
  1. 通过观察西天目山地区毛竹林、阔竹混交林中部分毛竹竹鞭的蔓延趋势和生长状态,发现竹鞭大多仅在土表20cm内延伸;

    The expansion tendencies of rhizomes for pure Moso bamboo stands and moso bamboo and broad-leaved mixed forests and their growth condition were observed in the West Tianmu Mountain of Lin ' an County , Zhejiang Province .

  2. 西天目山海拔1100m处苔藓植物物种多样性最高,是该山体苔藓植物多样性保护的关键区段。

    At altitude 1 100 m , the species diversity of bryophytes was the highest , where should be the key area for bryophyte diversity conservation in West Tianmu Mountain .

  3. 西天目山的森林土壤和生态平衡问题

    Forest soils and ecological problems in West Tianmu Mountains

  4. 西天目山自然保护区的森林土壤类型及其性质

    Forest Soils and Their Properties in the Nature Reserve of Mt. West Tianmu

  5. 本文报道了采自浙江省西天目山的单爪螯蜂属一新种。

    The present paper describes a new species of the genus Anteon Jurine .

  6. 西天目山低山带繁殖鸟类群落结构

    Structure of Breeding Bird Communities in Lower Mountain Belt of Mount West Tianmu

  7. 西天目山森林植被的研究&南坡的森林植被分类

    A Vegetation Classification of Forests on the South Slope of Mount West Tianmu

  8. 西天目山自然保护区的大型真菌

    Macromycetes from the Nature Reserve of Mount West Tianmu

  9. 西天目山土壤线虫区系与生态的初步探讨

    A preliminary study of soil nematodes fauna and ecology in Xi Tian Mu mountain

  10. 西天目山针叶树直径生长与气候变化的关系

    Relationship between climate change and diameter growth of conifer trees in western Tianmu Mountain , Zhejiang

  11. 浙江西天目山天然林及银杏种群考察报告

    A report on the natural forest with Ginkgo population in west Tianmu moutains , Zhejiang province

  12. 黄山、庐山、西天目山等地树木叶片中重金属污染与环境质量相关的研究

    Interrelated Study on Heavy Metal Contaminator in Leaves of Tree and Environmental Quality at Huang Shan , Lu Shan and West Tianmu Mountains

  13. 浙江省西天目山为国家级自然保护区,区内拥有世界上罕见的巨大柳杉林成为天目山独特的森林景观。

    Tianmu Mountains in ZheJiang Province is a National Nature Reserve , it has a special forest landscape because of the rare huge cryptomeria forest .

  14. 抗日战争爆发后,日军侵犯浙江。为适应战时形势,浙江省政府于1939年初在西天目山禅源寺建立浙西行署,天目山区成为浙西的抗战中心。

    In order to adapt to wartime situation , Zhejiang provincial government established the Administrative Office of western Zhejiang in Chan Yuan Temple , West TianMu Mountain in early 1939 after Japanese invasion .

  15. 对浙江西天目山不同海拔苔藓植物进行调查,从种类组成、相似性、α多样性和β多样性等方面进行了苔藓植物物种多样性分析。

    In this paper , an investigation was made on the bryophytes at different altitudes of West Tianmu Mountain , with their species composition , similarity , and α - and β - diversities .

  16. 通过对西天目山自然保护区的多年野外调查和土样的分析测定,把该区的土壤划分为3个土纲,6个土类,10个亚类,20个土属。

    Through field survey in the nature reserve of Mt. West Tianmu and analysis of the soil samples collected from this area , the soils could be classified 3 orders , 6 great groups , 10 subgroups and 20 families .

  17. 1986~1988年,作者对西天目山森林土壤作了详尽的勘查,共挖剖面33个,采土样110个,作理化性质、氧化铁形态和粘粒矿物组成等的分析。

    During 1986-1988 , a thorough investigation on the forest soils in the Nature Reserve of Mount West Tianmu was made , digging 33 soil profiles and collecting no soil samples whose physic-chemical properties , forms of iron oxides and clay mineral compositions were analyzed .