
  • 网络active movement;active exercise
  1. 再次,采用卡尔曼滤波更精确的保留主动运动,分离出准确的高频运动用于图像补偿,更符合人眼观察的习惯。

    Thirdly , it adapts the Kalman Filter to remain the active movement and separate accurate high frequency movement for image compensation .

  2. 废物扩散和潜生体主动运动两者之间速度的差异,是潜生体自组织形成的物质基础和环境条件。

    It is material basis and around effects for self organization of CGC forming that the speed quite different between waste diffusion and CGC active movement .

  3. 疲劳性主动运动训练对脑血栓形成患者血浆t-PA、PAI活性的影响

    Effect of a Single Active Exercise Fatigue on Fibrinolytic Activity in Patients with Cerebral Thrombosis

  4. 认为使用CPM的同时切莫忽视关节的主动运动,目前使用的CPM康复器有待改进。

    The author considers that active motion of joint must be performed in use of CPM and instrument of CPM may be improved .

  5. 1周后进行肘关节的主动运动,结合理疗、按摩及体能(5km慢跑)训练。

    Do the active motion of elbow joint after one week , and combine physical therapy with massage and body ability training ( 5km jogging ) .

  6. 主动运动法在髋部骨折社区康复中的疗效分析

    Effect of active exercise on recovery after hip fracture in community

  7. 基于并联机构的主动运动隔离系统研究

    The study of active vibration isolation system based on the parallel manipulators

  8. 眼球主动运动对眼压影响及其效应利用研究

    Effect of eyeball 's activity movement on ocular tension and efficiency use study

  9. 但在主动运动方面两组比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no difference in active movements between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 目的探讨不孕症患者输卵管在生殖生理功能中的主动运动。

    Objective To investigate the active motion of fallopian tube on reproduction physiological function in infertility patients .

  11. 临床评估内容包括头-肩体位变化,静态触诊,主动运动性质等方面内容。

    Clinical assessment includes postural changes of head and shoulder , static palpation and subjective nature of movement .

  12. 活细胞内存在基于分子马达的微粒主动运动而引起的物质转运。

    There are the particles transport in the living cells because of the molecular motor and the particles initiative movement .

  13. 结论以眼球为主动运动形式编制的健眼操能显著降低学生眼压。

    Conclusion The ocular exercise which is worked out in the form of eyeball activity movement can significantly reduce students'ocular tension .

  14. 目的:观察针灸、按摩、口腔主动运动结合治疗脑性瘫痪流涎临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of combined Acupuncture Tuina and stomatic active sport on cerebral palsy the stavers symptom .

  15. 论文研究针对装备底盘主动运动控制系统车辆行驶安全性能检测的整车道路试验系统及其性能评价方法。

    The active safety roadway test system is developed for the motor vehicle equipped with active movement control systems on the chassis in the paper .

  16. 目的观察在电针及主动运动状态下,卒中患者双侧半球脑电活动的即时变化,从电生理角度探讨针刺与主动运动对脑功能重组的意义。

    Purpose To investigate the immediate change on the twin side hemisphere brain electricity activity of stroke patient in electricity acupuncture or active movement condition .

  17. 以促进运动发育为目标时要通过穴位刺激激发出主动运动;

    Must stimulating active motion in PMM according to provoking the motive development ,( c ) Sometimes therapies are carried out in exercise in PMM .

  18. 主动运动有利于预防复发,运动疗法是经济有效的治疗腰痛方法。

    Active exercise has much effect in preventing the recurrence of nonspecific low back pain , and exercise therapy is economic and effective for nonspecific low back pain .

  19. 在电液负载模拟器中,舵机系统的主动运动将对模拟舵面受力的加载系统产生一种所谓多余力的干扰作用。

    In loading system of electro-hydraulic load simulator , active movement of rudder system can result in so-called surplus force to loading system which used to simulate rudder moment .

  20. 实验结果说明该方法可以较好地去除高频抖动,保留摄像机的主动运动,实现实时稳像。

    Experimental results for many video sequences show that the method can eliminate high frequency tremble , remain active motion of camera and realize real time image stabilization satisfactorily .

  21. 招聘发生在地点鱼类进入可利用的一小部分人口已经被动而流离失所的电流,然后通过主动运动破坏生态环境指标梯度。

    Recruitment takes place in locations where fish entering the exploitable fraction of the population have been passively displaced by currents and then by active movement up habitat index gradients .

  22. 加强护理组在常规治疗护理的基础上,从患者入院第1天开始即设计良好的肢体位置,进行患肢按摩和肢体的被动活动及主动运动训练。

    On the basis of conventional treatment , the limbs of the intensified group were well positioned , massaged and exercised by active and passive movement from the first day .

  23. 方法:康复程序包括康复治疗、康复护理、体位处理、主动运动、被动运动、日常生活活动训练和失禁处理。

    METHODS : Rehabilitative procedure including rehabilitative therapy , rehabilitative nursing , position management , active exercise , passive exercise , training of daily life activity and the management of incontinence .

  24. 实验表明该算法较好地去除了视频序列的高频抖动,同时保留了摄像机的主动运动,稳像后视频序列的峰值信噪比明显提高。

    Experimental results show the correct vectors of camera are reserved while dithers are eliminated , the peak signal-to-noise ratio of smoothed video is higher than that of the original video .

  25. 结果与健康受试者相比,主动运动中患者肌电信号的幅值和频率变化显示出患者瘫肢不能根据负载的大小来发力,并且各肌肉之间发力不协调;

    RESULTS : The changes in the amplitudes and frequencies of sEMG showed that patients could not change their muscle force coordinately according to the load as healthy persons in active movement .

  26. 在颈椎主动运动的过程中,由中枢神经所支配的神经运动取决于主动肌和拮抗肌刺激反应的时间和紧张程度。

    In a voluntary cervical motion , the neuromotor control exercised by the central nervous system determines the time , intensity , and a nature of excitation of agonists and antagonist muscles .

  27. 结果为:3周后,康复组主动运动功能、快速运动变换能力、姿位转换及平衡功能明显提高,与康复前及对照组间差异显著;

    Results : The capability of active movement , fast movement , pastural adjustment , balance and ADL were significantly improved after training . The above parameters were higher in rehabilitation group as compare with the control group .

  28. 但现有的上肢康复系统大多采用开环控制系统结构,较少考虑到患者的主动运动意识和反馈信号。

    But , the current rehabilitation systems are driven by the motor , and have an open-loop control structure . The active movement consciousness of the patients and the feedback signal during the therapy are not usually been considered .

  29. 运动疗法对大鼠坐骨神经慢性卡压模型影响的实验研究目的通过观察游泳对大鼠坐骨神经慢性卡压模型的影响,探讨中等量主动运动是否有利于卡压神经的功能恢复及其最佳时机;

    Objective By observing the effect of swimming on the rat model of the chronic sciatic nerve compression , to investigate whether the moderate active exercise was beneficial to the recovery of the compressed nerve 's function and the optimal time of it ;

  30. 基于DSP的主动视觉运动目标跟踪策略及实现

    Active Visual System for Moving Object Intelligent Tracking Based on DSP