
xínɡ zhènɡ chǔ fá chénɡ xù
  • Administrative penalty procedures;procedure of administrative punishment
  1. 论税务行政处罚程序在执行中的问题及对策

    Discussion on the Issues and Countermeasures of Administrative Penalty Procedure in Practice

  2. 海上海事行政处罚程序

    Procedures for Maritime Administrative Punishment Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment

  3. 行政处罚程序违法问题探析

    Research on Breach of Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  4. 行政处罚程序研究

    Basic Theory of the Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  5. 行政处罚程序中的听证程序

    Hold Court Procedure in Administrative Punishment Procedure

  6. 我国行政处罚程序司法化研究

    The Judicialization of the Administrative Punishment Procedure

  7. 行政处罚程序研究论行政处罚简易程序中的自由裁量权

    Talk about the Right of Sanction Amount of Freedom in the Summary Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  8. 教育行政处罚程序是教育行政部门实施教育行政处罚的方法、步骤、顺序的总称,包括一般程序、简易程序和听证程序。

    Legal procedure of disciplinary education sanction is a general unity of implementing methods , steps and orders executed by educational administrative department .

  9. 行政处罚程序与刑事诉讼程序的衔接中,存在严重的以罚代刑问题。

    In the connection between the administrative law enforcement and the criminal procedure , it is a serious problem that substitute administrative penalty for criminal punishment .

  10. 对行政处罚程序违法行为进行必要的理论研究,可为实现行政法治,预防和减少行政处罚程序违法问题提供理论指导,促进依法行政。

    Therefore , we should carry out essential study for it so as to provide the theoretical guidance for realizing the rule of administrative law , preventing or reducing the illegal procedure of administrative penalty , and promoting the administration by operation of law .

  11. 基于以上考虑,本文从理论、立法、实务的三维视角出发采用比较研究的方法,全面阐述了行政处罚程序违法理论,提出了解决当前我国行政处罚程序违法问题的合理化建议。

    Based on the foregoing analyses , in the tripartite perspective of theory , legislation and practice , the article comprehensively demonstrates the theory about the illegal procedure of administrative penalty by means of comparative study , and put forward to several reasonable suggestions for dissolving it .

  12. 因此笔者在此只是想起抛砖引玉的作用;呼吁法学工作者从法律的视角研究这些新兴的问题n在第七章,作者分析了侵权法的危机和行政处罚前置程序。

    In Chapter VII , the writer analyses the crisis of tort law and decision of adminstrative penalty before civil action .

  13. 行政处罚告知程序实践操作刍议

    On the Application of Informing Procedure of Administrative Punishment in Practice

  14. 论我国行政处罚听证程序的原则

    On the Principles of China ′ s Hearing Procedure of Administrative Punishment

  15. 行政处罚告知程序法律效力探析

    Analysis of the Legal Validity of the Notifying Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  16. 有关部门已经开始了行政处罚的程序;

    Authorities already have begun the process of administrative penalties ;

  17. 试论我国刑罚执行机关的行政处罚适用程序

    On the Applicable Executive Penalty Procedures for the Enforcement Authorities

  18. 论行政处罚听证程序基本原则制度的完善

    On the Perfection of the Basic Principle System of Administrative Punishment Hearing Procedure

  19. 论行政处罚告知程序的法律适用

    Legal Application of Notification Procedure of Administration Penalty

  20. 我国行政处罚听证程序分析

    Discussion on the Procedure of hearing of witnesses for administrative penalties in our country

  21. 论将人身自由罚纳入行政处罚听证程序的必要性

    On Necessity of Putting Personal Freedom Penalty into the Category of Administrative Hearing Procedure

  22. 从行政处罚简易程序浅谈药品管理法律的完善

    Discussion on the Improvement of Drug Administration Law from the Simplified Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  23. 教育行政处罚一般程序是教育行政处罚的常用程序,可分为立案、回避、调查等12个步骤和环节。

    It can be divided into three procedures common procedure , comprising 12 steps and links ;

  24. 完善我国税务行政处罚听证程序的探讨

    Discussion of the Consummation of the Evidentiary Hearing Procedure for Administrative Punishments of Taxes in China

  25. 我国行政处罚听证程序存在诸多立法上的缺陷,实践中也产生许多条文理解上的争议,需要进一步发展和完善。

    China 's administrative punishment hearing procedure has many defects and misunderstandings in its clauses , which need to be perfected .

  26. 我国税务行政处罚决定程序模式、存在的问题及对策。

    Third , an elaboration of models , problems and countermeasures of determined procedure of executive punishment of taxation in our country .

  27. 二是规范税务机关自由裁量权行使,完善税务行政处罚听证程序制度,健全重大税务案件审理制度,规范税务处罚决定文书。

    The second one is to standardize the exercise of right of discretion of tax authority , complete the procedures and system of tax administrative penalty hearing perfect the trial system of important taxation cases and standardize writ of tax penalty decision .

  28. 消防行政处罚中听证程序的价值和功能

    On the Function and Value of Hearing Procedure in Administrative Penalty

  29. 论实施治安行政处罚履行告知程序的法律体系

    On System of Informative Procedure of Imposing Punishments for Public Security

  30. 我国档案行政处罚的基本程序解读档案行政执法刍议

    An explanation of archives administrative punishments ' basic procedures in our country