
  • 网络industry analyst
  1. CBDi论坛的软件行业分析师,RichardVeryard,思考了这样一个问题:我们必须推销SOA吗?

    Richard Veryard , a software industry analyst for the CBDi Forum , ponders the question : Do we have to sell SOA ?

  2. 过去两三年,对于经销商而言,关系恶化非常严重,AutomotiveInsight驻上海行业分析师张豫(YaleZhang)表示,汽车制造商拥有太多的权力,经销商处于非常弱势的地位。

    Over the past two or three years , the deterioration for dealers has been pretty bad , said Yale Zhang , a Shanghai-based industry analyst with Automotive Insight . Carmakers have too much power and dealers are in a very weak position .

  3. 关键的挑战在于运作一项能够盈利的业务,中原证券(CentralChinaSecurities)汽车行业分析师余兵表示。

    The key challenge is to run a profitable business , says Yu Bing , automotive analyst with Central China Securities .

  4. 哈里斯从Newton公司的内部菜单上选股,该菜单基于这家投资公司23位全球行业分析师的研究成果。

    Mr Harries selects stocks from a Newton in-house menu based on the research of the investment house 's 23 global industrial analysts .

  5. 通过完全忽略BPEL,一些更小的公司开始示范了BPM购买者和行业分析师的成功做法。

    A host of smaller companies began to demonstrate success both with BPM buyers and industry analysts by ignoring BPEL altogether .

  6. 弗雷斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)的科技行业分析师詹姆斯·麦奎维(JamesMcQuivey)表示,苹果进入流媒体音乐领域的时间晚了,但依然有机会超越竞争对手。

    James McQuivey , a technology analyst for Forrester Research , said Apple was late to the streaming music party , but still has a chance to leapfrog the competition .

  7. 一些行业分析师甚至开始怀疑这是不是Hulu开始走向没落的开端。

    Some industry analysts even wonder if this is the beginning of the end of Hulu .

  8. JanneyCapitalMarkets公司电子商务行业分析师肖恩o米尔恩猜测,该公司的销售额可能接近2亿美元,并有多达200万付费用户。

    Janney Capital Markets analyst Shawn Milne , who follows e-commerce companies , guesses the company 's sales could be approaching $ 200 million on as many as 2 million subscribers .

  9. 前银行业分析师、面向金融业人士的社交和职介网站WallStreetOasis创始人帕特里克•柯蒂斯(PatrickCurtis)观察到,药物的使用出现了代际变化。

    Patrick Curtis , a former banking analyst and founder ofWall Street Oasis , a networking and career site for those working in finance , observes a generational shift in the use of drugs .

  10. 欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的消费者餐饮行业分析师伊丽莎白•傅兰德称:“过去五年里快餐业表现出令人难以置信的强劲增长,”同时强调,这个成绩是在经济衰退的背景下取得的。

    " Fast casual has had an incredibly impressive five years , " says Elizabeth friend , a consumer foodservice analyst at Euromonitor International , noting that they did well even in the recession .

  11. 最近几个月,投资者一直在关注需求方面的风险,麦格理(Macquarie)金属行业分析师邓肯霍布斯(DuncanHobbs)表示。

    Over the last few months , investors have been preoccupied with the demand-side risks , says Duncan Hobbs , metals analyst at Macquarie .

  12. asymco的独立移动行业分析师霍勒斯德迪乌(horacedediu)指出,苹果对印度市场的态度对于其他新兴经济体同样适用。

    What goes for India also goes for other emerging economies , says Horace dediu , an independent mobile analyst at asymco .

  13. 移动行业分析师霍勒斯?德迪乌(HoraceDediu)估计,到2017年年底,iOS设备及应用加起来将会为苹果贡献逾1万亿美元的累计收入。

    Mobile industry commentator Horace Dediu has estimated that iOS devices and apps will together have generated over $ 1tn in revenues for Apple by the end of 2017 .

  14. 政府官员们承认,Reit相关法规不会很快制定完成。而房地产行业分析师昨日表示,推出Reit的时间表尚不明确。

    Government officials admitted that the introduction of Reit legislation was not imminent , and real estate analysts said yesterday the timetable for launching Reits remained unclear .

  15. 索尼和任天堂都拥有自己的平台,他们想维持控制地位,从平台上赚到尽可能多的钱。IHSMarkit的游戏行业分析师史蒂夫•贝利(SteveBailey)说,但如今,市场状况已发生了很大变化。

    Sony and Nintendo own their platforms and want to retain control and make as much money as possible from them , says Steve Bailey , gaming analyst at IHS Markit . But the landscape has now changed considerably .

