- 网络fission fragment

The methods include fission fragments measurement , projectile-like fragments measurement , kinetic flow-tensor , transverse momentum directivity , azimuthal correlation , Fourier series and etc.
Using 3-Dimension Non-Linear Langevin Equation To Calcuate the Mass Distribution of Fission Fragments
Effect of the state of macromolecular aggregation on the uranium nuclear fission tracks in PET films
Ranges of the fragments from thermal ( slow ) neutron fission of ~ ( 235 ) u in water
Calculation of the kinetic-energy distributions of fission-fragments from Monte-Carlo simulation to the four-dimensional Langevin equation
The scattering by air and the walls of the measuring room was determined by both experiment and Monte Carlo simulation .
Through detecting the fission fragments , some measurements ( indirect ) in recoil shadow method had been performed by COSY .
The different response and the geometric detecting efficiency of the PPACs to the residues , fission fragments and projectile like products are calculated by Monte Carlo simulation .
Fission fragment angular distribution and angular correlation in the reaction induced by 84.0 MeV ~ ( 16 ) O bombarded ~ ( 238 ) U have been measured by using two position-sensitive PPAC with large area .
γ rays from fission fragments in the polyester foils are measured with a NaI ( Tl ) detector . Neutrons are measured in different systems .
A 5-Gauss semi-empirical formula on the pre-neutron-emission fragment mass distribution is given .
This paper introduces a microcontroller-based system for nuclide measurement used in the study of (() ~ ( 252 ) Cf ) fission fragment .
The characteristics of polyethyleneterephthalate ( PETP ) solid state nuclear track detector on registering fission fragment tracks are studied . The variations of average diameter of fission fragment tracks with etching temperature , etching time and etchant concentration were measured .
Recording of fission fragments by stretched polyester film
Study on technique for measuring neutrons by measuring the γ rays from fission fragments
Angular distributions of fission fragments and the shapes of the saddle point of compound nuclei
Detection efficiency of mica for fission fragments under the geometry with the solid angle less than
Fission fragment damage track detector
Fission fragment track discriminator
Neutron fragment angular correlation
All the measured angular distributions can be fitted satisfactorily by the theoretical formula based on saddle point model .
And down on this fission fragment it starts with xenon and ends with neodymium which is the last fission fragment .
From these data , the mass distributions of fission fragments are calculated based on three different hypotheses for the charge distribution .
The results seem to indicate that the hypothesis of equal charge displacement gives the best fit to the Gaussian distribution for the masses of the fission fragments .
In this paper the method of measuring neutrons is studied by measuring the γ rays from fission fragments of a U 238 foil , which are captured or collected in polyester foils .
The existence of different fission behavior of hot nuclei formed in central and peripheral collisions was found from the systematic analysis of the mass and energy distributions of fission fragments as a function of the initial temperature of hot fissioning nuclei .
A Microcontroller System for Short-Life Nuclide Measurement of ~ ( 252 ) Cf Fission Fragment
Measurement of fission fragment angular distribution in heavy-ions induced reaction
Angular distributions of fission fragments in interactions of ~ ( 12 ) c ions with various targets
According to the comparison with experimental data , the calculated capture cross sections and the fragment distributions of the quasi-fission were reasonable .