
  • 网络scipio;Scipio Africanus
  1. 西庇阿在西班牙南部击败哈斯德鲁巴后,却没有乘胜追击。

    After Scipio defeated Hasdrubal Barca in Southern Spain , he allowed Hasdrubal to escape .

  2. 这是西庇阿的错误。

    This was Scipio 's mistake .

  3. 他在札马战役中败于西庇阿的盟友马西尼萨,但他逃脱了。

    He lost decisively to scipio 's ally masinissa at the battle of zama , but escaped .

  4. 科尔内利乌斯。西庇阿在西班牙阵亡后不久,尼禄继任。

    After Publius Cornelius Scipio was killed in Spain , Nero took over not that long afterwards .