
  • 网络virtual industry;Virtual Property
  1. 虚拟产业集群的提出正是为了解决这个问题。

    The Theoretical and Practical Research of Virtual Industry Clusters Management ;

  2. 虚拟产业群运作管理:一个案例研究

    Operation Management of Virtual Industry Cluster : A Case Study

  3. 基于Lotka-Volterra的高技术虚拟产业集群成员间合作与竞争模型

    The Cooperation and Competition Model of Inter-members in High-tech Virtual Industrial Cluster Based on Lotka-Volterra

  4. 基于实证研究的虚拟产业集群运行机理

    Operation mechanism of the virtual industry clusters based on real diagnosis research

  5. 浙江中小企业虚拟产业集群构建与运行研究

    Study on the Formation and Operation of Virtual Industry Clusters about Smes in Zhejiang

  6. 并在此基础上,提出加强汽车美容虚拟产业集群管理的具体措施。

    The thesis farther put forward the concrete measure reinforcing Virtual Industry Clusters management of car beauty industry .

  7. 低碳科技服务产业分为低碳实体产业和低碳虚拟产业两类。

    Both the low-carbon entity industry and low-carbon virtual industry are two forms of low-carbon technology service industry .

  8. 利用复杂网络上的负荷&容量模型来研究虚拟产业集群的相继故障风险问题。

    This article studies the evolutional process of cascading failures in virtual clusters based on Load-Capacity Model of complex network .

  9. 这正是提出虚拟产业集群管理理论与实务研究的初衷。

    On this basis , Intention to the theoretical and practical study of Virtual Industry Clusters management was put forward .

  10. 由此来解释虚拟产业群的运作管理过程与作用。

    Through above description and discussion , the process and role of operational management of virtual industry clusters were outlined and explained .

  11. 虚拟产业集群知识系统是开放、远离平衡态、非线性的,虚拟产业集群知识系统是自组织系统。

    The knowledge system of virtual industry is open , far away from equilibrium , non-linear . It is a self-organizational sys - tem .

  12. 复杂性科学的兴起为产业集群尤其是基于网络集聚的虚拟产业集群的研究提供了新的分析工具,这种工具能够克服传统分析方法的不足。

    The rise of complexity science provides a new analysis tool to study of industry clusters and can overcome the deficiencies of traditional methods .

  13. 在经济全球化,区域化以及专业化快速发展的背景下,以组织接近为主要特征的虚拟产业集群应运而生,并逐渐成为组织形式发展的一种趋势。

    In the context of economic globalization and regionalization , virtual industrial clusters formed and it has gradually became the development trend of enterprises organizational form .

  14. 虚拟产业集群是一种松散的企业网络组织,在网络信息技术的支持下成为虚拟企业构建与运作的基础平台。

    VIC is a loose network organization of enterprises and it becomes the foundation platform of virtual enterprises with the supporting of information technology of network .

  15. 为了更好地促进其发展,文章将进一步阐述虚拟产业集群的概念、特征、运作结构及其研究意义。

    In order to promote its development better , this paper will explain its definition , characters , operation structure and research meaning of virtual industry clusters further .

  16. 虚拟产业群作为一种虚拟的企业网络组织,成为构建与运作虚拟企业的基础平台。

    In the global virtual business framework of virtual industry cluster , a kind of networked virtual organization was proposed as the platform to create and operate virtual enterprise .

  17. 重点讨论了虚拟产业集群网络的结构特征、企业自身特征分布的差异性和集群系统风险之间的关系。

    Especially , the relations of network structural characteristics of virtual clusters , distribution characteristics of virtual enterprises and system risks are explored . In the last , the risk prevention mechanism is proposed .

  18. 试图通过山西磁性材料虚拟产业集群的实证研究,探索一种适合我国国情并且能够推动区域经济发展的新的产业组织形态。

    This article through the real diagnosis research of Shanxi Magnetic Material Virtual industry cluster , attempts to explore a kind of new industry organization form which suits our national condition and can promote the regional economy development .

  19. 论文研究了虚拟产业集群的概念、虚拟产业集群的特征、虚拟产业集群与其他相关概念的区别与联系以及虚拟产业集群的分类。

    In this part , the thesis researched the concept , the character , the classification of Virtual Industry Clusters , and studied the difference and relation between the concept of Virtual Industry Clusters and other relative concept .

  20. 对高技术虚拟产业集群公共服务体系的研究不仅能够加快高技术企业自身竞争力的提高,对推动高技术虚拟产业集群持续、健康、稳定、快速发展也具有重要意义。

    Study of high-tech virtual industrial cluster public service has significance meaning for the acceleration of elevation of the high-tech enterprises core competence as well as the promotion of continued , healthful and stable development of high-tech virtual industrial cluster .

  21. 虚拟产业群是传统产业集群的网络集聚,是在继承传统产业集群竞争优势基础上的、基于信息技术平台的网络集群,是产业集群发展的更高阶段。

    Virtual industry cluster is network concentration of traditional industry cluster , and is network cluster set up on inheriting competition advantages of traditional industry cluster and based on information technology platform , which is a higher stage of development of industry cluster .

  22. 虚拟生态产业链的稳定性研究

    Study on the stability of virtual eco-industrial chain

  23. 肖明超指出,国家虚拟现实产业的潜在市场价值将达到1万亿元(1540亿美元)。

    According to Xiao , the potential market value of the countries ' VR industry will reach more than 1000 billion yuan ( $ 154 billion ) .

  24. 中国东部南昌市去年建立了虚拟现实产业基地,发起了10亿元人民币的天使投资基金,并落实100亿元人民币规模的虚拟现实产业投资基金。

    The eastern city of Nanchang launched a VR industrial base last year with an angel fund of 1 billion yuan , and the VR firms will be supported by 10 billion yuan of investment .

  25. 网络游戏有大众性、虚拟性、产业化和民族性的特点。

    The online games have popular , virtual , industrialized and national characteristics .

  26. 论虚拟电子商务产业集群

    Study on the Virtual Electronic Business Clusters

  27. 公司绩效与股票市场的效率具有相互影响、互为因果的密切联系,共同决定了股票市场的虚拟经济对产业经济绩效和整体社会福利的影响能力。

    Corporate performance and the efficiency of stock market have a close connection of mutual influence , mutual cause and effect .

  28. 随着互联网技术在全球飞速发展,带动了相关产业的蓬勃兴起,虚拟财产交易产业也是其中之一。

    As the rapid development of the internet technology , there are more related industries emerging accordingly which include the virtual property trades .

  29. 然而,目前许多发展中国家的技术学习研究主要集中于传统制造业领域,对于虚拟网络型产业研究较少。

    Most of the researches on developing countries ' technological learning process are concentrated on the traditional manufacturing industries , only a few are on the virtual network industries .

  30. 这一技术学习理论分析框架忽略了技术标准和知识产权要素,难以解释虚拟网络型产业的技术学习活动。

    However , it is hard to explain the technological activities in virtual network industries within this framework because of its negligence of such factors as technical standard and intellectual property .