
  • 网络Western Economics;west economics;Microeconomics
  1. 科学哲学和西方经济学之间存在着内在一致性和思想方法论关联。

    There are inherent consistencies and relations of ideal methodology between philosophy of science and western economics .

  2. RBC理论或方法是当代西方经济学界解释经济波动最具前沿的一种理论或方法,也是宏观经济分析的方向。

    Among modern western economics RBC model is a kind of frontier in explaining the cause of economic fluctuation , and it is a tendency in macroeconomics field .

  3. 西方经济学,管理经济学,大学教育成本比较。

    Western Economics , Management Economics , College Education Cost Comparisons .

  4. 相同的渊源不同的结论&马克思政治经济学与西方经济学比较研究之一

    A comparative study of Marxist Political Economics & Western Political Economics

  5. 西方经济学界货币政策规则理论述评

    Comments on Theories of Monetary Policy Rules in Western Economic Circle

  6. 中国经济现象与传统西方经济学理论出现了矛盾。

    The reality in China conflicts with the west economics theory .

  7. 《西方经济学》教学中应用多媒体技术的意义

    Significance of Applying Multimedia Technology to the Teaching of Western Economics

  8. 西方经济学范式的缺陷与海派经济学的构建

    Defects of Models of Western Economics and Construction of CSSE Economics

  9. 可持续发展理论在西方经济学中的演进

    The Development of " Continued Development " Theory in Western Economics

  10. 论文较多地采用西方经济学分析工具及其数学分析方法。

    Thesis adopts western economics analysis method and mathematic analysis method .

  11. 马克思主义经济学在西方经济学界

    The Response to Marxian Economics in the Western Economic Circles

  12. 财经类本科院校西方经济学课程教与学改革探讨

    On the Reforms of Western Economics Course in Financial & Economics Universities

  13. 当代西方经济学教科书的新体系&斯蒂格利茨《经济学》评析

    New System of Contemporary Textbooks of Economics in the west

  14. 必须加强马克思主义对西方经济学教学工作的指导

    The Guidance Role of Marxism in Teaching Western Economics Must Be Strengthened

  15. 西方经济学中的社会保障理论批判

    Comment on the Theory of Social Security in Western Economics

  16. 创新型人才培养目标下的西方经济学本科教学内容改革探索

    The Reform of Undergraduate Western Economics Education Based on Innovational Talent Cultivation

  17. 非经济类专业西方经济学课程改革建议

    Suggestions on Reforms of Western Economics Course of Non-economy Specialty

  18. 规范本科西方经济学课程教学的思考

    Considerations Standardizing the Teaching of Western Economics in Undergraduate Universities

  19. 西方经济学教学中多媒体教学方法的采用

    The Analysis on Application of Multi-media Teaching Methods in Western Economics Course

  20. 西方经济学课程教学模式设计与探索

    Design and Exploration of the Teaching Model for Western Economics

  21. 西方经济学是经济学基础理论课之一。

    The west economics is one of basic economics courses .

  22. 萨缪尔森的《经济分析基础》与现代西方经济学的数学化

    Samuelson 's Foundation of Economic Analysis and Mathematization of Modern western Economics

  23. 浅析《西方经济学》课程建设

    Primary Analysis of Course Construction of " Western Economics "

  24. 高职《西方经济学》教学进一步改革的探讨

    Discussion on Further Reform in Economics Teaching Methods in Higher Vocational Colleges

  25. 西方经济学对失业问题的研究根据假设的不同形成了不同的失业理论。

    Different unemployment theories have been based on different hypotheses .

  26. 正确认识和对待马克思主义经济学与西方经济学

    Correctly Understanding and Approaching Marxist Economics and Western Economics

  27. 对西方经济学与马克思主义经济学之争的反思

    Review of the Controversy between New Classical Economics and Marx ′ s Economics

  28. 福利经济学是西方经济学的一个重要理论分支。

    Welfare economics is one of the important branches in Modern Western Economics .

  29. 西方经济学教学方法的几个问题

    Some Issues about the Teaching Methodology of Western Economics

  30. 《西方经济学》课程考核改革的纵向对比研究

    The Longitudinal and Contrasting Study on Assessment Reform of the Western Economics Course