  16. 然而,东泰证券(tungtaisecurities)地产行业分析师邓声兴(kennytang)表示,由于地产类股在此期间普遍遭遇抛售,这意味着新鸿基的股价只比同类股票低了2%至3%。

    However , because this coincided with a broader sell-off of property stocks , it meant that Sun Hung Kai was only trading at a two to three per cent discount to its peers , according to Kenny Tang , property analyst at Tung Tai Securities .

  17. 根据行业分析师们的密切观察,宝马公司运营利润率为11.7%,要略高于奥迪(Audi)的10%和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的7.9%。

    Its operating profit margin , closely watched by industry analysts , was as such a little higher at 11.7 % than that of its luxury rivals Audi and Mercedes-Benz , with 10 % and 7.9 % , respectively .

  18. “推出iphone,给苹果这个品牌吸引了很多新用户,苹果也因此攫取了业内最高的利润率,”美国科技行业分析师罗伯特恩德勒(robenderle)表示。

    " With the iPhone , apple brought a lot of new people to the brand , and captured some of the highest margins in the industry , " said Rob Enderle , a US tech industry analyst .

  19. 法国巴黎银行证券部(ExaneBNPParibas)奢侈品行业分析师卢卡∠尔卡(LucaSolca)说:“当我们谈论西蒙斯的销售量时,实际是不值一提”。

    As Luca Solca , luxury analyst at Exane BNP Paribas , says , " when we talk of his own business , there is not much of a business to talk about . "

  20. asymco的移动行业分析师霍勒斯德迪乌(horacedediu)表示,库克向员工传达的信息,很可能是苹果针对三星展开旷日持久法律行动的主要动机。

    Horace dediu , a mobile analyst with asymco , says that the message it gave to employees was likely to have been a key motivation for Apple undertaking lengthy legal action against Samsung .

  21. MIDiAResearch的音乐行业分析师马克穆里根(MarkMulligan)表示,阿黛尔不太可能采取类似举措,因为她的听众比典型的Spotify听众(通常较为年轻)更广泛一些,因此她在该服务上的单曲不会影响整个专辑的销售或下载。

    Mark Mulligan , a music industry analyst with Midia Research , said Adele was unlikely to take a similar approach because her audience was broader than the typical Spotify listener - which is typically younger - so the availability of her singles on the service will not dent full album sales or downloads .

  22. 研究集团Arete的存储行业分析师金南衡(NamHyungKim,音)称出价太低,可能说明这家中国企业只是在试探生产芯片和存储设备的各家企业的要价。

    Nam Hyung Kim , a memory analyst at the research group Arete , said it was too low and could indicate that the Chinese company was simply feeling out prices for companies that produce chips and memory .

  23. 瑞银(UBS)亚洲科技行业分析师谢宗文(ArthurHsieh)称,自动化有其局限性,具有较长生命周期的产品才适合生产自动化,而且如果需求波动很大的话,人工生产线更合适。

    ' Automation has its limitations , ' said Arthur Hsieh , lead analyst for UBS Asia technology hardware . ' A product has to have a long life cycle to be suitable . And if demand is very volatile , then manual production makes more sense . '

  24. 行业分析师报告已表明了模型驱动的开发方法的重大优势,而向DO-178C版本中增添的建模配置进一步强调了建模在开发中的重要性。

    Industry analyst reports have shown the significant benefits of a model - driven development approach , and the provisions for modeling added to the release of DO-178C further emphasize modeling 's importance in development .

  25. 但是,这确实是行业分析师们的预见到的情形。

    But that 's the scenario many industry analysts envision .

  26. 行业分析师表示,这为抢占先机的企业提供了吸引人的投资选择。

    This offers attractive investment options to early movers , industry analysts say .

  27. 对这一销售将取得多大成功,中国汽车行业分析师表示怀疑。

    Auto analysts in China have questioned how successful such sales will be .

  28. 唐圣波在加入中金前曾就职于光大证券研究所,担任保险行业分析师。

    Before joining CICC , he worked at Everbright Securities as an insurance analyst .

  29. 没多少人能给出满意的答案,即便是一些资深的行业分析师也不太清楚。

    Not many have a good answer , not even some industrial analysts . '

  30. 对于行业分析师来说,微软长期在亚洲排行榜上雄居榜首并不意外。

    Microsoft 's long-running dominance of our Asian survey is no surprise to industry analysts .