- 名cabinet system

Implementing the cabinet system of responsibility in government organization ;
But America 's is presidential system while Britain 's is cabinet system .
Among them , chapter two analyses the cabinet system under the imperial system .
Britain was the first country in Western world to establish the cabinet system .
But on how to constructthe presidential government question , there are differences in them .
First , this chapter examines the debates and ideas on the cabinet system in the late Qing constitutional though .
The main ideas are setting up consul of ministers , realizing a responsible government for the state and its people ;
Another was system designation of parliamentarism , cabinet sys tem and province autonomy system which would be practised in constitutional government period .
The cabinet system is the core of the administrative system ; therefore it had been reformed to promote the economical development since its establishment .
The responsible cabinet system means the political organization form that the people who enjoy the sovereignty exercise their political discretion to build a representative government .
The origin of the cabinet system of Ming Dynasty could be traced back to the conflicting process between the premier power and the monarchic power .
Second , the specific construction of the system is to establish the responsibility of the cabinet system , the organization of political parties convene Congress .
It was the powers monopolization of aristocratic group and the formation and evolution of cabinet system that make the mixed constitution stronger in the eighteenth century .
This part investigates the changing of the cabinet system in modern China with the perspective of the historical survey in accordance with the different forms of rule .
It only in Hanover Dynasty when the royal power declined rapidly and the sovereignty of the Parliament was consolidated that the earlier cabinet had transformed to responsible cabinet .
The establishment of the principle of cabinet superiority is the premise of the establishment and existence of the cabinet system . The 1868 substitution of the British cabinet symbolized the final establishment of the system ;
This , said the tribunal , was evidence of a dwindling respect for the doctrine of collective cabinet responsibility , to which confidentiality is said by the government to be so crucial .