
shì jiè
  • Horizon;field of view;field of vision;visual field;range of vision
视界 [shì jiè]
  • [visual field] 视野

  • 视界宽广

视界[shì jiè]
  1. bang:重击fieldofvision:视界,视野pure:纯的,纯洁的满口谎言的你还是他交往多年的纯洁女友?

    You , who bangs anything in his field of vision , or me , his pure and honest girlfriend of many years ?

  2. 马克思哲学视界中的人

    On " Human being " in the Field of Vision of Marxian Philosophy

  3. 得到了黑洞的局部事件视界位置和Hawking温度以及Klein—Gordon粒子的Hawking辐射谱。

    We obtain the event horizon and the Hawking spectrumformula .

  4. 二维黑洞Cauchy视界的奇性

    Singularities of the Cauchy horizon in two dimensional black hole

  5. 匀加速直线运动Kerr黑洞的事件视界

    Event Horizon of a Uniformly Rectilinearly Accelerating Kerr Black Hole

  6. 动态Kerr黑洞的三个视界

    Three horizons of the non - stationary Kerr black hole

  7. 本文课题来源于中山市移动公司E视界视频监控系统项目,该系统是第三代监控系统,具备远程监控、集中管理和移动监控等先进功能。

    The project aims to design and implement a third generation video surveillance system , with advanced features such as remote monitoring centralized management and mobile monitoring .

  8. 最后,提出了应对WTO挑战、发展中国研究生教育的几点方略:1、以居安思危的视界、前瞻开放的胸襟、自信的姿态主动迎接挑战;

    The third , some strategic proposals offer for Chinese graduate education to meet the challenges after China enters WTO : 1.Keep an opening and self-confidence posture , 2 .

  9. 并对视界内部的Ernst势进行了有益的讨论。

    The Ernst potential of horizon inside has been studied .

  10. 可强势驱动高性能的游戏,以及我们最强大的各类拍摄功能,例如AppleProRaw和4K杜比视界视频。

    great for high-performance gaming and our most powerful camera features , like Apple ProRAW and 4K Dolby Vision video .

  11. 宇宙与黑洞的视界、质量,Planck粒子

    The Vision Scope ? Mass of the Cosmos and Black Hole , Planck Particle

  12. 电影效果模式拍摄的视频支持杜比视界HDR。

    Cinematic mode shoots in Dolby Vision HDR .

  13. Schwarzschild黑洞视界表面能公式

    Surface Energy Formulae for the Horizon of Schwarzschild Black Hole

  14. 采用一种新的Tortoise坐标变换,约化视界附近KleinGordon方程,得到了黑洞的Hawking温度;

    Considering the Klein-Gordon equation near the event horizon , Hawking temperature is calculated under a new Tortoise coordinate transformation .

  15. 在此指导思想下,利用零曲面方程给出了较为复杂的动态Kerr黑洞事件视界的精确位置。

    According to this instructive idea the incident sight of changing dim star Kerr is located accurately by using zero curve-surface equation .

  16. Kruskal时空视界外二级无穷小邻域是Minkowski时空

    Second order infinitesimal neighborhood outside the horizon of Kruskal space time is Minkowski space time

  17. 双视界黑洞中Dirac场的Planck绝对熵及内外视界的平权性

    The Planck Absolute Entropy of the Two Horizon Black Hole of Dirac Fields and The Equality of Inside and Outside Horizon

  18. 结果表明,BD黑洞存在着2个不同的奇异视界,其视界温度均为非有限值。

    It shows that there exist two different singular event horizons in the BD black hole , whose temperatures are not finite .

  19. 对于耦合场强度的三角空间分布,界面Z形成一个光学事件视界,从而产生类似于黑洞问题的波奇异。

    For a triangle spatial variation of the intensity , the interface forms an optical analogue of event horizon , which causes a wave singularity similar to that associated with black holes .

  20. 给出了匀加速荷电黑洞的Hawking效应和事件视界及相应温度。

    The Hawking effect , event horizon and corresponding temperature of a uniformly accelerating , non stationary , charged black hole are given .

  21. 这就是Klein-Gordon方程在视界附近必定约化成标准波动方程的原因。

    This is why the Klein-Gordon equation must be reduced to the standard wave equation around the event horizon .

  22. 利用黑洞吸积盘演化的基本方程组,在纯吸积情况下,求得了薄、厚吸积盘及一般厚吸积盘的黑洞视界半径rH的演化方程。

    The basic evolution equations of black hole accretion disks are used to derive the evolution characters of horizon radius r H of black hole surrounded by thin the thick disks respectively .

  23. Dilaton-Maxwell黑洞的视界表面引力及量子非热辐射特征

    Quantum Nonthermal Radiation and Horizon Surface Gravitation of Dilaton-Maxwell Black Hole

  24. 结果表明:Weyl坐标可以扩大到虚坐标区域,虚Weyl坐标区域覆盖了真空C度规视界内部区域。

    The result shows : Weyl coordinates can be extended to imaginary coordinate regions . The regions inside the horizon of the vacuum C metric is covered by the imaginary Weyl coordinates .

  25. 动态Kinnersley黑洞的视界

    Horizons of Non - Stationary Kinnersley Black Hole

  26. 从KleinGordon方程出发,利用薄膜brickwall模型,给出了变加速直线运动带电黑洞的熵,得到的熵正好是视界面积的1/4。

    Making use of Klein-Gordon equation , the entropy of this kind of black hole is calculated by thin film brick-wall model . The conclusion is that the entropy is proportional to the area of event horizon .

  27. 提出了动态时空中事件视界的一种新定义,并研究了这个定义与york工作定义之间的关系,结果表明york工作定义存在着迄今尚未被认识的局限性。

    We present a new definition of the event horizon in a non-stationary space-time and investigate the relationship between york 's working definition and our new definition . The results show that york 's working definition has the limitation which is unknown as yet .

  28. 我们指出,对于量子黑洞,计算其Hawking辐射时,为避免发散,我们必须在视界附近引入一个Plank尺度的截断因子。

    We pointed out that in order to avoid the divergence of Hawking temperature , we should introduce a cut-off with the order of Plank scale in the vicinity of event horizon .

  29. 在视界附近解Dirac方程,得到荷电Dirac粒子的四分量波函数。

    Next , we solve the Dirac equation near the black hole event horizon r + and the cosmological event horizon r , and get the four component ingoing and outgoing wave functions .

  30. 结果表明:适当选择截断因子时,静态广义球对称黑洞Dirac场的统计熵与视界面积成正比。

    The results show that the entropy of the Dirac field in a static spherically-symmetric black hole is in proportion with the area of the event horizon when the cut-off parameters are properly chosen .