- 网络Administrative Entrustment

The first part is concept definition of the administrative entrustment .
A Brief Discussion on Electronics Practice On Administrative Entrustment
There are exist some problems in its legislation and practice .
The master of administrative entrust concept is beneficial for us accurate understanding of the administrative entrust system .
Administrative entrustment is an effective measure to promote administrative efficiency and competitive powers to reply the expanding government tasks .
Yet after public universities become independent juristic person , that relation might be replaced by an external administrative trust .
In the first place , the author briefly introduces the administration entrustment system of more developed Holland , Spanish , French and our country Taiwan area .
The power of associations has more meaning , so the administrative trust and administrative authority are not the source of the autonomy of sports associations , It can only come from the transfer of members of association .
However , due to the social insurance rights which under the governmental responsibility protect the right of basic medical insurance insurant , and public agencies develop the basic medical services agreement which provides the obligations of the medical sector .
By examining the history of how lawyers association has established and developed , we can see clearly the source of the trade management power of lawyers : formed by internal agreement , authorized or confirmed by law , entrusted by administration .
But our legislations at present is imperfect to the administrative entrustment stipulation , still have many problems . The administrative entrustment has not been made the unification stipulation , the entrustment jurisdiction has not been made the explicit legal limit , the entrustment object has not unified standard ;
Under the big background , administrative entrusts are comprehensively used by administrative organs because these can extend administrative means to make the administrative goals and can make full use of all social forces to involve in management so as to effectively save administrative cost and improve the administrative efficiency .
A specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization as entrusted by an administrative organ
On the Administrative Nature of Government Licensed Management Agreement agency by agreement comes before corporation management .
The security not only must comply with the basic law spirit , and also should be based on the realistic situation in China .
Top priority is to make addition to the relevant legislation , and to strengthen the administrative relief and the judicial relief for protecting the lawful rights and interests of the related subjects .
The differences of withdrawal rates of identified cases among three ways including consignations by both hospital and patient , by health administration , and by court were significant ( P < 0.05 ) .
An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen , legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers , shall be the organ under compensatory obligations .
Companies of which the registration is entrusted by the State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce .
The administrative department of public health 158 home province most medical institution for materials reserve entrusted .
No administrative organs shall entrust other administrative organs to implement administrative license without definite provisions by laws , regulations or rules .
An authorized administrative organ shall , within the authorized scope , implement the administrative license in the name of the authorizing administrative organ ;
The administrative departments of labor security may entrust the accountant firms to make examination and verification on payer entities ' payment of social insurance premiums .
The failure of police to enforce certain laws is only the surface of the problem : they take their mandate from the officials and constituents they serve .
An invigilator or the chief invigilator shall , according to the entrustment of the administrative judicial organ and the provisions of the present Measures , give treatment to any disciplinary breach .
The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region commissioned a team of specialists from Harvard University to conduct a comprehensive assessment of health care system in Hong Kong and to propose options to improve the financial arrangement of the system .
Article 73 When foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China , they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers ' organization of the People 's Republic of China .
To offer technological authentication for copyright disputes as entrusted by various judicial authorities and copyright administrations .
At present , state-owned enterprise managers have been put onto the present position either through administrative appointment system or as trustee-agent .
According to agency theory , the best way of making agents take optimal action is to choose appropriate bonus motivation mechanism .