
xī huà
  • Westernize;Westernization;Occidentalize
西化 [xī huà]
  • [westernize] 使符合西方标准或西方文化;成为符合西方标准或西方文化的状态

  • [westernization] 指仿效欧美的制度、生活方式、语言文字等

西化[xī huà]
  1. 我们可以将中国才“西化”。

    We might try to " westernize " some Chinese dishes .

  2. 具体言之,教会慈善组织传入与发展,使得三地的慈善组织“西化”色彩日益浓郁;

    In other words , the church charitable organization spread and developed , causing the three places charitable organizations to westernize day by day ;

  3. 我们必须阻止我们的国家被逐渐西化。

    We must stop our country becoming Westernized .

  4. 西化最显著的标志之一就是赌场的骤增。

    The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation .

  5. 儿童玩具西化倾向VS中华传统

    Children 's toys : foreign tendency VS Chinese traditions

  6. 加入WTO之后,高校人才培养的环境发生了变化:国际国内对高层次人才的需求上升,人才需求及人才标准国际化,防止西化分化的任务艰巨。

    After acceding to WTO , the environment of training talented persons in colleges and universities has changed ; the demands for advanced talented persons in rising ;

  7. 随着我国饮食结构的西化,我国CRC的发病率和死亡率在近30年明显升高,为常见恶性肿瘤死因的第4位。

    With the Westernization of diet in China , our CRC morbidity and mortality significantly increased in the last 30 years , is a common malignant cause of death in four .

  8. 但他提出全盘西化的主旨是希望中国实现现代化。

    Chen Xujing advocates total westernization , aiming at Chinas modernization .

  9. 国际敌对势力加紧了对我国的西化、分化;

    The international hostile influence steps up to split our country ;

  10. 对20世纪中国文学西化追求的反思

    On the Self-examination to Seek 20th Century 's Chinese Literature Being Westernized

  11. 我现在就给特蕾西化一幅里约热内卢的地图。

    I will draw Tracy a map of Rio now .

  12. 传统和西化阴影下的现代化&印度现代化的文化心理浅析

    Modernization in the shadow of tradition and " Westernization "

  13. 日本近代法制西化之研究

    A Study of the Westernization of Japanese Legal System in Modern Times

  14. 另一种是服装构成元素的西化。

    Another kind is the westernization formed the element of the clothing .

  15. 中医语言西化的话语秩序分析

    A Critical Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Discourse G Language

  16. 中西碰撞中的文化选择&析中体西用与全盘西化

    Cultural Choice in Collision between the East and the West

  17. 西化想象与五四新文学形成的历史描述

    Westernization Imagination and History Description of May Fourth Literature Formation

  18. 在大部份的情况,现代化等同于西化。

    In most cases , modernization is identified with westernization .

  19. 中医临床思维西化的认知心理学分析

    The Analysis of Clinical Thought of TCM from the View of Cognitive Psychology

  20. 这个岛战后已全盘西化了。

    The island became fully westernized after the war .

  21. 忧患意识与两次西化的外交风潮四个方面。

    Sense of hardship and " two westernization " diplomatic unrest four aspects .

  22. 文论界恶性西化现象&文化观察札记

    On the " Vicious Westernization " in the Literary Theory Circles OBSERVATION Culture

  23. 试论由翻译引发的现代标准汉语西化

    On the Westernization of the Modern Standard Ch in ese Triggered by Translation

  24. 现代化与西化关系辩证

    Dialectical Research of the Relationship between Modernization and Westernization

  25. 析新文化派的全盘西化说

    An Analysis of the New Culture School 's " All-Out Westernization " Theory

  26. 而后者的提出,是针对当时的西化派的,它是中国的宋(明)学传统。

    It is the tradition of the Chinese Song ( Ming ) xue .

  27. 文化全球化不等于西化。

    The culture globalization is not equal to westernization .

  28. 所谓全盘西化的主张,乃是一种错误的观点。

    To advocate " wholesale westernization " is wrong .

  29. 晚清至民国时期西化思想的发生与发展述论

    On the Origins and Development of the Ideas about Westernization in Modern China

  30. 不过他认为民族意识的培养不是靠对传统文化的维护,相反,他认为民族意识的培养要靠全盘西化,因为全盘西化有助于新的民族意识的产生。

    According to him , cultivation of national consciousness depends on total westernization .