
  • omelet;Egg cakes;omelette
  1. Alfonso给我做了蛋饼。

    Chuck : Alfonso made me an omelet .

  2. omelet:煎蛋卷,炒鸡蛋Alfonso给我做了蛋饼,Bellini:(带有气泡酒及桃泥制成的)鸡尾酒,贝利尼饮料我可能喝了一两杯,贝里尼酒把它灌下去了。

    Chuck : Alfonso made me an omelet . I may have washed it down with a bellini or two . -

  3. 她指出英国超市已推出更优质的加工食品,比如乐购(Tesco)的迷你三文鱼意式蛋饼配莳萝蛋黄酱。

    She notes that British supermarkets have introduced better quality processed meals , such as Tesco 's mini salmon frittatas with dill B é arnaise .

  4. 在约克城高地的IBM实验室里,我享用了这道菜,也吃了另一款由沃森创造出的美味菜肴:瑞士/泰式芦笋乳蛋饼。

    For lunch at the IBM labs in Yorktown Heights I slurped down that one and another tasty Watson invention : Swiss / Thai asparagus quiche . Not bad ! It 's unlikely that either one would ever have occurred to humans .

  5. 我很乐意和你继续讨论,可现在我该吃早饭了,而且Edie正在为我做肉馅蛋饼。哦!

    I , I , I would love to continue this , but it 's time for breakfast , and Edie is making me a frittata .

  6. 你可不想要一个不成形的蛋饼吧!

    You don 't want to end up with scrambled eggs !

  7. 我们打算参加一个乳蛋饼比赛。

    We were about to go to a quiche competition .

  8. 我们有个年度最佳乳蛋饼制作比赛。

    We have a contest for the best quiche of the year .

  9. 蛋饼是极受欢迎的早餐和午餐。

    Omelets are extremely popular for breakfast and brunch meals .

  10. 将馅料铺满一半的蛋饼、用铲子盖上另外一半。

    Sprinkle your filling on just half of the omelet .

  11. 在我上研究生的时候,我的舍友给我介绍了意大利蛋饼。

    I was introduced to frittatas by my roommate in grad school .

  12. 乳蛋饼盘内刷上黄油,并撒满面包屑。

    Butter quiche dish , then sprinkle all over with bread crumbs .

  13. 她想不到他突然来到,匆忙为他煎了一个蛋饼。

    She cooked up an omelette when he arrived unexpectedly .

  14. 非常好,乳蛋饼已经快好了。

    Doing great , the quiches are coming along .

  15. 当你觉得容易做的时候,可以开始在蛋饼里面多加一些别的原料。

    When it gets easier to make , you can add more ingredients .

  16. 我要走得再远一点去买蛋饼。

    I will go away to buy egg cake .

  17. 我准备去吃蛋饼啦!

    I 'm going to eat egg cake !

  18. 我很怀念那个蛋饼啊。

    I very regretted . I missed it .

  19. 接着,我又将叉子叉向一种可口的马铃薯蛋饼。

    Next I dug my fork into a tortilla de patatasa scrumptious potato omelet .

  20. 如果是3-5个单的蛋饼,你就要用10寸的锅了。

    For a3-5 egg omelet , you 'll need to use a10 inch pan .

  21. 那个家伙在吃干酪奶蛋饼。

    That guy was eating a cheese quiche .

  22. 芝士蛋饼是早餐或午餐的完美选择,只需花两分钟时间准备。

    Omelets are great for breakfast or lunch and only take two minutes to prepare .

  23. 用奶酪和咸肉做成的乳蛋饼。

    Quiche made with cheese and bacon .

  24. 芝士蛋饼是完美的早餐、午餐、或是夜宵选择!

    I 'm Kathy Maister Omelets are great for breakfast , lunch or a mid-night snack !

  25. 有个乳蛋饼杯里有只我的蓝指甲,

    Umm , but ah , there 's a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups ,

  26. 一场盛宴我宣布在两天之后举行一场盛宴让我们尽情享用蛋饼吧

    A feast ! I proclaim a feast two nights hence . Let 's go make some omelets !

  27. 我在乳蛋饼里加了土豆,这样做出来的饼就更能成形也好吃。

    I added some potatoes in my quiche , this will help set the quiche and taste better .

  28. 突然一个男子从黑色袋子里掏出白色蛋饼扔向默多克。

    Suddenly one man took out a white cake from a black bag and threw it on Murdoch .

  29. 作为夏季开胃酒是个不错的选择,同时适合和各种前菜、蛋饼及酸甜食物搭配。

    Good as an aperitif in summer , it is also ideal with all starters , quiches and sweet-and-sour dishes .

  30. 这段视频将会告诉你怎么把鸡蛋和碎芝士做成芝士蛋饼。

    This recipe video will show you how to combine eggs and shredded cheese to make the best cheese omelets .