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  • Vipera russelli siamensis;viper;viperid;hagworm
蝰蛇 [kuí shé]
  • [viper] 蝰蛇科一种有毒蛇类,有时也指与之极近缘的响尾蛇科(Crotalidae)的蛇类

蝰蛇[kuí shé]
  1. 双价抗蛇毒IgY灌胃对眼镜蛇、蝰蛇伤小鼠的保护作用

    Protective effect of bivalent anti-snake venom IgY administered intragastrically on mice with cobra or viper envenomation

  2. 采用Russel蝰蛇毒时间测定(RVVT)检测其促凝血活性,并在血小板减少兔体内观测血小板替代物的止血效果。

    The procoagulant activity of platelet substitutes was detected by the Russell 's viper venom time ( RVVT ), and the hemostatic activity of platelet substitutes was measured in thrombocytopenic rabbits using platelet substitutes .

  3. 蝰蛇是英国唯一的一种毒蛇。

    The adder is Britain 's only venomous snake .

  4. 广西圆斑蝰蛇毒凝血因子X激活物在实验鼠体内的促凝血作用研究

    The hemostasis effect on experimental mice of RVV-X from venom of Viper russellii in Guangxi

  5. 本文应用离子交换柱层析和凝胶过滤技术从福建产圆斑蝰蛇泰国亚种蛇毒中纯化出一个新的PLA,(PLA2-3)。

    A new phospholipase A2 ( PLA2-3 ) was isolated and PUrified from the russelli siamensis snake venom by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration .

  6. 例如,克莱斯勒就生产了道奇蝰蛇DodgeViper,卖给那些为数极少的狂热的汽车发烧友。

    Chrysler , for instance , manufactures the Dodge Viper , a niche vehicle that sells in extremely limited quantities to hard-core motor enthusiasts .

  7. 或许这可以解释今年目前为止,巴特那的bpm医院已经增加了近130个被蛇咬伤的病人,几乎所有被咬伤的人都是被这种蝰蛇咬伤的。

    Perhaps this explains why so far this year , the BPM hospital in Patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients , nearly all of them bitten by bandy .

  8. 蛇毒的研究与利用&Ⅴ.福建产圆斑蝰蛇(Viperarussellisiamensis)蛇毒的柱层析分离及酶活力和生理效应的测定

    Study on snake venoms and their utilizatiom & ⅴ . identification of physiological effects and enzymatic activities in the venom of Vipera russelli siamensis ( from fukien ) after fractionation by chromatography

  9. 第二季结束时,她已经成功穿过了Qarth的蝰蛇洞——最毒的蝰蛇就是那个曾许以她巨大财富、希望娶她的男人。

    By the end of season two , she has successfully navigated Qarth 's den of vipers -- the most venomous , it turns out , being the man who promised her immense wealth in return for her hand in marriage .

  10. 蝰蛇在除澳大利亚以外的世界各地都可以看到。

    Vipers are found all over the world except in australia .

  11. 西非毒性非常大的蝰蛇,身体重而大并有亮色斑点。

    Large heavy-bodied brilliantly marked and extremely venomous west African viper .

  12. 蝰蛇现在只剩下了一台追踪定位器。

    All that was left of the Viper was the tracking device .

  13. 发怒时身体膨胀的大型非洲蝰蛇。

    Large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed .

  14. 这一次我们算是见识到什么叫做锯状鳞片蝰蛇。

    This one showed us why it was called saw scaled viper .

  15. 蝰蛇(蝮蛇)和响尾蛇产生血液毒素

    Vipers ( adders ) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison

  16. 在英国最常见的蛇是蝰蛇。

    By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder .

  17. 四种圆斑蝰蛇蛇毒对血小板聚集抑制作用的比较研究

    Comparative studies of the inhibition of four Vipera russelli venoms on platelet aggregation

  18. 广东产圆斑蝰蛇蛇毒实验中毒性动物的病理变化观察

    Histological Changes of Experimental Poisoning Animals by Russell 's Viper Venom of Guangdong

  19. 蝰蛇在英国也是唯一一种有毒的蛇。

    The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite .

  20. 蝰蛇脾气急躁且一般在夜间行动,降雨后十分活跃。

    Vipers are quick tempered and generally nocturnal , often active after rains .

  21. 今天刚进了几扇蝰蛇的车门。

    Got a couple Viper doors in today .

  22. 改进型的N-001VE雷达可同时控制两枚蝰蛇进行交火。

    The improved N-001 VE can control a simultaneous engagement with two RVV-AE missiles .

  23. 与蝰蛇形似的澳大利亚毒蛇。

    Venomous Australian snake resembling an adder .

  24. ,蝰蛇(Vr.)

    , Vipera russellii ( Vr . )

  25. 蝰蛇(小蝰蛇)和响尾蛇产生血毒液,这种毒液叫溶血素。

    Vipers ( adders ) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison , which is known as haemolytic .

  26. 墙外面深刻的裂缝是蝰蛇生息的场所。

    The walls on the outside were seamed with deep cracks which were a breeding-place for adders .

  27. 北非和西南亚眼睛上部有角状脊骨毒性很大的蝰蛇。

    Highly venomous viper of North Africa and southwest Asia having a horny spine above each eye .

  28. 他镇定地拿出他的捕蛇棒,按照之前所描述的步骤很快的将这条蝰蛇捕捉到袋子里。

    Calmly , he reached his snake stick and the viper soon joined his companion in the bag .

  29. 圆斑蝰蛇毒中性磷脂酶A2对不同种类血管条作用的比较

    Effects of a neutral phospholipase A _2 from Vipera russelli siamensis snake venom on isolated vascular smooth muscles

  30. 在巴西的雨林中,一条年轻的垭拉拉卡蝰蛇正盘踞在长满苔藓的地上。

    A young jararaca snake lies coiled on a mossy piece of ground in the Brazilian rain forest .
