
hánɡ jì hé tonɡ
  • contract of commission agency
  1. 期货经纪合同属于行纪合同。

    Futures broking contract is a type of broking contract .

  2. 行纪合同直接介入权制度与行纪人担保履行责任研究

    Research on the System of Direct Intervention Right and Commissioner 's Duty of Guarantee Performance in Commission Contract

  3. 行纪合同的成立不仅须具备一般合同的成立要件,还须具备特别成立要件;

    The establishment of contract of commission requires not only important documents for common contract , but also special important document ;

  4. 旅游合同又不同于承揽、代理、居间及行纪合同,是一种独立的混合合同,这也正是旅游合同与其他合同的明显区别之所在。

    Tourist contract is not mere consume one , for its distinctive nature-its target is invisible which is a mental product-it is different from other traditional business contracts .

  5. 剖析证券经纪合同属性相关代理合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说等观点的优缺点。

    I analyzed advantages and disadvantages of different theories on attributes of securities broking contracts , such as agency contract theory , intermediary contract theory , trustee-trader theory and so on .

  6. 行纪合同制度作为大陆法系国家特有的一项法律制度,产生于欧洲中世纪,完善于18世纪末英国大革命时期。

    Contract of commission , a special law in the continental law system , was first made in Middle Ages in Europe and perfected during the English Revolution at the end of 18th century .

  7. 因此,建议在我国行纪合同中新增一条,并在新增条文中明确规定出委托人的介入权与第三人的选择权。

    Therefore , this paper suggests a new regulation in which the right of intervene of principals and option of the third party is stipulated clearly be added in contract of commission of our country .

  8. 新《合同法》针对以往外贸代理立法上的不足和实践中存在的问题,规定了委托合同与行纪合同及其规则,从而为我国外贸代理制的发展奠定了坚实的法律基础。

    In 1999 , China made a new Contract Law of PRC ( which contains the rules of agency contract and commission agency contract ) and laid a solid foundation for Foreign Trade Agency System .

  9. 目前关于演艺经纪合同性质的学说主要有委托合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说、劳动合同说四种。

    At present , there are mainly four common academic theories about the nature of the performance brokerage contract , for example : the commission contract ; the intermediation contract ; the brokerage contract ; the labor contract .

  10. 它是连接信托与合同的重要桥梁,与合同法中既有的行纪合同、居间合同、委托合同存在着一定的区别和联系。

    It is a key to connect trust and contract . There are differences and relations between trust contract and contract of commission , contract of mediate and contract of mandate which have already existed in present Contract Law .

  11. 行纪合同制度的产生对于促进社会专业化分工,实现经济的规模效益,节约信息成本,降低交易费用意义重大,因而许多大陆法系国家都在自己的法典中规定了行纪合同制度。

    Thereafter , many countries with continental law system established stipulate contract of commission which has great significance in promoting the social division of specialties , realizing efficiency of large-scale production , saving information cost and reducing expenses of transaction .

  12. 委托为本人与相对人意思表示一致的处理事务型合同,它是委托代理、信托、行纪、居间等合同的基础法律关系。

    A delegation contract , reached by the meeting of minds of the principal and the counterpart , is a basis of agency relation , trust relation , commission as well as brokerage relation .

  13. 第四百二十一条行纪人与第三人订立合同的,行纪人对该合同直接享有权利、承担义务。

    Where the trustee-trader entered into a contract with a third person , it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder .