

  11. 国际视听资料服务处(视听资料处)基于服务器的数据(客户机/服务器数据透视表)

    International Audio-Visual Resource Service Server-based data ( client-server PivotTables )

  12. 视听资料的合法性审查与运用

    STATISTICAL DATA On the Legal Investigation and Application of Audible and Video Materials

  13. 通过借鉴域外先进立法提出重构视听资料收集程序的建议。

    Extraterritorial legislation proposed by drawing on advanced audio-visual data collection reconstruction procedures .

  14. 首先,大胆从视听资料的人类感观方式出发,分别定义视和听,进而界定视听资料的基本概念。

    First the author embarks from the human sense to limiting audio-visual concept .

  15. 年内,图书馆外借供市民在家阅读和使用的书籍及视听资料,共1036万册/项。

    They issued 10.36 million books and audio-cassettes for home use in 1997 .

  16. 论视听资料的法律地位与可采性

    On Legal Status and Admissibility of Audio-Video Material

  17. 刑事诉讼视听资料证据规则

    The Audiovisuals Evidence Rules of the Criminal Suit

  18. 外借服务会扩展至包括各类型的视听资料。

    Lending services will also be extended to include various types of audio-visual materials .

  19. 有些图书馆对这类视听资料中的每一种都备有单独的目录。

    Some libraries carry a separate catalogue for each type of such audiovisual materials .

  20. 政府文件,期刊,微缩胶卷,视听资料,地图等。

    Government documents , periodicals , microfilms or fiche , audiovisual , and maps .

  21. 公共图书馆视听资料管理模式&以东莞图书馆为例

    Audio-visual Resources Management Model of the Public Library & Taking Dongguan Library as an Example

  22. 近十年图书馆视听资料工作研究论文分析

    Analysis on Research Papers about Library Work of Audio-visual Data Published in Recent Ten Years

  23. 民事诉讼证据的合法性&从最高法院关于录音证据的司法解释谈起论私录视听资料的合法性

    The Legitimacy of Evidence in the Civil Litigation Legitimacy of Private Recording of Audiovisual Materials

  24. 重视与开发视听资料是办好现代图书馆的重要方面。

    It is very important for a modern library to fully utilize audio - visual materials .

  25. 外部视听资料&一个现代医学不应忽视的角落

    External video and audio data : a corner should not be ignored in modern medical science

  26. 我国修订后的刑事诉讼法首次将视听资料作为一种独立的证据形式予以规定。

    The audiovisual material was first regarded as the independent proofs in the modified Criminal Law .

  27. 择业辅导组设有两个职业资料中心,向市民提供职业资料,其中包括文字和视听资料。

    The service operates two careers information centres disseminating careers information through written and audio-visual materials .

  28. 指计算机的输出设备;输出的图像不鲜艳、不清晰。出版物和视听资料指南

    Of computer output devices ; producing images that are not sharply defined . Publications and Audio-Visual Guide

  29. 但是,在司法实践中,视听资料的收集往往受到很多限制。

    But in judicial practice , the collection of the audible and video materials is so limited .

  30. 其次提出构建我国私录非法视听资料排除规则的前提保障。

    Secondly , propose to build the premise and guarantee of the private recorded audiovisual materials in eliminating rules .