- 名auditing within a trade

On the basics of analysing the reasons of audit failure in CPA industry . The aim is discussing the ways of improving the level of social credit in CPA industry .
Secondly , this paper proposes the method and criterion about the judgment of audit target specialization , auditor 's industry expertise and accounting firms ' industry specialization respectively .
The Fourth is to explore the thinking industry-wide audit to establish a training mechanism , enhance the practical ability of auditors to improve the overall quality of the audit team .
Judgment and measurement of the accounting firm 's specialization embodies auditors ' industry audit specialty and specialization operation of auditing ( object . ) And they also pursue and assemble each other .
I hope this research can provide ideas and information to the ABC tobacco company for its improvement of internal audit system , and I also hope that it can provide reference to the improvement of the tobacco industry internal audit system .
The Analysis of the Requests of Computer Auditing System in Shipbuilding Enterprises
Probe into the Environmental Audit of the Coal Industry
Secondly , based on the theory of industry organization , the necessity of auditor industry specialization is illustrated from two aspects : the audit market structure in certain industry and the market demands respectively .
This paper first compares the auditing quality standards , the service inspection mechanism and the service inspection system among the United Stated , Britain , China and Japan , and then puts forward some proposals to improve the auditing quality control mechanism of China .
Audit Firm Industry Specialization , Audit Fees and Audit Quality
The Empirical Studying on the Relationship of Auditor Industry Specialization and Audit Pricing
Industry expertise and audit quality asymmetry : Evidence from China 's three industry groups
These findings indicate that industry expertise does be able to facilitate audit quality .
Studies on how industry expertise impact audit quality are almost blank in the domestic academia .
Clean Production Audit for Electroplating Industry
In this paper , we examine the relationship between auditing firms'industry expertise and their audit quality .
It is found that industry expertise of public accountant firm is positive correlated with audit quality and audit efficiency .
The results showed that auditor industry specialization and audit fees have no relationship , positive correlation or negative correlation .
The key findings of the research are summarized as below : ( 1 ) The effect of auditor industry expertise on audit pricing .
Their research on the relation between industry expertise and audit quality started rather late , but has so far received relatively abundant empirical evidence .
The empirical research on the relationship of auditor industry specialization and audit fees in this paper would enrich the conclusions of auditor industry specialization .
Moreover , this paper also explore whether the influence degree of industry expertise of different scale of audit firms on audit fees are the same .
But we also find industry specialization operation is important to the audit market , and industry specialization operation is also dangerous to the audit market .
The consequences are that it is necessary for enterprise group of electric power industry to supervise and manage its affiliated enterprises by adopting audit supervision system ;
This paper studies relationship between the auditor industry specialization and audit pricing , and test whether the auditor can obtain audit fees premium by developing industry specialization .
The main purpose of this paper is to provide theoretic and empirical study on auditor industry expertise 's effect on audit market performance of China 's audit market .
This paper is under the new audit guidelines which is the policy background , study relationship between the accounting firms ' industry expertise and the quality of the audit .
Take the whole market as the research sample , auditor industry specialization and the audit quality has positively relation , and auditor industry specialization and audit quality there has no relation .
On this basis , we empirical test the relationship between the accounting firm industry expertise and auditing fees . The results show that there is a positive correlation between accounting firm industry expertise and audit fees .
The empirical results turns out that auditor industry specialization and audit fees shows an obviously positive correlation and the regression equation does not exist autocorrelation and multicollinearity problems , that is , auditor industry specialization is benefit to get audit fee premiums .