
  • 网络New Material Industry;advanced materials industry
  1. 中国新材料产业现状与投资价值

    The current situation and investment value of China new material industry

  2. 宁波新材料产业发展研究

    Research on the Development of New Material Industry in Ningbo

  3. 中国国际新材料产业发展研讨会暨中外新材料企业家峰会

    China International Innovative Materials Industry Development Forum & Global Entrepreneurs Summit

  4. 新材料产业发展状况评析及对策研究

    Investigation of the Countermeasure and Developmental Status about New Type of Material

  5. 湖南有色金属新材料产业发展研究

    Study on New Material Industry of the Hunan Nonferrous Metals

  6. 着力突破新材料产业。

    Address efforts to make breakthroughs in new materials .

  7. 湖南国家新材料产业化基地的分析与评价。

    Analysis and estimation of Hunan National New material Industrialization Base ( HNNMIB ) .

  8. 我国化工新材料产业发展现状与趋势

    Present Development And Trend Of New Industrial Chemical

  9. 火炬计划新材料产业的发展

    Development of New Material Industries of Torch Program

  10. 本文的主要结论是:一、我国的新材料产业的分布主要是以产业基地的形式进行的。

    ' Industrial base ' is main distributing form of new material industry in China .

  11. 中国新材料产业的发展的特殊性决定了该产业的市场运作行为的特殊性。

    Particularity of development in Chinese new material industry determines particularity in its market operation .

  12. 我国材料产业尤其是新材料产业正处于强劲发展的重要阶段。

    Materials industry especially new material industry in China , is in the important stage .

  13. 可再生资源为原料的新材料产业&生态塑料

    The coming of " ecoplastics " & a new bulk material industry based on renewable resources

  14. 浅谈青海发展新材料产业的优劣

    Brief Discussion about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Developing the New Material Industry in Qinghai Province

  15. 从某种角度来说,高新技术产业的发展实际上就是新材料产业的发展。

    In a sense , the development of new technology equals to that of new materials industries .

  16. 这些产业部门为江西省新材料产业的发展奠定了良好的经济技术基础,并提供了巨大的市场空间。

    Among those industrial sectors provide new materials industry with a good foundation , and provide a huge market .

  17. 以此为襄阳市有关部门制定新材料产业集群发展规划提供决策依据。

    For this Xiang yang relevant municipal departments for new material industrial cluster development planning to provide decision-making basis .

  18. 该部分从四个方面对新材料产业化基地的建设建言献策:①在集群环境中培育企业技术创新;

    This part gives some advice from four aspects : ( 1 ) Cultivate corporation technology innovation under clustering circumstance ;

  19. 材料产业是整个国民经济发展的根基型产业,新材料产业对整个材料产业具有导向性作用,是国家战略新兴产业。

    Material industries are the basic industries in national economic development , among which new material industries , play a guidance role .

  20. 新材料产业缺乏龙头企业,产品质量不高造成产业链中断等。

    Thirdly , the new material industry is lack of the leading enterprise and the unqualified products break off its industrial chain .

  21. 随着产出规模的扩大,我国新材料产业的技术进步贡献率却不断降低,特别是2005年产出急剧增长的同时伴随着效率不再提升的现象。

    However , along with expanding scale of output , contribution rate of technological advancement was continuously decreasing , especially in year 2005.4 .

  22. 大力发展有色金属新材料产业,加速有色金属新材料的研究和开发,对促进国民经济的可持续发展具有极其重要的战略意义。

    Developing nonferrous metal materials industry and accelerating the R & D of advanced nonferrous metal materials will necessarily be of strategic significance .

  23. 近二十年来,随着对各种超细粉体材料需求量的快速增长,超细粉碎技术在现代高技术新材料产业中得到应用;

    By the increase of ultramicro floury material in recent twenty years , ultramicro grind technology has been applied in modern new material industry .

  24. 建议抓住时机重视和发展来源于可再生资源的生物材料-生态塑料,使之成为一个可持续发展的新材料产业。

    It is proposed that relevant authorities and research institution should take this new cycle of oil crisis to develop a new bulk material industry based on renewable resources .

  25. 经过十多年的建设与发展,该区域内形成了以新材料产业、电子信息产业和机电一体化先进制造技术产业为重点的发展格局。

    After dozen years of development , The area has formed the developing pattern which focuses on such fields as non-ferrous metal new material , electronic information and electromechanical integration .

  26. 因此加强新材料产业结构调整,提高创新能力,发展战略研究,对提高乌鲁木齐高新区新材料的产业竞争力具有重要的指导意义。

    Therefore strengthen new material industrial structure adjustment , improve the innovative ability , development strategy research has important guiding significance to improve competitiveness of new material industrial of Urumqi high-tech zone .

  27. 应从强化规划导向、建立自主创新体系、健全法制环境以及培育产业投融资体系四个方面促进宁波新材料产业的发展。

    To promote the development of the industry , four aspects including strengthening planning oriented , building endogenous innovative system , perfecting legal environment and cultivating industrial investment and financing system are proposed .

  28. 随着科学技术的发展和低碳经济的提出,新材料产业的发展得到了全世界的关注,新材料产业逐渐成为了21世纪的支柱产业。

    With the development of science and technology and low carbon economy , the new material industry gets the attention of all the world , which becomes a pillar industry of the 21st century .

  29. 实证研究包括宁夏新材料产业发展规划的编制、政策支持体系、宁夏新材料产业发展规划组织实施研究等三个方面。

    The example-based studies conducted by the paper involve such three parts as compilation of Ningxia New Material Industry Development Plan , Policy Supporting Systems and Organization and Implementation of Ningxia New Material Industry Development Plan .

  30. 产业用地优化部分,就一二期内的信息产业、新材料产业和生物制药产业分别予以讨论,提出产业退出及改造的思想,为一二期用地优化提供空间可能。

    Optimization of some industrial land to twelve during the information industry , new materials and bio-pharmaceutical industry to be discussed are proposed transformation of industry and thought out for the Second Phase space optimization of possible sites .