
xuè dòu
  • blood sinus;hemal sinus
血窦 [xuè dòu]
  • [hemal sinus] 某些棘皮动物体内沿着消化道的两个主腔隙

血窦[xuè dòu]
  1. 子宫下段血窦开放4.4%(4/90);

    Lower uterine segment blood sinus open 4 / 90 cases ( 4.4 % );

  2. 气体进入血窦须经过呼吸细胞的胞质、基膜、支持细胞拉长的胞质这三层结构。

    When the air exchanges in the blood sinus , they must go through the cytoplasm of respiratory cells supporting cell and ground membrane .

  3. 肝细胞癌血窦CD(34)表达的意义

    Expression of CD_ ( 34 ) in Sinusoids of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Cirrhosis

  4. 脾脏中MC分布在实质,血窦、血管中偶见。

    MCs in the spleen uniformly were usually distribed in parenchyma , in blood sinuses and blood vessels sometimes .

  5. 良、恶性病变肝组织之间在EGFR表达强度上无显著差别,提示EGFR可能与慢性肝脏病变中血窦内皮的增生有关。

    No significant difference was found between EGFR expression in HCC and in be-nign chronic liver disorders .

  6. HBVdna颗粒在死胎脾脏白髓、边缘区、红髓中的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浆、脾血窦、脾脏血管中呈点、灶状分布,脾脏淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞核不着色。

    HBV DNA were mainly in the plasma of the lymphocyte and the macrophagocyte in the white pulp ? marginal zone ? red pulp and the spleen vessels .

  7. 结果CHL系肝脏血窦于胚胎阶段的发育障碍所致。

    Results CHL was caused by the arrested development of hepatic sinusoids at the embryonic stage .

  8. RC组炎症反应较突出,主要为单核细胞浸润以及枯否细胞活跃,大滋养体和裂殖体在肝血窦滞留;

    On the contrary , the prominent features in liver section of the RC group were inflammatory cell ( notably mononuclear ) infiltration and Kupffer cell activation .

  9. 目的研究肝血窦内皮细胞(SEC)缺血再灌注损伤机理及防护方法。

    Objective To study the mechanism and prevention of hepatic sinusoid epithelial cell ( HSEC ) injury caused by ischemia and reperfusion in rats .

  10. ConA对肝血窦内皮与对肝细胞的染色强度有明显不同;

    The staining density of ConA on endothelia of hepatic sinusoids and hepatic cells was also different .

  11. 结论体视学分析对HB肝血窦病变7个参数值可提供量化指标,具有重要的应用价值。

    Conclusion Stereological analysis can provide quantative index for the7 kinds of parameters of sinusoidal diseases in HB , and has important applied value .

  12. 纤维疤痕中可见厚壁血管。CD34在肝血窦内皮细胞呈阳性。

    The pathological features were a solitary and nodular mass with fibrous scar that contained thick-walled vessels and CD34 positive in the endothelial cells .

  13. 结果:N株感染后期,肝血窦、肾间质和毛细血管、肺泡毛细血管含有较多的感染疟原虫红细胞,肺泡壁毛细血管内皮细胞有较多的突起与疟原虫感染红细胞相接触。

    Results : Congestion and more parasite infected red blood cells in hepatic sinusoids , renal interstitium , capillaries of the liver , kidney and lungs in late period of the infection with the N strain were observed .

  14. 本文研究AngⅡ对血管内皮细胞生长因子(VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor,VEGF)调控蛙心包淋巴孔和心包间皮血窦的影响。

    In the present study , the effect of Ang ⅱ on vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) regulating the pericardial lymphatic stomata and the pericardial mesothelium was investigated in the European edible frog ( Rana esculenta ) .

  15. 结果显示:与D组比较,C组椎间盘退变明显,椎体骨髓血窦普遍扩大,提示可能有骨内高压存在;

    The results showed that in comparison of Group D , the degeneration of the intravertebral disc was obvious and marrow . sinus of the vertebral body was generally enlarged in Group C , indicating that the high pressure might exist inside the bone .

