
zhuāng xiāng
  • Packing;encasement;binning;enchase
装箱[zhuāng xiāng]
  1. 相对而言,分布式装箱(Distributedbinning)策略负载均衡算法是一种较好的负载均衡算法。

    Contrast , the load balancing algorithm based on the distributed binning strategy is a kind of good one .

  2. 介绍了铸造工艺中新消失模技术特点、泡塑模样材料及制造涂料要求、配制方法、装箱方法、负压浇注方法等,并指出消失模技术特别适用于煤矿机械铸造中的应用。

    The paper focuses on the new EPC characteristics in casting process , foam plastics mould material and make designs , paint require , prepare designs , the method of binning , minus pressure casting designs and points out that EPC was used especially to colliery mechanical casting process .

  3. 陶器已装箱运往美国。

    The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US .

  4. 志愿者已经准备完毕,等着将食物装箱。

    Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes .

  5. 香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。

    Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas .

  6. 除非装箱,否则航空公司是不会运送那台机器的。

    The airlines won 't carry that machine unless it 's crated .

  7. 你那些书必须装箱以便寄往大学。

    Your books have to be boxed up to send to the university .

  8. 这是在通用FPGA装箱算法上的进一步深入研究。

    TDU-Pack is the further achievement on universal FPGA packing algorithm .

  9. 基于对可编程逻辑块建模的FPGA通用装箱算法

    Universal Packing Algorithm for FPGA Based on Logic Block Modeling

  10. PLC在装箱机器人中的应用

    The Application of PLC in the Packet Robot

  11. 层次化结构的FPGA装箱算法

    A Packing Algorithm for Hierarchical FPGA

  12. 通过装箱,我们可以把一个整数序列当做一个object的序列来对待。

    A sequence of integers can be treated as a sequence of objects , by boxing every integer as it comes out of the sequence .

  13. 结合实际电路中各输出具有输入共享的特点,提出了一种新型逻辑单元结构及其装箱(packing)工具。

    A new FPGA logic structure and CLB packing tool are investigated based on the input-sharing features of real circuits .

  14. 集装箱装箱问题(ContainerLoadingProblem,CLP)是物流优化领域中一个经典的问题,具有很大的研究价值。

    Container Loading Problem ( CLP ) is a typical optimal problem in logistics . It has great value to be researched .

  15. 基于装箱问题的Hopfield网络优化设计

    Optimal Decisions of Hopfield Network Based on Packing Problem

  16. 装箱问题是一个传统的NP难问题,它也是一个经典的组合优化问题。

    The packing problem is a traditional NP-hard problem , it is a classic combinatorial optimization problem .

  17. 三维装箱问题是一类典型的NP-complete问题。

    Three-dimensional Loading problem is a kind of typical NP-complete problem .

  18. 由于装箱过程和FPGA结构紧密相关,如何使装箱算法能够应用于多种不同结构的FPGA中,这是需要解决的问题。

    For the procedure of Packing is closely related with the architecture of FPGA , the universality of Packing algorithm is the key problem to solve .

  19. 关于锁具装箱的方案设计&1994年全国大学生数学建模竞赛B题的数学模型

    THE DESIGN CONCERNING THE PLAN FOR PACKING LOCKS INTO A BOX & The maths model of Exam Paper B of te maths contest of founding models of all the college students of our country in 1994

  20. 而charAt实现直接返回char原语,迭代器实现必须将每个char装箱为一个Character对象。

    Although the charAt implementation directly returns char primitives , the iterator implementation must box each char into a Character object .

  21. 将泊位分配问题描述为一个带约束的二维装箱问题,应用增广Lagrange算法求解了几个算例。

    We formulate the berth allocation problem as a two-dimensional strip packing problem with additional constraints and use the augmented Lagrange algorithm to solve several instances .

  22. 在Java和C中,此方法也是可能的,而且使用它们的自动装箱功能,在需要时这两种语言还可以把这种简单的内置类型转换为Integer对象。

    The same is possible in the Java language and C # , and with their auto-boxing capabilities , both of those languages can turn this simple built-in type into an Integer object when necessary .

  23. 传统FPGA设计需要经过逻辑综合、映射、装箱和布局布线处理几个阶段,针对不同阶段的设计算法成为研究热点。

    Traditionally FPGA design needs to go through logic synthesis , mapping , packing , placement and routing processing stages , and the algorithms for different stages of design flow become research focus .

  24. 装箱机纸塑装箱的异同点及优化设计PCB插装机组装调度优化及其实证研究

    The Similarities and Differences of Paper and Plastic Box and It 's Optimization Design for Case Packer The Optimization on Insertion Scheduling for a Printed Circuit Board Assembly Machine

  25. 当装箱需要从int转换到Integer时,编译器并不调用newInteger(int),而是生成对Integer.valueOf(int)的调用。

    When boxing requires conversion from int to Integer , rather than calling new Integer ( int ), the compiler generates a call to Integer . valueOf ( int ) .

  26. 本文以一种具有两个半自由度的装箱机械手为研究对象,以IBM-PC微型计算机为研究工具,对机械手规划控制模型的建立、图形仿真与处理以及动画显示等方面的问题进行了研究。

    The establishment of the program control model for a boxing manipulator , which has two and a half d. o. f.

  27. msc客户服务部将装箱检验报告正本转交箱管部,经核查确认无误后,msc将安排货物的出运。

    MSc CSR Department deliver original survey report to MSC equipment department for the double checking , if no problem , shipment will be load on board .

  28. 类似的,自动装箱依赖于添加到原始包装器类(例如Integer)的valueOf()方法。

    Similarly , autoboxing relies on the valueOf () methods being added to the primitive wrapper classes ( such as Integer ) .

  29. 对于大部分情况来说,Pyrex不需要不断对简单数据类型变量进行装箱(box)和拆箱(unbox)操作,因此速度比Python更快。

    For the most part , Pyrex runs faster than Python by avoiding the need to continuously box and unbox variables of simple data types .

  30. 装箱问题是一类非常典型的NP-hard问题,具有很重要的理论价值与实际应用意义。

    The Bin-packing problem ( BPP ) is a kind of very typical NP-hard problem . And it is of important theoretical value and practical significance .