
xínɡ zhènɡ sù sònɡ fǎ
  • administrative procedure law;administrative litigation law
  1. 论《行政诉讼法》在药政案件中的适用

    Application of Administrative Procedure Law to Cases of Drug Administration

  2. 大陆和台湾地区的行政诉讼法初步比较

    Administrative Procedure Law of the Mainland and Taiwan Region : a Preliminary Comparison

  3. 社会转型时期的行政诉讼法修改

    Modification of Administrative Procedure Law in the Period of Social Transformation

  4. 行政诉讼法修改的基本动向及其问题

    On the Basic Orientation and Problems in Amending the Administrative Procedure Law

  5. 诉讼类型在《日本行政诉讼法》中的地位和作用&以我国《行政诉讼法》的修改为观察视角

    Status and Function of Litigation Types in Administrative Procedure Law of Japan

  6. 在维护与监督之间&《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》立法目的分析

    Goal of the Legislation of Law of Administrative Proceedings : Upholding and Supervising

  7. 完善药品监督管理适应《行政诉讼法》的实施

    Perfecting Drug Supervision in Accordance with Administrative Procedure Law

  8. 对实现行政诉讼法目的之具体法律制度的思考

    Consideration on the Law System for Carrying Out the Aim of Administration Lawsuit

  9. 现行行政诉讼法修改的必要性已是不争的论题。

    It is incontrovertible that the current administrative procedure law should be revised .

  10. 依据《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》,最高法院接受了乔丹的申诉。

    The SPC accepted the appeal on the basis of the Administrative Procedural Law .

  11. 土地管理部门与《行政诉讼法》施行的适应

    A discussion on land managerial departments how to fit the performance of administrative procedural law

  12. 行政诉讼法规定:人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解。

    Administrative proceeding prescribes that the mediation is not applied in cognizance of administrative cases .

  13. 行政诉讼法应建立合理性原则

    Principle of Reasonableness in Administrative Procedure Law

  14. 第一部分介绍的是关于我国行政诉讼法修改的争议。

    The first part is about the modification of administrative procedure law of our country .

  15. 日本行政诉讼法新增的诉讼类型:课赋义务诉讼

    New Types of Litigation in Japanese Administrative Litigation Law : Litigation of Burden of Commitment

  16. 行政诉讼法应以保障相对方的诉权为宗旨和立足点。

    The administrative procedure law should be based on the assurance of the citizens'litigation right .

  17. 在我国三大诉讼中,维持判决为行政诉讼法所特有。

    In our three lawsuits , maintaining adjudgment is unique to the administrative procedure law .

  18. 成熟原则起源于美国,是美国行政诉讼法的一个重要原则。

    Ripeness originate in the United States which is an important doctrine in the United States .

  19. 根据我国行政诉讼法和国家赔偿法的规定,笔者探讨了三类具体行政不作为案件赔偿责任的承担问题,以及诉讼法和赔偿法之间不作为责任的衔接问题。

    The author analyzes three kinds of state compensation according to related laws of our country .

  20. 行政诉讼法对公民基本权利的保护问题研究

    The Study on the Protection for Citizens ' Primary Rights Provided by the Administrative Litigation Law

  21. 因此,重构行政诉讼法受案范围势在必行。

    Therefore , the recon struction of scope of accepting cases of administrative litigation is imperative .

  22. 从这个意义上,文章认为行政诉讼法就是行政诉讼结构法。

    It is on this point that administrative litigation law is regarded as administrative litigation structure law .

  23. 现行《行政诉讼法》没有就公益诉讼作专门规定。

    The Administrative Procedure Law now enforcing has no special regulation on the procedure of public welfare .

  24. 现行行政诉讼法受案范围是以具体行政行为为前提的。

    The scope of accepting cases on administrative proceedings is defined by the concept of specific administrative act .

  25. 我国刑事、民事、行政诉讼法都明确规定了证据的七种形式。

    China 's criminal , civil and administrative procedure law explicitly provides for the seven forms of evidence .

  26. 最后,阐述了扩大对我国行政诉讼法受案范围的具体建议。

    Finally , expound the concrete suggestion on enlarging the case scope of our country administrative procedure law .

  27. 《关于执行〈中华人民共和国行政诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第53条第2款的理解与适用

    On Understanding and Application of Article 53 , Section ⅱ of the Judicial Interpretation on Administrative Litigation Law

  28. 我国《行政诉讼法》的修订势在必行,在修订过程中应遵循若干基本原则。

    The basic principles were described , which should follow in the revision of our Administrative Procedural law .

  29. 浅析民告官在我国行政诉讼法中的意义

    Plain analysis of the significance about " Layman Suing Officials " in our country 's Administrative Legal Procedure Law

  30. 我国《行政诉讼法》设置的行政诉讼的门槛包括起诉人是公民、法人或者其他组织;

    Our country 's administrative procedure law is limited by conditions which include suitor is citizen or other organization .