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The address is 2025 M Street , Northwest , Washington , DC , 20036
Using the monthly soil temperature date in the depth of 3.2m during 1980 ~ 2000 in 141 stations and the precipitation date during 1961 ~ 2000 in 160 stations , through the earth-atmosphere chart method , the paper analyzed " geothermal vortexes " in Northwest China .
The fifth member of Xujiahe Formation of Upper Triassic ( T_3 x 5 ) is widely distributed over all the Northwest Sichuan tract and in its lower part , there are up-and-down two sandstone intervals with thicknesses of 24.4 ~ 28.4 m and 92.8 ~ 145.8 m respectively .
Short range weather forecast of cold wave in Eastern Northwest China
An Analysis of Precipitation Time and Spatial Features in Northwest China
South China Region 9 % ; Northwest plateau Region 9 % ;
Diagnosis Analysis on a Thunderstorm Event in the East of Northwest China
New advances on Ordovician fauna layer of Northwestern China
" This is Northwest Chicago ," said Drouet .
Distribution of Hail in Northwest China and Its Correlation to Soil Temperature Field
An analysis of circulation background of strong dust devil in spring in Northwest China
Diagnosis of Storm Rainfall in East Part of Northwest china on August , 1998
To have obtained some new data on paleontology of late Precambrian in northwest China ;
He worked the Northwest substation .
Analyses on Surface Air Temperature Changes in East Part of Northwest China in Last 40 Years
In resent decades the important progress on Precambrian geology research in northwest China bas been reviewed .
The results are : the whole Northwestern Ecological Zone is suffered from the shortage of water resources ;
The distribution of gold production in Northwest China has a clear superiority to that of Southwest China .
Diurnal variation of weather in Nan Shan region short range weather forecast of cold wave in Eastern Northwest China
Developing Institutional Capacity at the Regional Level : the Development of a Coastal Forum in the North West of England
Two major government initiatives are expected to help improve river water quality in the northwestern New Territories over the coming few years .
Estimation of land surface energy flux densities over eastern part of Northwest China with the aid of satellite remote sensing and field observations
The oil well water breakthrough one after another which put into production after 2006 . The northwest block entered a period of strong flooding .
Dryness occurred fairly frequently in Northeast China , southern North China and Northwest China in the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century .
In northwest area , the cover grades are relatively low , in which 1 ~ 5 % and 5 ~ 10 % have relatively large area .
For the Datong basin Quaternary volcanic group can be subdivided into two parts : the northwestern area ( i.e.the Datong volcanic group ) and the southeastern area .
10-25 % is main cover grade of southwest and accounts for 8.76 % of the northwest area . This images that vegetation of the northwest area is serious degeneration .
United emerged victorious from both clashes with their North West rivals last season but Benitez is eager to avenge his side 's double disappointment when the Reds visit Anfield on sunday .
Structures in the former is more complex than in the latter . The northwest region inherited EW Indosinian structural pattern , and also experienced slip and compression during the early and middle Yanshan movement .
That is as follows , the first time to have worked out the " Classification and Contrast Scheme of Precambrian System in Northwest China " which provids a basis for further studying Precambrian geology in this region ;