
  • 网络follower
  1. 柔性领导坚持以人为本,让被领导者成为组织的主人,以下属和组织共同发展为目标,真正实现组织人员的高效领导。

    Flexible leadership insists people oriented , which making follower become master of organization , and setting the target of common development of staff and organization , and really realizing efficient leading of organization staff .

  2. 领导与被领导者之间心理距离调校浅析

    On the Adjusting of the Mental Distance between Leaders and Staff

  3. 但是,被领导者不能受到强迫,他们必须能够选择自己的领导人。

    But the led must not be coerced , the must be able to choose their leader .

  4. 但是一定不要强迫被领导者,他们一定要能够选定自己的领导者…

    But the led must not be compelled , they must be able to choose their leader ...

  5. 伴随着这样的变化,领导者与被领导者的地位与角色内容也同样发生着深刻的变化。

    With this change , the leaders and was content with the role of also undergoing profound changes .

  6. 研究结果是,成功的领袖会顾及被领导者的价值观、准则和信仰。

    Its findings ? Successful leaders respond to the values , norms and beliefs of the people being led .

  7. 在革命统一战线中领导者和被领导者的关系问题

    The problem of the relationship between those who lead and those who are led in the revolutionary united front

  8. 追随是被领导者与领导者共有的行为,在领导活动中追随者的角色是可以互换的。

    The conduct of following is shared by leaders and followers whose role can be interchangeable in leading activities .

  9. 领导与被领导者之间由于在一个组织系统中所扮演的角色不同,心理上必然存在着某种距离,为了将双方的心理距离调校到最佳状态,应注重在工作中的灵活多样性;

    Because of the different positions of leaders and staff in a working unit , there exists mental distance between them .

  10. 划分‘第一世界’与‘第三世界’、援助国与受援国、领导者与被领导者的过时概念已经不再适用。

    The outdated categorizations of First and Third Worlds , donor and supplicant , leader and led , no longer fit .

  11. 论被领导者工作积极性的产生与激励工会领导人正在办公楼开会。

    Formation and Encouragement of Working Initiative of Led Person ; The union leader is having a meeting in the hall .

  12. 现在是把这些过时观念:第一世界和第三世界,捐助国和求助国,领导者和被领导者,抛在脑后的时候了。

    It is time we put old concepts of First and Third Worlds , leader and led , donor and supplicant , behind us .

  13. 然而从权变的观点出发,变革型领导与交易型领导的有效性还要受到情境因素、被领导者因素的影响。

    However , the effectiveness of transformational leadership and transactional leadership was influenced by the situational and followers ' variables in the view of contingency theories .

  14. (乙)对被领导者给以物质福利,至少不损害其利益,同时对被领导者给以政治教育。

    ( b ) Bring material benefits to those who are led or at least not damage their interests and at the same time give them political education .

  15. 基层干部的领导行为是基层干部为了实现组织目标,在对被领导者实施领导的过程中所表现出来的特殊行为。

    Leadership Behaviors of Cadres at the grassroots Level , in order to achieve organizational goals , is the special act shown by the leader in the implementation process of the leadership .

  16. 组织机构在维护自身稳定的同时,却导致组织化了的大众发生着深刻的变化,彻底转变了领导者和被领导者之间的地位。

    The mechanism of the organization , while conferring a solidity of structure , induces serious changes in the organized mass , completely inverting the respective position of the leaders and the led .

  17. 权力决定了领导者与被领导者的等级关系,形成控制主体与控制对象之间的支配与被支配格局,不同的权力分配模式影响着内控制度贯彻执行的效果;

    The power determines the relation of leader and member , which forms the pattern of control of subject and object . Different distribution of power affects the performance of the internal control .

  18. 隐性领导是一种新兴的领导技术,它能够激发被领导者的潜力,并让被领导者自觉为实现组织目标与愿景而努力,以提高组织生产力。

    Recessive leadership is a new kind of leadership technology , it can inspire be leaders potential and let be leaders to achieve organizational goals self-consciously with vision and efforts to improve organizational productivity .

  19. 领导者要提高自己的非权力性影响力,就必须以自身的品格、能力、知识、情感等对被领导者实施影响。

    In consequence , the leader should improve the power of non authoritative influence to be consisted of quality , capacity , knowledge and emotion etc , in order to fulfill influence for subordinates .

  20. 领导者与被领导者通过一种适宜的组织文化,创造一种高度和谐、友善、亲切、融洽的气氛,使一个组织成为一个密切协作的团队。

    With the feasible organization culture , leaders and subordinates could create a highly harmonious 、 friendly 、 cordial and harmonious atmosphere , which will make an organization to be a team in close collaboration .

  21. 被领导者已经由被动的接受者变为主动的创造者;由僵化的经济人变为丰富的社会人;由单向的接收者变为双向的互动者。

    Leaders have to be passive recipients into active by the creator ; from the rigid " economic man " into a rich " social man "; by the one-way street into a two-way interaction by the recipient .

  22. 知识型企业的领导模式是由知识型企业的领导者、被领导者和情境因素互动作用的产物,主要包括价值导向、愿景驱动、战略牵引、伦理约束、沟通制胜、激励创新等要素。

    The leadership model lies on leaders , adherents , and environment of knowledge enterprises and consists of some important factors such as value-oriented , vision-driven , strategy-pulled , ethic-restricted , communication - dominated , innovating stimulation , etc.

  23. 作为有领导者以及被领导者的组织,如果各分店的盈利性出现差异,那么就可以证明领导者对群体的真实影响。

    If there is variation in franchise profitability , as a function of who leads and who your employees are , then that would be a very powerful statement about the true impact of a leader on a group .

  24. 内隐领导理论作为被领导者认知结构中潜在的关于领导特质、能力和行为的概念体系,对被领导者的组织承诺和工作绩效具有重要的影响。

    As a potential conceptual system about leaders , implicit leadership theory is a kind of cognitive structure on the leaders ' traits , abilities and behaviors , and it has a significant impact on organizational commitment and job performance of the employees .

  25. 当代领导干部的特定职责、使命,工作环境的多样性、工作任务的复杂性及被领导者个性的时代性,更决定领导干部必须注重自身优良个性修炼和塑造。

    Contemporary leading cadres of the specific responsibilities , mission and the working environment of diversity , and the complex nature of the tasks to be led personality of the times , it was decided that leading cadres must pay attention to good practice and shaping personality .

  26. 在面对面互动的情况下,被视作领导者的都是没有社交焦虑的参与者上海翻译公司。

    In the face-to-face situation , the non-anxious participants were the ones seen as leaders .

  27. 如今,多媒体网络时代的迅猛发展也迫使传统报业走上新的改革之路。河南日报选择了走集团化的产业发展道路,报业集团化发展战略层面的理念开始被报业领导者所重视。

    Today , the era of multi-media network , he forced the rapid development of the traditional newspaper industry on a new path of reform .

  28. 你可能在本周被选为领导者。

    You appear to have been chosen as a leader .

  29. 毕竟,多年来被奉为楷模的领导者大多是男性。

    After all , men have been the model for leaders for years .

  30. 除了极少数人之外,大部分人都不愿意被人当作领导者。

    With a few exceptions , individuals actually don 't like being seen to be the leader .