- administrative control

The administrative control , auditing and monitoring are important database security mechanisms .
Globalization and reconstruction of competitive sports policies & From administrative control to networked management
The control included internal administrative controls , external political control and output control .
On the Administration Control of Science & Technology
On the Administration Control of Science and Technology
More administration and few law means ;
Analyses the two types of administrative control of technology : by instruction and by induction .
On the Administrative Control of Technology
Strengthen the legal system construction , accelerate the legality construction process of science and technology administration control ;
Discussion on law duties and responsibilities of a law relative person under the decision of food hygiene administrative control
Perform / coordinate Job Hazard Analysis ; Identify proper engineering and / or administrative controls and PPE for each position .
The Western countries adopt judicial dominating approaches to control injustice competition , whereas China adopts legal forces assisted by administrative measures .
As the management and control modes , this article analyze three generic modes : administration control , participation control and platform control .
Public budget may be divided into two big systems : A the government departments ' internal administrative control and the legislative institution 's external political control ;
After the anti-rightist movement in 1957 , peasant freedom to drop out of cooperatives was denied , and the dropout tide was crushed with administrative control and political struggle .
At present , there exist some serious shortcomings in the corporate governance structure of the rural credit association , which are caused by undefined property right and imperfect property system .
Gulf countries and other emerging markets with inflation problems could try other strategies , including higher subsidies , public sector wage increases , and administrative controls on prices and rents .
Performance in executive pay system , on the one hand is on the executive pay of government departments have strict administrative control ; the other hand , increasing executive pay .
The article summarizes the market management ideas in ancient China in three ways : the idea of direct control by administration with 《 Zhou Li 》, Shang Yang as representatives ;
To solve these problems , we must take practical measures to strengthen the legal resources supply in the rural society and encourage interaction of state laws and the civil rules .
However , with the impacts of administrative control by the governments and traditional news concepts held by most reporters , media coverings on public health emergencies are far from being good enough .
The means of control include legislative control , administrative control and self-control by stock exchanges . The keystone of control is the mediation of strained relation between business goal and public function .
Government supervision and inspection is essentially administrative control activity that the leadership authority controls the lower level departments , usually include supervision of decision-making , special investigation , supervision research and policy coordination .
Then analyzes the the basic process of control implementation , which is an analysis from the process of the modern administrative , that is , establishing standards , measuring results and correcting the deviation .
The enforcement mode of Market Regulation Law influence legislation preference thereby affecting the construction of market regulation law system . Therefore China should mainly depend on administrative control and take judicial control as a supplement in the current .
The deepening of China 's public budget reform ought to be comprehensive , public responsibility and administrative control should be led into government budget and financial management , thus set up a budget system with orientation being controlled strictly .
The relationship between industrial and commercial organizations and government was not totally passive but an interactive one in the course of the administrative control as , with the help of government authority , the associations could achieve their goals .
Shanghai 's free trade zone , or FTZ , which opened in September 2013 , was heralded as a laboratory for ambitious free market reforms that would lift everything from financial and currency restrictions to administrative controls on foreign investment .
The administrative control of the government was conducted mainly by guidance and supervision , whose main measures were to inspect the submitted material , urge the establishment of industrial and commercial associations , answer the motions and press for the ar-rears .
Administrative control put emphasis on the allocation of financial resources while political control emphasizes the implement of public responsibility , administrative control and political control 's progress and interaction affect the development of public budget system directly and even decide its development .