
fēnɡ mì jiǔ
  • mead
  1. 他给我倒了杯蜂蜜酒。

    He gave me a cup of mead .

  2. 晚饭时他喝了一些蜂蜜酒。

    He drank some mead at supper .

  3. Honey指的是蜂蜜酒,也就是小两口躲起来时会喝的饮料。

    The " honey " part refers to mead , a drink that the couple would have while they were hiding .

  4. 威士忌尤其经常被视为老年男性的饮品,对女性或年轻的饮酒者没什么吸引力,但随着各家公司推出旨在吸引新客户的新型威士忌种类,这种印象正在改变,Brown-FormanCorp.旗下杰克丹尼(JackDaniel)的田纳西蜂蜜酒就是一例。

    Whisky in particular is often seen as a drink for older men with little appeal for women or younger drinkers , but that perception is shifting as companies release new variants -- such as Brown-Forman Corp. 's Jack Daniel 's Tennessee Honey -- which are aimed at attracting new customers .

  5. 他们会喝着蜂蜜酒,吹着风笛,直到天亮。

    They 'll be drinking Mead and playing bagpipes till dawn .

  6. 花粉破壁法对花粉蜂蜜酒中氨基酸含量的影响

    Effect of wall-broken pollen on amino acid contents in pollen mead

  7. 枸杞蜂蜜酒的发酵工艺探讨

    Study on The Processing Technology of Ferment Lycium Chinense Hydromel

  8. 鉴于此,本论文对花粉蜂蜜酒的研制进行了一定研究。

    So this paper was made a study on it .

  9. 蜂蜜酒发酵参数控制研究

    The controlling study on parameter of fermentation in Honey wine

  10. 糯米蜂蜜酒的制备黑糯米黄酒的研制

    Preparation of Glutinous Rice Mead Development of millet wine of black waxy corn

  11. 蜂蜜酒基础物质代谢及控制研究

    Study on Base Material Metabolism of Mead and Control

  12. 加香料和药的蜂蜜酒。请给蛋糕多加点香料。

    Please add more spice to the cake .

  13. 蜂蜜酒发酵过程中菌醭形成及防治研究

    Fungus Membranella Form and Resolution in Honey Wine

  14. 蜂蜜酒澄清机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of Clarifying Honey Wine

  15. 蜂蜜酒发酵菌株选育研究

    Study on Screening of Mead Fermentation Strain

  16. 挪威诸神有一种非常奇怪的酒——诗人的蜂蜜酒。

    The Norse pantheon has a very strange drink indeed - the Mead of Poetry .

  17. 芦笋枣蜂蜜酒的研制

    Preparation of asparagus and jujube Liquor

  18. 加香料和药的蜂蜜酒。

    Spiced or medicated mead . To infuse ( food or drink ) with a drug .

  19. 蜂蜜酒的分类及特点

    Classification and Characteristic of Honey Wine

  20. 我们的最新口味:天然的黑莓,芒果,草莓口味的蜂蜜酒。

    Our new Harvest Flavors : Black Cherry , Mango And Strawberry naturally flavored wines made from honey .

  21. 他们已经在讨论明年夏天开始养蜂(克莱恩特别想喝蜂蜜酒)。

    Beekeeping has been broached as a project for next summer ( Mr. Klein has a hankering for mead ) .

  22. 从这些生理活性物质的代谢过程,阐明了蜂蜜酒对人体的保健作用。

    Through the metabolic process of physiological living material , this paper discusses the health-care function of mead to human body .

  23. 蜂蜜酒主要用发酵的蜂蜜和水酿成的酒;蜜酒(除葡萄以外的花草或水果酿造的)果酒

    A beverage typically made of fermented honey and water ; mead . alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes

  24. 酒精残留物暗示了许多史前欧亚的水果酒,蜂蜜酒,啤酒(大麦和小麦)和发酵饮料都产自于乳制品。

    Alcoholic residues suggest many prehistoricEurasians drank fruit wines , mead , beer ( from barley and wheat ) and fermenteddrinks made from dairy products .

  25. 获胜者在比赛结束后会豪饮一杯蜂蜜酒或者啤酒以示庆祝,但是他们不会邀请战败者来共同庆祝。

    The winner would then enjoy a large cup of mead or beer and more often than not would invite the loser to drink as well .

  26. 所有被这些蜂蜜酒淋到的人类都变成了糟糕的诗人和学者,而真正伟大的诗人都是被奥丁亲自用蜂蜜酒洗涤过的人。

    Anyone who was touched by the mead became the terrible poets and scholars , while the greatest were the ones doused with the mead by Odin personally .

  27. 魔芋精粉在溶液中形成网状结构,蛋白质分子和杂质被吸附在网膜上,从而使蜂蜜酒得到澄清。

    It is obvious effect because refined giantarum starch forms reticulate structure , protein and impurity will be absorbed on the net , the Honey wine will be clarified .

  28. 在这个蜂蜜酒背后的故事是:曾经有一个叫Kvasir的智者,他由众神的唾沫所生,注定成为已知世界中最聪明的人。

    The story behind the mead goes that there was once a man named Kvasir , a human forged from divine spit who was the smartest man in the known world .

  29. 对蜂蜜酒的糖类、酸类、高级醇类和酯类基础物质代谢进行研究,以此为基础优化生产条件,为工业化控制提供理论依据。

    This paper studied the base material metabolism of mead , including carbohydrate , acid , fusel alcohol , ester , optimized condition of production and offered theoretical foundation to control of industrialization .

  30. 通过对蜂蜜酒发酵参数的控制研究,确定最佳的发酵参数指标并进行优化组合,最终获得品质优良的蜂蜜酒产品,为工业化控制提供理论依据。

    According to controlling study on honey wine fermentation parameter , we confirmed the best fermentation parameter and optimized combination , finally we will gain the product of honey wine , and provide the ideas for industrialization .