
  • 网络Sears;Sears Roebuck;Sears Holdings
  1. 于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。

    Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit .

  2. 我在西尔斯商品目录看中了几条便裤。

    I saw some slacks I like in the Sears catalogue .

  3. 史蒂芬•西尔斯的《不屈不挠的投资者》(TheIndomitableInvestor)可以祝你一臂之力。

    Steven Sears ' the indomitable investor offers an enticing premise .

  4. 西尔斯在自己的新书《意愿经济学》(theintentioneconomy)中指出,通过收集互联网用户数据来彻底“理解”用户的尝试终将被证明是徒劳的。

    In his new book the intention economy , he argues that amassing piles of data about Internet users to " understand " them completely will ultimately prove futile .

  5. 钱德勒在其具有开创性的经典著作《战略与结构》(StrategyandStructure)中重点谈到了四家公司:杜邦(DuPont)、通用汽车、西尔斯(Sears)和标准石油(StandardOil)。

    He focused on four companies : DuPont ( DD ) , general motors , Sears ( shld ) , and standard oil in his seminal classic strategy and structure .

  6. 当我头一次听到这回事时,他们已开始在西尔斯(sears)销售这种产品了。

    The first I heard of it was when they began selling it through Sears .

  7. 西尔斯百货(Sears)的股价则出现了下跌。

    Sears ( shld ) is down .

  8. 6月份,西尔斯还和采购商DorcyInternational达成了DieHard碱性电池和充电电池的销售许可协议。

    In June , Sears reached an agreement with dorcy international to sell diehard-branded alkaline and rechargeable batteries .

  9. 作家兼互联网评论人士多克•西尔斯(DocSearls)则强烈认为个性化服务“用户体验太差”。

    The " doesn 't work " complaint , on the other hand , is strongly voiced by author and internet commentator Doc Searls .

  10. 该计划已得到包括西尔斯,百思买,Williams-Sonoma公司,PotteryBarn的,和WestElm一些主要零售商的支持。

    The program has already enlisted some key retailers including Sears , Best buy , Williams-Sonoma , Pottery Barn , and West Elm .

  11. 直到我们的爷爷奶奶这一辈人,西尔斯百货(Sears)仍然是美国中产阶级采购日常用品的金字招牌。

    As recently as your grandparents ' generation , Sears was the household goods icon for middle class Americans .

  12. 西尔斯公司(Sears)设立过渡首席执行官已经有三年时间,直到今年5月才由安布罗西奥接任首席执行官职位。

    Sears had an " interim " CEO for three years , until Lou d'Ambrosio took over this past may .

  13. 西尔斯/卡马特(sears/kmart)灾难般的转型努力证明,仅靠成本控制是远远不够的。

    The disastrous turnround efforts at Sears / Kmart prove that cost control is not nearly enough .

  14. 本月早些时候,沃尔玛及其竞争对手塔吉特(Target)和西尔斯百货(Sears)等,都宣布特卖会将从周四晚开始,而不是周五的凌晨。

    Earlier this month , Wal-Mart and its competitors , including target ( TGT ) and Sears ( shld ) , announced that bargain specials would start Thursday evening instead of the pre-dawn hours of Friday .

  15. 室内装潢师斯蒂芬·西尔斯和詹姆斯·胡尼福特(JamesHuniford)在20世纪90年代中期首次引起轰动,当时卡尔·拉格菲尔德称他们的乡间住宅是“美国最漂亮的房子”。西尔斯几年前和胡尼福特分道扬镳。

    The decorators Stephen Sills and James Huniford first made a splash in the mid-1990s , when Karl Lagerfeld declared their country home " the chicest house in America . " Sills , who parted ways with Huniford a few years ago ,

  16. 在假日销售季,西尔斯(searsholdings)旗下的美国第三大连锁折扣店凯马特(kmart)开始在电视广告上宣传其分期预付服务。

    During the holiday season , Kmart , owned by Sears holdings and the third largest US discount chain , started drawing attention to its layaway service in television advertising .

  17. 近几个月西尔斯控股公司(SearsHoldingCorporation)扩大了允许竞争对手销售其最传奇品牌的合作计划,似乎是承认了在西尔斯购物的吸引力还是和根管治疗差不多。

    In what seems an admission that the Sears shopping experience continues to have about as much appeal as getting a root canal , Sears holding corporation has moved to expand partnerships over the last few months that allow competitors to sell its most storied brands .

  18. 麦当劳不会成为MontgomeryWards,他指的是那家现已破产的美国百货连锁公司,但它可能成为西尔斯(Sears),失去作为本行业顶级品牌的无可争辩的地位。

    McDonald 's won 't become a Montgomery Wards , he said , referring to the now-defunct US department store chain . But it could become a Sears , losing its undisputed position as the top brand in its category .

  19. 网络营销公司covario今年开展的一项研究发现,officemax的网站就“办公室供应”一词进行了高度优化,而西尔斯(sears)在“硬件”和“工具”上得分很高。

    In a study conducted by the online marketing company covario this year , the site of Office Max was found to be highly optimised for the term " office supplies " , while Sears scored highly on " hardware " and " tools " .

  20. 西尔斯向KCD支付许可费,后者用这些钱支付装入西尔斯一家保险子公司的约10亿美元债券的利息。

    Sears pays a royalty fee to KCD , which uses the money to pay the interest on about $ 1 billion in bonds stuffed into a Sears insurance subsidiary .

  21. 在来这里之前你听说过西尔斯大厦吗?

    Did you hear of Sears Tower before you are here ?

  22. 西尔斯大厦是世界第三高的建筑物。

    The Sears Tower is the world 's third tallest building .

  23. Woolworth's在西尔斯对角。

    Woolworth 's sat on the corner diagonally opposite Sears .

  24. 过饱和送风的实践西尔斯:给供应链留个备份

    Sears Makes a Backup For Its Supply Chain NEW AIR

  25. 我们在西尔斯超市拿到了免费画像以此证明。

    And we got the free portrait at Sears to prove it .

  26. 西尔斯:哇,这么成功!

    S : Wow ! That is a success .

  27. 不幸的是,西尔斯浪费了这个漂亮的开场白。

    Unfortunately , Sears squanders this brilliant starting point .

  28. 所以兰伯特经营西尔斯遇到困难,我并不责怪他。

    So I do not blame Mr Lampert for having difficulties with Sears .

  29. 俄亥俄州向西尔斯公司提供4亿美元来引诱其搬到自己州去。

    Ohio has offered Sears $ 400m to move to the Buckeye State .

  30. 1900年西尔斯邮购目录改变了美国人的购物和销售模式

    By 1900 , the Series catalog transforms how Americans buy and sell .