
  • 网络Economy of Scale;scale economy effect
  1. 在该云经济学白皮书中,Rolf与Michael认为有如下3个领域具备重要的规模经济效应

    In the cloud economics whitepaper , Rolf and Michael identify three areas for significant economies of scale

  2. 这种制造方式的重组是基于规模经济效应,而产生了产业内贸易。

    The reconfiguration is based on economies of scale and resulted in intra-industry trade .

  3. 同时当地发达的金融体系还有助于国内企业与FDI企业建立前后向联系的可能性,有效促进国内企业实现规模经济效应。

    Also a developed financial level can help the domestic enterprises and the FDI enterprise establish a close cooperation relationship and so achieve a Swift growth .

  4. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  5. 企业合并在一定程度上反映了现代社会大规模生产的需要,正当的企业合并有利于企业筹集资金、改善经营管理、发挥规模经济效应,从而提高企业的国际竞争力;

    Business merger reflects the requirements of mass production in modem society .

  6. 标准化产品具有规模经济效应,降低产品成本。

    Standardization can cause economy of scale and lowered cost .

  7. 银行业并购的规模经济效应

    Benefits of Scale Economics Through Banking M & A

  8. 中国企业具有规模经济效应吗?

    Does Chinese enterprise possess the scale economy effect ?

  9. 中国图书出版产业规模经济效应分析

    On Scale Economy Effect of Chinese Book Publishing Industry

  10. 我国商业银行并购的规模经济效应研究

    The Research on Economies Scale of Commercial Bank M & A in China

  11. 第二,影视文化产业的规模经济效应尚未形成。

    Besides , Chinese film and television industry has not formed economics of scale .

  12. 然而,当他们这么做的时候,他们会削弱自身的规模经济效应。

    Yet when they do so , they undermine their own economies of scale .

  13. 超大型城市在规模经济效应和人口集聚效应上具有不可比拟的优势。

    The super large-scale cities have imponderable advantages on economic scale effect and population gathering .

  14. 她的作品很少,没有规模经济效应。

    She has no economies of scale .

  15. 规模经济效应影响出口管制政策的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Economy of Scale on Security-Based Export Control Policies

  16. 第二个命题聚焦于集聚的外部规模经济效应。第三个则聚焦于集聚的各种细分化的动态外部性对地区产业效率的长期影响。

    The second proposition is focused on the effect of external economies of scale of industry agglomeration .

  17. 标准化战略带来规模经济效应,企业可以为市场提供低价高质量的产品。

    Standardization strategy brings about scale economies effect , and enterprises can provide low-price and high-quality products .

  18. 开放式基金是否存在规模经济效应问题,是基金业人士和投资者十分关注的问题。

    Whether open-end funds exist economies of scale is an increasingly attractive topic for fund research and investment .

  19. 机电产品对外贸易对机电行业增长的促进效应体现在规模经济效应、产业聚集效应等方面。

    Furthermore , this paper puts forward the problems in the foreign trade of mechanical and electronic product .

  20. 实证研究结果表明:我国开放式基金并不存在规模经济效应。

    The result of empirical study shows that : our open-end funds still have not economies of scale effect .

  21. 横向并购效应主要表现为规模经济效应、反竞争效应以及福利效应三个方面。

    The effect of horizontal M & A includes scale economic effect , Anti competition effect and welfare effect .

  22. 个中原因在于,中国劳动力既便宜又高产,同时中国具有规模经济效应。

    That was because Chinese labour was both cheap and productive and because China offered unique economies of scale .

  23. 我国小城镇基础设施规模经济效应研究

    Study on the Scale Economic Effect of Small Town 's Public Infrastructure Stock : in Perspective of Regional Disparity

  24. 据规模经济效应原理,开放式基金规模的增大,会带来成本的降低和收益率的提高。

    The theory of economies of scale shows that the increase of fund size will decrease cost and enhance returns .

  25. 对于横向并购,企业进行横向并购的主要动因在于追求规模经济效应,横向并购中的规模经济效应来源于成本下降、市场支配力的增强以及垄断等。

    Scale economics coming from horizontal M & A lay in cost fell and market power enhance as well as monopoly .

  26. 但是,长远来看,地区性行政垄断措施不利于全国整体市场规模经济效应的发挥,政治租金的获得损害了经济效率。

    However , in the long term , administrative monopoly is harmful for the countrywide marketed scale effect as a whole .

  27. 本文分析了企业集团自发产生的原因和规模经济效应。

    In this paper , the causes of the generation of enterprise groups and the effects of economic scale are analysed .

  28. 由于输电线路具有典型的规模经济效应,所以输电线路呈现垄断的经济特性,必须加以管制。

    Since transmission system appears typical scale economy characteristics , it owns monopoly power , therefore transmission system pricing must be regulated .

  29. 市场作用主要通过优质医疗资源扩张、规模经济效应、降低交易成本、外部经济内部化等形式体现;

    The market role work as fine medical resource expansion , economy of scale , reducing transaction costs , external economy internalization .

  30. 文中首先分析了网络金融网络金融的国际比较与借鉴存在外部经济、规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    I first analyze that network finance has compound economic effects i.e. the external economy , scale economy and scope economy effects .