
  • 网络Dry Port;Land port;inland port
  1. 最后,对昆明国际陆港涵盖的五大物流基地建设次序问题进行研究。

    Finally , the order of issues of five major logistics bases covered by the international land port in Kunming has been studied .

  2. 通过对国际陆港规划理论和实现机制的研究,可以使陆港的规划建设更加阶段化、有序化进行。

    Through study of the international land port planning theory and its implementation mechanism , which can made planning and construction of land ports stages and ordering .

  3. 产业定位:陆港产业。包括:临港基础设施产业;

    Industrial Orientation : Port-related Industries , including port-related infrastructure industry ;

  4. 国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  5. 浅析深圳陆港和大物流建设

    On SZ " land port " and " big logistics " construction

  6. 西南地区海港竞争力对贵州陆港的引力分析

    Competitiveness of Seaports in Southwest Area and Attraction to Land-Port in Guizhou

  7. 大连陆港(物流)基地发展规划研究

    The Research of Development Planning about Dalian Land Port

  8. 铁路集装箱内陆港综合物流化运营的合作竞争战略研究

    On Cooperative and Competitive Strategy of Comprehensive Logistics Operation in Inland Railway Container Station

  9. 建立中国西部国际港口&西安陆港的设想

    Establishing An International Port of the West-Xi'an Inland Port A Study on Lu Yun

  10. 大连陆港物流基地

    Dalian land - port logistics base

  11. 从20世纪90年代开始我国内陆港的建设就已经进入热建时期。

    The construction of inland port has entered the " hot build " period from 90 20th century .

  12. 内陆港、海湾、小水湾等国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    A land-locked harbour , bay , inlet , etc Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  13. 希望此评价过程和结果对以后更好的运营该内陆港提供一定的参考价值。

    Hope that this evaluation process and the results will provide a reference value for better operating the inland port .

  14. 郑州国际陆港开发建设公司副总裁杨文军表示,服务质量反馈非常好。

    Yang Wenjun , vice general manager of Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Company says the service has been well received .

  15. 为满足二十一世纪经济发展的需要,迎接跨世纪的挑战,哈尔滨内陆港新场区正在加紧兴建。

    To meet the economic demand of the21th century and challenge of the cross-century a new container yard is just under construction with high speed .

  16. 紧接着从国际陆港的功能定位和发展模式两个方面对国际陆港的规划进行了研究,并应用模糊均值聚类法对陆港的选址进行了研究。

    Then studied international land port from the its function and development models , and studied the location of land using fuzzy means clustering method .

  17. 保税港区在发展过程中,为拓展其业务,需要占领更多的内陆市场,因而保税港区尝试与内陆港建立合作伙伴关系。

    In the development process , bonded port needs to occupy more inland market in order to expand their business , thus it attempts to make partnership with inland port .

  18. 并通过构建国际陆港演化模型,揭示了国际陆港的动态演化过程,建立了国际陆港演化的动力机制。

    By constructing the evolution model , the dynamic evolution process of the international land port is revealed , the dynamic evolution mechanism of the international land port are established .

  19. 所以为了避免此种现象继续蔓延,在建设内陆港之前一定要进行科学规划,其中选址规划应作为重中之重。

    Therefore , in order to avoid further spread of this phenomenon , it must make scientific planning before construction of inland port and the most important is the planning of location .

  20. 为解决这一问题,应当在西部的中心城市西安建立国际货物运输港口&西安陆港。使西安成为国际港口城市,使西部有了出海港口。

    To solve this problem , establishing an international port-Xi'an land Port in Xi'an , the centre of the West becomes necessary so as to mix economy of the West together with international economical development .

  21. 内陆无水港又称集装箱内陆港,是指沿海港口在内陆地区辟建的拥有海关和检验检疫等口岸功能的集装箱场站。

    Another name of inland dry port is container inland port , means the container depot set up by the coastal port in inland area which has the port function of customs and inspection and quarantine .

  22. 陆港可以完全实现沿海港口的功能,实现内陆与沿海地区的零距离接触,降低物流成本,有效的提高内陆地区的对外贸易量,加速内陆地区经济发展。

    Land-port can realized functions of coastal ports , inland and coastal areas achieve " zero distance ", decrease logistics cost and effectively improve foreign trade of inland areas , accelerating economic development in inland areas .

  23. 陆港不仅是沿海港口参与全球供应链的重要战略,也是内陆城市外向型经济发展和现代物流发展的重要支撑。

    These inland ports are not only the important strategic places that ensure the costal cities link to the global supply chain , but also the important support with which inland cities develop export-oriented economy and modern logistics .

  24. 本文以系统论、集成论、博弈论等理论为基础,并广泛吸收了现代物流和供应链管理的相关理论、技术和方法,对国际陆港作用机理和布局规划理论进行了深入的研究。

    Based on those theories of system science , integration theory , synergetic , and the modern logistics and supply chain management theories , the paper made an in-depth research on mechanism and layout of the international inland port .

  25. 从铁路集装箱内陆港的市场竞争力内涵入手,剖析了现代市场条件下,铁路集装箱内陆港综合物流化运营的合作竞争战略的核心及其发展。

    Starting from the market competency of inland railway container station , the paper analyzes the core and development of cooperation and competitive strategy of comprehensive logistics operation in inland railway container station under the condition of modern market .

  26. 在这种形势下,内陆经济也必须更大程度的参与到国际经济中去,而内陆港是内陆经济同外界联系的桥梁,所以大力发展内陆港迫在眉睫。

    In this situation , the inland economy must also be more involved in the international economy , and the inland port inland economy is the bridge of contact with the outside world , so the development of inland port imminent .

  27. 目前,全国各地建设陆港物流园区的方案不断出台,甚至一个地区规划建设数个陆港物流园区,这显然不利于其健康发展。

    At present , the building of inland port logistics park programs continuously introduced throughout our country , and even a regional plan and construct several ones , which obviously not propitious to the healthy development of inland port logistics park .

  28. 支持郑州、西安等内陆城市建设航空港、国际陆港,加强内陆口岸与沿海、沿边口岸通关合作,开展跨境贸易电子商务服务试点。

    We should support inland cities such as Zhengzhou and Xi'an in building airports and international land ports , strengthen customs clearance cooperation between inland ports and ports in the coastal and border regions , and launch pilot e-commerce services for cross-border trade .

  29. 本文初步建立物流园区控制指标体系,探讨弹性规划在物流园区控规中运用的一般原则,并把研究成果应用到大连陆港物流园区的开发建设当中。

    This text set up the control index system of distribution park , probe into the general principle of elasticity planning method that use among the rule in the distribution park , and apply the research results to the development construction of Dalian land-port logistics base .

  30. 相信陆铁联运集港模式的实施,对东莞中远公司服务水平提升及核心竞争力的形成将产生积极的影响。

    Believes that will enhance core competitiveness and improve COSCO service levels and active impact .