  16. 24h时可见大片坏死灶,周围有大量淋巴细胞浸润,血窦充血减轻。

    At 24h , there more edema liver cells and enlarged necrotic foci which surrounded by a large number of lymphocyte infiltration , but the congestion of sinusoids were reduced .

  17. 结果:移植大鼠存活时间平均为135.10±46.12分钟,肝细胞发生弥漫性水样变性,IgG和IgM沉积于血管内皮细胞和肝血窦。

    Results : The mean survial time of receptor rats were ( 135.10 ± 46.12 ) minutes . Diffusely swelling liver cells were found . There were both IgG and IgM deposition on the endothelium and hepatic sinus .

  18. 骨髓病理形态学观察发现,300cGy照射后小鼠骨髓轻度抑制,血窦扩张充血;

    Slight myelosuppression and marrow sinus dilation and congestion were seen after 300 cGy irradiation .

  19. 结果注射IC后的24小时,IC主要见于血管系统如肝血窦,脾血窦,肠道固有层和粘膜下层的血管,肾小球毛细血管等。

    Results The results showed that 24 hours after injection , ICs were localized mostly in the blood vessels , such as the liver sinusoids , the splenic sinuses , the blood vessels of the mucosa and submucosa of the intestine , and the capillaries of the renal glomeruli , etc.

  20. 结果CDK4阳性物质在病毒性急慢性肝炎间质(包括间质细胞),肝细胞核、肝细胞浆、血窦等部位均有表达;

    Results The results indicated that the positive that the positive elements of CDK4 have expression in virus acute , chronic hepatitis mesenchyme ( including interstitial cells ) .

  21. 以肌壁血窦>5mm作为侵蚀性葡萄胎的诊断标准,其敏感性95%,特异性100%。

    That the size of blood sinusoid was more than 5 mm was used as the criterion for diagnosis of the invasive mole . the sensitivity rate was 95 % and specificity rate was 100 % .

  22. 结果:CCl4肝损伤小鼠肝细胞质中含有大量的脂滴,微绒毛明显减少、肿胀,线粒体肿胀变性,血窦普遍变窄,多有灶性成堆红细胞瘀积。

    Results : The cytoplasm of liver cells of mice suffered CCl 4 damages contains a lot of fat drops , while microvilli are reduced obviously and mitochondria is swelled and denatured , and blood sinus generally turned narrow with piles of RBC deposit .

  23. 应用免疫电镜对四氯化碳诱发大鼠肝硬化中纤维联接蛋白的演变进行了定位研究,发现在正常肝组织内纤维联接蛋白主要位于血窦内皮细胞表面、肝细胞血窦缘的微绒毛表面和Disse间隙内。

    Localization of fibronectin was studied in rat cirrhosis induced by CCL_4 with electron immunohistochemical microscope . It was observed that fibronectin located in the space of Disse , the surface of endothelium and the surface of microvilli of hepatocytes .

  24. 方法:肝门阻断45min,通过对大鼠在活体显微镜下不同时间点肝血窦血流速度及血管管径变化的观察及肝组织的病理切片检查,观察普鲁卡因对大鼠肝脏血管支配神经的控制。

    Method : By way of using Procaine to control the liver blood-vessels innervation of the mouse , observed 45 minutes after portal blocking of blood flow in liver sinuses and liver blood vessels caliber dynamics through microscopy in vivo and gained by examinating liver histological slides .

  25. 瘤内富于薄壁血窦和血管,瘤体周围常见厚壁动脉。

    The tumors were highly vascular with multiple thin walled sinusoids .

  26. 在索之间是扩大了的毛细血管叫血窦。

    Between these cords are wide thinwalled blood vessels called sinusoids .

  27. 周围是红髓构成许多脾血窦。

    Around this is the red pulp comprised of many splenic sinusoids .

  28. 肝脏低温保存肝血窦变化的实验观察

    Experimental study on changes of liver sinusoids during hypothermic storage

  29. 淋巴细胞、成纤维细胞及血窦内皮细胞染色阳性。

    Lymphocyte , fibroblast and sinusoid endotheliocyte were stained positively .

  30. 高原实验家兔骨髓血窦的体视学研究

    Stereological study on the bone marrow 's sinusoids of the experimental rabbits at Plateau