
bǔ guō
  • tinker a pan
补锅[bǔ guō]
  1. 补锅匠泰勒把他那杯酒喝完了就起身走了。

    Tinker Taylor drank off his glass and departed .

  2. 女士看到在大街上补锅匠在他的独轮车上干活。

    A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street .

  3. 薄薄的金属罐把补锅匠当成国王。

    Thin metal tins think tinkers kings .

  4. 补锅匠汤姆·海德站在断头台上,问他有什么话要说。

    Tom Hyde , the tinker , standing on the gallows , was asked if he had anything to say .

  5. “他是谁?”“唔,他什么事情都干过?当过兵,做过民谣歌手,干过流浪补锅匠,而现在却是个乞丐。”

    " Who is he ?"" why , he has gone the vole ? Has been soldier , ballad-singer , traveling tinker and is now a beggar . "

  6. 厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布立特尔关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,而补锅匠装着没有听见。

    The cook turned pale , and asked the housemaid to shut the door , who asked brittles , who asked the tinker , who pretended not to hear .

  7. 该报道的标题也极为巧妙,《补锅匠泰勒与间谍之吻》恰好与2011年的一部名为《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》的电影形成谐音双关。

    It also came with the pretty clever headline , " TINKER TAYLOR SNOG A SPY , " a play on the miniseries and 2011 film , " Tinker Tailor Solider Spy . "

  8. 但是,自1978年改革开放以来,人民转而使用电饭锅,高压锅,补锅匠不再是他们日常生活所需的部分了。

    However , since the reform and opening up was launched in1978 , people have turned to electric cookers and pressure cookers , and pan tinkers are no longer part of their daily lives .

  9. 摘要在农村的计划生育管理中,普遍存在基层干部和计划生育管理者放任甚至希望对象户超生的现象,我们称之为“补锅匠现象”。

    In family planning management of countryside , have grass-roots cadre and family planning administrator is it hope target phenomenon that family has children outside the state plan even to interfere generally , we call that " mending craftsman 's phenomenon of the pan " .