- behavioral scientist
The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg , which is also called dual-factor theory .
Become a behavioral scientist .
The behavioural scientists Dan Ariely and James Heyman asked experimental subjects to perform a boring task ; those paid a few cents did less work than those paid nothing at all .
For years , behavioral scientists have studied such questions .
Professors of animal psychology and behavioral scientists are a very different story .
We also reviewed the scientific research literature on self-change , a topic that behavioral scientists began to explore in earnest in the1960s .
As for more and more people paying attention to probability judgment under uncertain conditions , many scientists were engaged in researches of this field .
The quest for the ideal incentive package is , as behavioural scientists ' increasing interest suggests , a human problem more than a mathematical one .
Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that any human being tends to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result .
While some behavioral scientists have found that having strong connections makes you more successful , some of the most influential creative people lived in relative isolation .
Behavioural scientists found that the more affluent an area then the happier it was , but the more likely its residents are to take their own lives .
However , the bad news is that humans seem hard-wired to be lazy in order to save energy , according to Professor Christopher Hsee , a behavioural scientist at Chicago University .
It works even better if " the children featuring on the poster are saying ' I live here , " or ' I want my daddy to come home safely ' , " says Pelle Guldborg Hansen , behavioural scientist at the University of Southern Denmark , and chairman of the Danish Nudging Network .
For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists
And that 's why some behavioral scientists think gallons per mile is a better metric .
The behaviour of the animals in this situation is a mystery that scientists are finding difficult to unravel .
For scientists who study the evolution and behavior of viruses , the Ebola pathogen is performing true to its vast , ancient and staggeringly diverse kind .
Because of this assumption scientists looking at reading behavior have just measured one of the eyes because they assumed the eyes were doing the same thing .
Some animals and their behavior remain mysterious to scientists and it 's only through long term research and observation that they 've been able to bust a number of animal myths .
By following the behaviour of these children and their families , researchers found that their parents were fishing for crabs in rice paddies and adding them to their children 's diet .
Complex behavior in insects , fish and lower mammals has intrigued scientists for centuries .
But Fang says that the punishment is too slight and the practice of not revealing names of most of scientists accused of misconduct will fail to deter the others .
One of the researchers , Nicolas Gueguen , wrote , " The results are interesting for scientists who work on the effect of background music on individuals ' behaviour . "
Mr Curran is not a private investigator hoping to uncover a dirty secret but an anthropologist – a social scientist who studies human behaviour through systematic observation – working on behalf of a greeting card company .
The scientists who studied the behavior of insects with sociality found that insects ' cooperation can solve complicated problems although this kind of cooperation is nearly self-organized in one community and seems very simply in some situation .
Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior .
Human behavior cannot be examined with the same precision with which a natural scientist can examine laboratory specimen .
The moral character education mainly looks for the source material in the general knowledge about civilized behavior as well as in the famous scientists ' fact to carry out the moral character education to the students .
The purpose of the European Brain and Behaviour Society is the exchange of information between European scientists interested in the relationship of brain mechanisms and behavior .
China 's main critic of scientific misconduct has been found guilty of libelling a scientist he accused of academic wrongdoing .