
xíng shāng
  • itinerant trader;pedlar;itinerant merchant;badger;dusty foot
行商 [háng shāng]
  • [badger] 昔时获准贩卖粮食的商人

  • [dustyfoot;pedlar;itinerant trader] 外出经营的流动商人

行商[xíng shāng]
  1. 内已经辞职。内承认与上个月的杰克。艾布拉姆行商调查案有牵连。

    Ney pleaded guilty last month in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation .

  2. 简析明代江西商人的行商特色

    Trade Features in Jiangxi in the Ming Dynasty

  3. 古代商人在沙漠中留下的行商路线

    And the desert routes those antient traders took

  4. 行商是清政府对外贸易政策的产物。

    Abstrac : The Cohong is the product of opening trade policy of Qing government .

  5. 作者认为,零售企业的选择应是在不放弃传统坐商形式的前提下,充分汲取行商的优势。

    I think that the retail enterprise should take full advantage of " itinerant merchant " but not give up the form of traditional " tradesman " .

  6. 市场并不只是一个出售食物的建筑物,或者行商和农夫叫卖产品的一串摊位。

    A market is not just a building in which food is sold or a series of stalls where travelling merchants and local farmers peddle their products .

  7. 食物或粮食在亲族或集市之间互易,多数居民集团中有行商,联系亚利桑那和新墨西哥州沿海住民之间的贸易。

    Goods and foodstuffs were distributed through reciprocal trade between kin and through " trade fairs "; professional traders linked coastal peoples with peoples of Arizona and New Mexico .

  8. 自从国内券商的经营模式由坐商转变为行商起,诞生了经纪人制度,也就是所谓的客户经理制度。

    Since the domestic brokerage business model changed by tradesmen into peddling , it gave birth to the broker system , which is also called the customer manager system .

  9. 兴泰行和其他行商在作为当时进出口贸易之大宗的茶叶贸易和棉花贸易中,由于种种不利因素,也难以取得利润,反而遭受重大损失。

    Because of various unfavorable conditions , Hingtae Hong and other Hongs could not make a profit in their staple trades in tea and cotton , but rather suffered heavy losses .

  10. 邓廷桢命行商首领会同英人清理债务,并在长时间的争执后确定了赔偿方案。

    Deng ordered the leaders of the Hong merchants to clear the account with the British , and after a protracted dispute they settled on a scheme for paying off the debts .

  11. 兴泰行商欠案的发生,除了其自身的一些原因外,主要是由1830年代中西贸易关系的变化和行商贸易体制自身的弊端所导致。

    Aside from its own internal factors , the Hingtae Hong debt case was mainly caused by the change in Sino-Western commercial relations and the maladies of the Canton Hong commercial system in the1830s .

  12. 现代企业的竞争模式已经由产品竞争过渡到品牌竞争,现在正在向商誉竞争过渡的现实,促使全社会也由此形成了一股信誉行商的浪潮。

    Meanwhile , the transmit of corporate competitive model form product oriented one to brand oriented one , then to goodwill oriented competition raises a stream of doing business referring to goodwill in the whole society .

  13. 1834年东印度公司对华贸易的结束,使兴泰行这样的小行商失去了一层保护,而东印度公司在此后对广州贸易施加的影响,则恶化了行商的经济处境。

    When the East Indian company stopped trading with China in1834 , small Hong merchants such as Hingtae Hong lost a layer of protection , and the influence that the company continued to exert on the Canton Trade thereafter worsened economic conditions for the Hong merchants .

  14. 早期中英关系主要是商业上的,但在中英贸易中存在着诸多的冲突与矛盾,主要集中在:广州一口通商制度、行商制度、海关税课制度、外商管理制度。

    The early Sino-British relations are mainly commercial , but there are many conflicts and contradictions in Sino-British trade , which mainly concentrate on : the system of the only trade at Guangzhou port , Hang merchants system , customs tax system , foreign merchants ' management system .

  15. 董贝先生的营业所的办公室是在一个院子里;院子的角落里很久以来就设有一个出卖精选水果的货摊;男女行商在院子里向顾客兜售拖鞋、笔记本、海绵、狗的颈圈、温莎①肥皂;

    Mr Dombey 's offices were in a court where there was an old-established stall of choice fruit at the corner : where perambulating merchants , of both sexes , offered for sale at any time between the hours of ten and five , slippers , pocket-books , sponges , dogs ' collars , and Windsor soap ;