
xī lán huā
  • broccoli
  1. 西蓝花中的化学物质萝卜硫素可以减缓软骨受损进程。

    A chemical , sulforaphane , in broccoli can slow down cartilage destruction .

  2. 下一个配方是辣味花生酱西蓝花版本,它会帮你度过你不超过两周的素食计划。

    The next recipe is spicy peanut broccoli , which will help you through your two-week vegetarian phase .

  3. 到最后,你也许会发现你仍需要吃西蓝花,但至少更清楚地知道为什么要吃了。

    In the end , you 'll probably find out you still need to eat your broccoli . But at least you 'll have a better understanding of why .

  4. 把西蓝花捶碎,扔一把到锅里,把面饼放进去,使用暴力削弱素食主义者的棱角。

    We 'll smash up some broccoli and throw a handful of that in there , get the noodles in there and use a bit of aggression to take the edge off the vegetarianism .