
  • 网络Assembly business;Assembly Operation
  1. 装配业务解决方案中涉及的各种流程和服务是架构师的任务,并且可在RationalSoftwareArchitect中执行该任务。

    Assembling the processes and services involved in the business solution is an architect 's task , to be performed in Rational Software Architect .

  2. 广东对外加工装配业务经济效益刍议

    Views on the Economic Effectiveness of Processing and Assembling Business

  3. 如你方对装配业务有兴趣,请告知贵公司的具体要求。

    If you 're interested in the assembling business , please let us know your specific requirements .

  4. 你们以前曾做过来件装配的业务吗?

    Have you ever done any business on the basis of assembly with supply past ?

  5. 职责四:指导及监督装配车间的业务管理工作。

    Monitoring and guiding the whole workshop assembly processing .

  6. 经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续

    " The operation of the storage , processing and assembling and consignment sales of Bonded goods shall Be approved By and registered with the Customs . "

  7. 在系统实现上遵循模块化编程,采用动态连接库和交易装配,降低业务品种和程序之间的耦合度,提升系统灵活度。

    On the system , the programming shall be done by modules , while dynamic link library and transaction assembly shall also be used to reduce the coupling probabilities in terms of business variety and procedure , system flexibility is improved .

  8. 文章分析了大型客机的装配大纲的特点、装配大纲管理业务流程。

    The paper analyzes the features and the management process of assembly outline for big passenger jets .