
  • 网络The Siberian high
  1. 其原因在于,北极涛动在对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。

    The reason may be that the AO can excite anomalies like the EU teleconnection pattern from low to high level in the troposphere which affect the Siberian High and East Asian Trough , thus influencing North China air temperature .

  2. 研究表明,AO的异常变化通过西伯利亚高压、阿留申低压、东亚地区极地东风以及东亚冬季风异常,进而影响我国东北地区冬季温度异常,它们之间存在着密切的相关关系。

    Further investigation find that the anomaly of AO contributes to the temperature anomalies of the Northeast China through the interaction of the Siberian high , Aleutian low , the polar easterlies in east Asia and the winds anomalies in winter in this area .

  3. 东亚大槽和北美大槽1960年代中后期明显偏强及1980年代后期显著减弱,以及从1960年代开始西伯利亚高压的减弱和北太平洋涛动(NPO)的增大趋势。

    Such as East Asian and North American troughs were apparent stronger in mid and late 1960 ′ s and remarkable weaker in late 1980 ′ s. From 1960 ′ s , Siberia High decreases trend and North Pacific oscillation ( NPO ) increases trend .

  4. 冬季西伯利亚高压范围异常变化对北大西洋涛动没有显著的影响,其对北半球海平面气压、850hPa温度的影响也明显要弱于北大西洋涛动的影响。

    The extremes in winter Siberia high extent have no distinguished influences on NAO , and its effects on sea level pressure and temperature at 850 hPa over the Northern Hemisphere also are weaker than the effects of NAO .

  5. 冬季西伯利亚高压动力结构的研究

    A study of dynamic structures of the Siberian high in winter

  6. 冬季风爆发前西伯利亚高压的演变

    The Evolution of Siberian High Prior to the Outbreak of Cold Air

  7. 研究进一步揭示了冬季北极涛动可能影响西伯利亚高压的可能机理。

    This study further reveals the possible mechanism of how the winter AO is related to winter SH.

  8. 本文研究了冬季西伯利亚高压建立时期的动力结构。

    The present paper has studied the dynamic structures of the Siberian high during it 's build-up .

  9. 其中北极涛动对亚洲大陆的温度贡献最高达到30%,西伯利亚高压的贡献为24%。而区域平均降水变化的9.8%与西伯利亚高压有关

    The fraction solely related to the Siberian High is 24 % and 9.8 % in temperature and precipitation

  10. 西伯利亚高压的西部变化主要依赖于动力过程,而其东部与气温变化更为密切。

    The western SH variation mainly depends on dynamic processes , while its eastern part is more closely related to air temperature variation .

  11. 进一步证实高北纬极地气候可以通过西风带和蒙古、西伯利亚高压系统传输到东亚东亚季风区。

    Further , they verify that high-latitude climate can transfer to East Asia monsoon region via the westerly and Mongolia and Siberian high pressure system .

  12. 北极涛动、西伯利亚高压、东亚冬季风等是影响东北冬季气温年际变化的主要因子;

    Arctic Oscillation , Siberian high , and East Asian winter monsoon are the major factors affecting the interannual variations of winter temperature in Northeast China ;

  13. 这表明对流层中、上层的强质量辐合是导致西伯利亚高压发展的一个重要因子。

    This fact shows that the strong mass convergence in the middle and upper troposphere is a major factor leading to the development of the Siberian high .

  14. 西伯利亚高压区保证了日本北部强而稳定的风流,然而这个区域的公共事业公司却没有利用这项天然的能源资源。

    The Siberian high-pressure zone ensures a strong and steady wind flow over northern Japan , but the regions utility companies have not taken advantage of this natural energy resource .

  15. 其中西伯利亚高压、极涡的位置、东亚大槽的强弱、极锋急流都差异显著,从而导致大连地区冬季气温的异常。

    Moreover , it is found that Siberia High , East Asian Trough , Polar Front Jet and the location of Polar Vortices are notable different , causing winter temperature anomalies in DaLian .

  16. 基本态的第一特征向量表现为弱西伯利亚高压、强北大西洋高压的强纬向环流的特征;第二特征向量表现为弱阿留申低压及强北太平洋高压。

    The first eigenvector of the base state displays a weak Siberian high , a robust Atlantic high and intense zonal circulation , while the second reveals a feeble Aleutian low and a vigorous North Pacific high .

  17. 模式中海冰厚度处理趋于合理分布,导致东亚冬、夏季风偏强,使冬季西伯利亚高压和冰岛低压的模拟结果更趋合理;

    The results indicate that an nearly reasonable distribution of sea-ice thickness in Arctic in the model leads directly to stronger winter and summer monsoon over East Asia , and improves the model 's simulation results for Siberia High and Icelandic Low in winter .

  18. 另一方面,与寒潮爆发有关的西伯利亚冷高压作为北半球冬季对流层的主要冷源会导致一系列行星尺度过程的响应。

    Furthermore , the Siberian cold high associated with outbreaks of cold air may lead to the response of a chain of planetary-scale events .

  19. 强沙尘暴天气产生的根本原因是西西伯利亚地面冷高压爆发性南下并强烈发展;

    The eruptive and violence development of west cold Siberian high pressure principally caused strong sand-dust storms ;

  20. 冬季受西伯利亚-蒙古高压的影响,呈现干燥寒冷的气候特征,而夏季则受东亚夏季风的影响,表现为高温多雨,雨热同季的气候特征。

    Winter climate here , under the influence of Siberia-Mongolia high , is characterized by dry and cold . while in summer its hot and rainy , rain in hot season , by the effect of East Asian summer monsoon .