
  • 网络Vessel Tone;vascular tone;vasomotor tone
  1. TCD主要表现为椎基底动脉血流速度减低,有或伴有血管张力异常。

    By TCD , it mainly showed that the velocity of vertebrobasilar artery was lower than normal control groups , had or accompanied with the abnormal vessel tone .

  2. 研究表明黄酮类化合物能够通过影响身体生产能帮助调节血管张力的氧化亚氮来改善血管功能。

    Studies have shown flavonoids appear to benefit blood vessel function by influencing the body 's production of nitric oxide , which helps regulate blood vessel tone .

  3. 在生理状态及某些病理条件下KATP参与血管张力的调节。

    K ATP involves in the regulation of vascular tone on the physiological and pathological conditions .

  4. 结论:PTCA后血中ET与NO的正常平衡状态遭到破坏,有可能导致血管张力增加;

    Conclusion : The disturbance of normal balance of ET and NO can induce increment of vascular stress after PTCA .

  5. 生理条件下,ET与NO处于动态平衡状态,使血管张力保持正常。

    Under the physiological conditions , both ET and NO are kept in a balance so that the tensility of blood tubes is kept normal .

  6. 与内皮完整的动脉环相比,AngⅡ引起的去内皮的动脉环的血管张力的增加更加显著。

    Compared with the artery rings with intact endothelium , the endothelium-denuded rings had more significant changes in vessel tension . 2 .

  7. 这两种多肽对血管张力的调节作用可能对原发性高血压(EH)的发病有着重要影响。

    These two kinds of multi - peptides'regulating effect on blood vessel tension may have major influences on essential hypertension ( EH ) .

  8. 本文提示PGI2在维持正常脑血管张力与脑血流量上具有重要作用。

    It seems that PGI_2 plays a more important role in the maintenance of normal cerebral vessel tension and blood flow volume .

  9. 在离体血管张力实验,COC组的收缩反应与对照组相比,明显减弱(P<005)。

    In the isolated vascular tension experiment , the contraction response of COC group was significantly reduced compared with that of control group .

  10. 实验提示,内源性CO对血管张力具有重要的调节作用;HO活性和内源性CO生成增加是败血症休克时低血压发生的重要机制之一。

    It is concluded that endogenous CO derived from vascular muscle cells plays an important role in regulating vascular tone , and the up regulation of HO activity followed by subsequent CO production contributes to hypotension pathogenesis during septic shock .

  11. 近来资料表明内源性一氧化碳对生理和病理状态下的血管张力有重要的调节作用。目前尚不清楚内源性HO/CO系统是否参与平滑肌细胞增殖过程的调节。

    Recently it is suggested that endogenous CO plays an important role in regulating vascular tone under both physiological and pathological conditions , but it is not clear whether endogenous HO / CO system regulates vascular smooth muscle cells ( VSMC ) proliferation .

  12. 星状神经节阻滞(SGB)可使脑循环产生不同的效应,包括脑血流量、脑血管张力及脑血流速度等。

    Stellate ganglion block ( SGB ) will produce different effects on cerebral circulation , including cerebral blood flow , cerebral vascular tone and cerebral blood flow velocity and so on .

  13. 表明(1)DMAP能维持血压和外周血管张力平稳,使心脏舒缩性能短暂轻度增强;

    These results suggest that ( 1 ) DMAP increases the systolic and diastolic properties , of the heart temporarily and slightly , and remains the blood pressure and peripheral vascular tone unaltered ;

  14. 在急性缺氧所致肺血管张力增高的基础上,输入空气可使PVR进一步增高,但增高的幅度显著低于空气栓塞单独作用时;

    On the basis of increased tension of the pulmonary vessels induced by acute hypoxia , the infusion of air into the right ventricle could further increase the PVR but the amplitude of increment was markedly smaller than that induced by air-embolism alone .

  15. 阴离子通道在维持大鼠血管张力中的作用

    Role of Anion Channel in Maintaining Vascular Tone in Rat Aorta

  16. 聚集的血小板对血管张力的影响及内皮细胞舒血管因子的作用

    Effect of aggregating platelet on vascular tension and the role of EDRF

  17. 小血管张力测量与小血管减张缝合技术研究

    Tensile strength measurement and relaxation suture of small blood vessels

  18. 观察不同的离子替代后血管张力的变化。

    The change of vascular tone was observed after different ion substitution .

  19. 血管张力持续升高是血管舒缩活动异常所致,血管舒缩活动则取决于平滑肌的收缩与舒张状态。

    The increased vascular resistance is caused by abnormal activity of vessels .

  20. Cl~-通道活动对自发性高血压大鼠血管张力的影响

    Effect of the chloride channel activity on vascular tone in the spontaneously hypertensive rats

  21. 深静脉血栓形成血管张力因素的研究

    Clinical Research on the Relation Between Deep Venous Thrombosis and Factors of Vascular Tension

  22. 目的研究巴曲酶对血管张力的影响及其可能机制。

    AIM To study the effect of batroxobin on vascular tone and its possible mechanism .

  23. 内皮源性舒张因子对肺血管张力的调节及其与血小板激活因子引起肺动脉压升高的关系

    Modulation of Pulmonary Vascular Tone by Endothelium-derived Relaxing Factor and Its Correlation with Platelet-activating Factor Induced Pulmonary Hypertension

  24. 急性代谢性酸中毒对狗血管张力和气体交换功能的影响进行了研究。

    The influences of lactic / hydrochloric acidosis on pulmonary vasoconstriction and gas exchanges were investigated in 36 dogs .

  25. 而内皮功能不全可以导致冠状动脉血管张力调节机能受损并且启动粥样硬化的过程。

    Endothelial dysfunction can lead to coronary vascular tone control mechanism may be damaged and start the process of atherosclerosis .

  26. 一氧化氮(No)是体内重要的气体信使分子,不仅能调节血管张力,还被认为是一种抗炎分子;

    Besides its action on vasomotor tone regulation , nitric oxide ( NO ) is recognized to be an anti-inflammatory molecule .

  27. 能够感受氧压变化的钾离子通道称为氧敏感钾离子通道,氧敏感钾离子通道参与调节神经分泌细胞的分泌活动、血管张力及神经元的兴奋性。

    Oxygen sensitive potassium channels can sense the change of oxygen pressure and mediate modifications in cell excitability , contractivity and secretory activity .

  28. 实验结果表明,消炎痛对常氧下脑血管张力没有影响,但可抑制低氧高二氧化碳引起的脑血管扩张反应。

    The results showed that indomethacin had no effects on cerebrovascular tension , but attenuated the hypoxia and high CO 2 induced vasodilatation .

  29. 利用灌流肌槽这种体外模型,从调节血管张力的角度出发进行实验。

    From the view of regulating arterial tension , the in vitro canine coronary artery model of muscular perfusion was applied in the experiment .

  30. 脉苏散对脉络瘀阻型患者的血管张力因素及血脂的影响较湿热下注型患者明显,且治疗2个月较1个月各项指标变化明显。

    After the patients were treated in 2 months with Mai-Su powder , the change of every index was more evident than that in 1 month .