
  1. 他的地位已难以维持,因此他被迫辞职。

    His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign .

  2. 那位饱受指责的政党领导人被迫辞职。

    The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign .

  3. 总统被迫辞职。

    The President was forced into resigning .

  4. 总统被迫辞职。

    The President was forced to resign .

  5. 他承受着被迫辞职的压力,很快就要被排挤出去了。

    He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined

  6. 他在俄罗斯保守议会的压力下被迫辞职。

    He was forced to resign by Russia 's conservative parliament

  7. 当他的一位助手牵涉进一起金融丑闻时,他被迫辞职。

    He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal

  8. 一人因为受到一些媒体的抨击已被迫辞职。

    A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press .

  9. 经理被迫辞职。

    The manager was forced to resign .

  10. 昨日,BP在伦敦的股价收于430便士以下,下跌13%:为自1992年6月26日当时的首席执行官被迫辞职以来的最大跌幅。

    Its shares closed 13 per cent lower at 430p in London trading : the steepest drop since June 26 1992 , when the chief executive was forced to resign .

  11. 精神卫生慈善组织Mind本周发布的调查数据显示,向老板透露自己有精神卫生问题的员工当中,有五分之一被解雇或被迫辞职。

    This week Mind , a mental health charity , released figures that showed one in five people who had disclosed a mental health problem to their bosses had been sacked or forced out of their jobs .

  12. 因为说不准哪天,公司CEO就可能会因病缺席或者另谋高就,也有可能像惠普(HP)前CEO马克•赫德那样,因卷入丑闻而被迫辞职。

    CEOs fall ill or switch jobs , or , in the case of Mark Hurd at HP ( HP ) , become embroiled in a scandal that ultimately leads to their departure .

  13. 一周前,巴克莱(barclays)刚刚因操纵银行间同业拆借利率而被处以创纪录的高额罚款,首席执行官鲍勃戴蒙德(bobdiamond)也被迫辞职。

    His comments came a week after Bob diamond was forced to resign as chief executive of Barclays in the wake of the bank being hit with a record fine for rigging borrowing rates .

  14. 迈克尔马丁(MichaelMartin)昨日成为300多年来英国首名被迫辞职的下议院议长。目前英国政界正努力摆脱一场有害的报销门丑闻。

    Michael Martin yesterday became the first Commons Speaker to be forced from office in more than 300 years , as Britain 's political class attempted to clear the air from a damaging expenses scandal .

  15. 白宫发言人DennisHastert,在众压之下被迫辞职,但他拒绝离职。

    The House speaker , Dennis Hastert , is under pressure to resign but he refuses to go .

  16. Sherrod以前是美国农业部驻佐治亚州农村发展办公室主任,直到后来YouTube上的一段关于她讲话的视频剪辑曝光,她被迫辞职。

    Sherrod used to be the USDA Rural Development Director for Georgia until a YouTube clip of her went .

  17. 30年前,美国刚刚输掉了越南战争,理查德•尼克松(RichardNixon)总统被迫辞职,全球经济陷入通货膨胀的混乱,西方世界的未来一片黑暗。

    Three decades ago , when the Vietnam war had just been lost , President Richard Nixon had been forced to resign and the world economy was in inflationary turmoil , the future of the west seemed dark .

  18. 另一家德国企业RWE呢?其首席执行官已被迫辞职,部分原因是他未能完成任何大规模交易。

    What about RWE , also of Germany , where the chief executive appears to have been forced out in part because he failed to do any big deals ?

  19. 2000年,他进入瑞士电信,出任移动部门主管,其后在2006年晋升为首席执行官,此前他的前任延斯•阿尔德(JensAlder)在与瑞士政府就集团的国际扩张战略发生冲突后被迫辞职。瑞士政府是瑞士电信的最大股东。

    In 2000 , he joined Swisscom as head of its mobile division , before being promoted to chief executive in 2006 , after his predecessor , Jens Alder , was forced to resign following a clash with the Swiss government , which is Swisscom 's largest shareholder , over the group 's international expansion strategy .

  20. 他因为不道德的行为被迫辞职。

    He was forced to resign because of his immoral conduct .

  21. 我确实认为他会被迫辞职的。

    I do think that he 'll be forced to resign .

  22. 2006年,惠普公司董事长帕特丽夏•邓恩被迫辞职。

    In 2006 came the removal of HP board chair Pattie Dunn .

  23. 他们不再支持部长,这使他被迫辞职。

    Their withdrawal of support forced the minister to resign .

  24. 被迫辞职对部长来说是个巨大的耻辱。

    Being forced to resign was a great humiliation for the minister .

  25. 如再出现任何丑行的迹象,他将被迫辞职。

    Any further hint of scandal and he 'll be forced to resign .

  26. 一些高薪但表现糟糕的首席执行官被迫辞职。

    Some highly paid , poorly performing chief executives have been forced out .

  27. 他们对他施加压力,直到他被迫辞职为止。

    They put the screws on him until he was forced to resign .

  28. 到处传说他将被迫辞职。

    There 's a rumour abroad that he will be forced to resign .

  29. 距斯皮策引起轰动并被迫辞职已过去五年的时间。

    It 's been five years since Spitzer 's spectacular fall from power .

  30. 因此事科索沃内政部长被迫辞职,联合国警署专员也被炒了鱿鱼。

    Kosovo 's interior minister quit ; the United Nations police commissioner was fired .