- 名proteolysis

The flavor compounds from lactose fermentation , proteolysis and lipolysis , and the effect of some factors on flavor development were mainly discussed .
Dynamic study of TNF effects on skeletal muscle proteolysis in early stage of severe scalding in rats
Localized increase of TNF concentration is the important cause of protein catabolism .
Influence of Indomethacin on Skeletal Muscle Protein Catabolism in COPD Malnutrition Rats
Mechanism of TNF α and IL-1 enhancing protein catabolism in skeletal muscles of mice in early stage after severe burn
Ammonia ( NH_3 ) is a proteinic catabolite in a human body .
These facts imply that the TNF increase of the muscles of the remote region is affected by that of the scalded region and local high TNF content may be an important cause to result in increased protein catabolism ;
Objective To observe the effects and mechanism of TNF α and IL 1 on protein catabolism of skeletal muscles of mice in the early stage of severe burn .
Rabbits with MOF induced by intraab-dominal sepsis were used to observe the effect of TPN with different amount of calorie on organ function , nitrogen balance and protein catabolism .
Results : Time - averaged urea concentration , protein decomposition rate ( PCR ) and C - S indexes ( KT / V ) in the treatment group were significantly superior to those in the control group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .
The correlation between BUN / CarHb ratio in hemodialysis group and serum albumin ( Alb ) and the normalized protein catabolic rate ( nPCR ) was analyzed .
The protein catabolic rate of uninjured limb was higher than the normal at h 48 , but it came to normal level at h 72 . The rate of the injured limb was higher than that of normal and uninjured limbs significantly 72 h after the scalding .
Conclusion In the early stage of scald injury , TNF α and IL 1 could enhance the lysosomal protease activity , increase the protein catabolic rate in skeletal muscle and promote the negative nitrogen balance directly . These effects may not depend on the actions of emergent hormones .
It was found that after the stimulated plateau endurance training at the elevation of 4000m for 1 ~ 3 weeks protein catabolism of skeletal muscles in rats was strengthened remarkably . Contents of serum testosterone decreased significantly , but muscle glycogen contents did not increase remarkably .
Relationship Between Microbe and the Protein - decomposing Abilities
Effects of endotoxin on protein catabolism of skeletal muscles in severe scalding rats
Clinical significance of the protein catabolism and cytokines changes in critical surgical patients
Effect of Correction of Metabolic Acidosis on Skeletal Muscle Protein Degradation in Uremic Patients
Conclusion The protein catabolism increased after scalding .
Studies on the protease activity and isoenzyme in digestive fluid of the silkworm larvae
Therefore the ketone body has the direct inhibitory action regarding the skeletal muscle protein decomposition .
Relationship between the state of oxidation-reduction and protein degradation in the scalded soleus muscle of rats
A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides .
An enzyme produced in the stomach ; when activated by acid it splits proteins into peptones .
The elaboration of glucocorticoid facilitates proteolysis , thus increasing glutamine release from skeletal muscle for gut repair .
Excessive glucose burden might aggravate the lung damage , increase the stress level and worsen the protein catabolism .
It is suggested that cyclo oxygenase inhibitor could attenuate stress response and reduce protein catabolism in traumatic patients .
Furthermore , additional adipose mass can radically alter hormone balances which are responsible for controlling protein breakdown in muscle .
Correlation between soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor and protein catabolism and its value in predicting prognosis in critically ill patients
Figs are rich in protein decomposition enzymes , lipase , amylase and oxidase enzymes , which can promote the decomposition of proteins .